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of their State by Creation. S 011 ts our felves ro others, as in A dam his Sons were ; God bleifi:d them to ~ mulliply, Grn. 1. £8. But the holieft men t'fiat ever were, could never con- Chap. 10. vey the ttrw Birlhand Ltfc to any : A6raham could not to I{bmaet; for 1t v-v--v gocsm't by the will of Man, J ohn ••.'3· Whichwrrt6orn not of 6/ood, 11or of the will of the flejh, 11or of the wt!l of man, 6ut of God. And th1s lS to be underflood not only of Chri(\'s quickning at the Refurredion (though thai: only be here fpoken of) but that of our jirj/ birth, is called a quick11ing ,uo together with Chrift, as the foie- Author of a, Ephef. 2.). Evm whm we w.err dead ill./ills, hathquick1ud11s together wllh Chnfl, ( 6y Grace ye are Javrd). And in that refped for, .and by the fame re~fon, that Cbri(\ is a quick1Ji11g Sptrit at the Re~urred10n of our Bod1es ( whtch was there the par· ticular SubjeCt of the Apol\les Dlfcourfe 10 1 Cor. •i· 45, 46.) IS Chnfl the quicbzing Spirit at our firft Converfion, and it is anlwerably termed a Re{t~rrection, Coiof. 2. 12. B11ried w zth him in B~pti(m, wherrm aifo you artrifm w11h him through the faith of theoperatio1l of God, who bath razjed h1mjrom the eead. And this is a work of no lefs Power than the other of raifihg our Bodies at la!t, And Chri(\ is exprelly termed that Spirit which quickens us, and changeth us into his Image, 2 Cor, 3· 17, t8, ver(rs compared: Now the Lordis that Spirit, a11d where thr Spirit of thr Lord is, thrrr is li6erty. But we an, with oprn'face, 6eholdi11g as 111 a Glafs the Glor.7 of thr Lord, are cha!!ged into thrfame Image, from Glory to Glory, evm. as 6J the Spirit of the Lord. It Is fpoken of Chnlt, 1he Lordts that Spn·zt, vrrje '7: 'fhe difforence is in this, (as the very words here do lhew) that it is Chri(\>s Prerogative to have Life in himfelf, as the Father bath, and we are to live by him : .And as the Perfonal Union in Chrift, and this his Prerogative arc infeparable, it cannot be communicated unto others. Only this is to be underflood, toat.the fame Image in that i Cor, ~· ,g, is as' to a Likenefs in Qtlaliries, and a Similitude of what is in Chri(\, according to the fphere and proportion of that Union which is our Lot to have in fubordi– nation under him, and which, in a next degree unto him , is to be conveyed to us, both as to our Souls and Bodies, Chrifl's and Adam's Communication in this refped are as va!tly different, as the Communication of Light from a Candle to another, and the derivation of Light from the Sun to the Moon and Stars. The Communication of Light from one Candle or Torch to another, fets the Torch or Candle lighted, in as full a condition of Light, and to propagate Light to other Torches , as itfelf bath: And fo it is that we are made living Sou!s from him, who was a living Soul, as fully as himfelf, both for our fe!ves, and others our Children. But Chri(\, he communicates Light ~nd Life to us, as the Sun doth ro the Mooh and Stars : He makes them light and bright, with rhat Light which is in him– felf; but he makes them not to be Suns, as himfclf is. There is but one Sun !till, the Fountain of Lighr, and the quickner of all things. I might enlarge, to fhew that Likenefs we !hall have with Chrifl in Glory; both in all forts of qualifications of Soul, as well as Body. But I lliall,by way of Inference, from the leifet argue to the greater, and fo purfue only the glory our B9dies !hall then have trom the glorious Body of Chrifi. Arid it is the proper'Argument of this 1 Cor, I). 10 lhew the vafily differing fiate of Adam's Body, as enlivened by a reafonable Soul, and that of the Glory of Chnfi's Body, as then in Heaven, unto which ours are in heavenly qualificati· ons and endowments to be conformed at the Refurredion. O ur Bodies are the 'tnle par; of us, as Paul terms them, Phi/. ~· 21 . which yet Chrifi wirl con– ~rm to Ius moft g!onous Bodv : And he fpeaks this, 10 the end, that from the tn!tance of this Body, we rrlay inter, from that honour which the vile!t part bath, whatglonous, and heavenlv, fpiritualized Souls we fhall have, and that by Chnfi, when we are glorified together with bjm in Heaven. In handltng of tillS, I am to perform Three things, T o fhew, 1.. What was the fiate of Adam's Body when he was made a /riling Sou!, that rs, had a reafonable Soul that dwelt in his Body. Nt. z.How