Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the Creaturer, and the Condition ~ 2. How glorious the Body , the Human Nature of Chrifi was, being guick· BooK ll. ned by the Godhead, the glory1\f A dam's Body , and his Soul dwelling m it , ~ being a Type of the Glory of ~he Godhead dwelling in the Human Nature. 3· Ti!•t our Bodies, they were made and intended by God to be conformed unto Chr~\'s Body·and Human Nature, in thlt his Glory heavenly• .I ·. For the fir(\;, Will you take Adam's Body, as it had a reafonable Soul joyn. ed to it · and ill the dignity it was thereby raifed unto , at the firfi Creation : The Body of 4dam taken thus, with the reafonable Soul dwelling in it, ab· flracbug and cutting off the Image of God which yet dwelt in it, for that is a fourth tbmg to be handled; It had, 1 , All the World in it, ju.bjdfitJe, andit had'all the World in ir, o.6je{/ive. that i•, there is no excelleocy that is in the World, which he had not in him' inherent : Nor is there any exc,;llency or comfort in the World, but he had fomething in him to take it in fuited to it, and to take comfort from it. He bad, firfi, all excellencies in him fubjectively : There is no Perfection in any Creature, but it is in Man, that's certain, In his Soul he partakes with. the Angels. In his Body, and the Actions of it, and •the perfections of ir, he is the Epitome, the Sum of all the World; he is called therefore a lit/le World. The Poets did feign, and they faid well in it, only the !lory they tell is a Fiction, When Man was made, fay they, then did God take a piece out of every Creature, and make Maa out of it. The thing bath a truth in it; not that God indeed did take out of every Creature a piece, but he framed up man in an anfwerable excellency to what is in any of the Creatures. Preach tht Gojpet (faithChrift) tmtotvtryCreature, Mark r6.r). that is, to Men; for Man is ev.ery Creature. · Then fecondly, the Body of Adam, as it had this reafonable Soul dwelling in it , it was fitted and fuited to take in comfort from all things in the World : It was capable of all the comforts in this World ; and of them above, fame tafte of them: His Soul could look up to Heaven, to God; his Body, his Sen– fes, were fuited to the Creatures. This is acertain truth, there is no Crea– ture, but go take the Originallnftitu.tion of it, and it did fame way ferve for the comfort of man: And look as the eye is fitted to Colours, fo there is fame– thing in Man, in his Body, fuited to every Creature, in the Original Confii. tution of them, There is no Creature, but there is fometbing in Man to an– fwer it, and to take comfort from it, or an ufc in fame way of it for Man's help. And there is nothing in Man,but there is fame Creature ma,d.e to anfwer to it. In a word, there is nothing that i•,in this Life, that we belwld with our eyes, or hear with our eafs; nothing in this World but was fome Wa): fuitcd to fomething in the Nature of Man to make ufe of, to ha.v:e benefit by. And was not this a great Glory and Dignity that was givePL to Adam's Soul, living in fuch a poor Tabernacle of Dull and Afhes, that it lhould have a whole World made for it, fuited to it? And thu• glorious a Creature was Man in his firfi Creation. 2. Go take the Beaucy that God !tamped upon man. The Be,auty which we have now arifeth as from our Garments, from our Cloathing : But the Beauty that Adam's Body had then, it was innate; therefore it is faid, they huw 11ot that they wtre 11alud, Gm. 2. 2). Chrifi faith that the Lilies are cloathed better than Solomon was in all his Royalty, Matth. 6. 2.8, 29. What is the rea· fan of it 1 bccaufe Solomo11, in all his.Royalcy, he was beholden to the Silk– worm, beholden to his Clothes, beholden to the Earth, or Rivers, wherein the Veins of Gold do run , for the golden Crown he wore upon his head, and for the precious Stones that were in tha.t Crown; but the Lilies wear their own glory about them, it is innate in them: So now there was n beauty in Adam and Eve innate, inherent in them, which was their glory and rheir excellency, ond rhey had tba.t then, which all the Kings of the Earth, in all the!t Royalty, and all the beauties of the World put in one, have not now. 3· This