of their State by Creation. 93 3 . This Body which Adam's Soul did dwell in, was made free from all hurt~ from all the Creatures Without h1m, You ufe to fay of fame mens Bod1es,that Chap. to, they are fhot· free; why, A dam was flwt-free ! as ! may fay, from all lam ~ from the Creatures : There was not a Gnat to !bng h1m, or a Flea, (I mftance in thefe lower Creatures to exemplifie how free he was from all evil.;} therefore though he Jived in a hot Country (for Poradife was feared ne'l,t 'J'Ja6;·1oTJ, a very hot Climate) yet he could lleep qutetly, though naked, he· was expo· fed neither to Sun or Weather, to have receiVed any hurt from thence, for he was naked, and he had as great a comfort in his Life that way, and a freedom from all injury, infinitely more than we have now. He had no ficknefs, nor no difeafes, nor no fuffering of any kind. 4 . His Body had Immortality, it fl1ould never have died; forinRom. 5· ''i: it is faid, that 'Death entred6y fin; and therefore, 1f he had not finned, he ihould not have died. Thefe were the Perfections of AdamJ Body , as it was firft Created; he h~d a World made for him ; he.had a World in him. He was free from all evil, free from pain. He was Immortal; that Soul of his, dwelling in that Body, flwuld never have been parted. And he had rhat na~ tive original Beauty, which putteth down all the Acfditions of any l<ind where– by Mannowacquireth a Beauty to himfelf. Thefe, I fay, were the Privi– ledges of that Body, which by tha ~e.afonable Soul of Adam, having the I• mage of God, it was raifed up to, by the Union of that Soul to that Body , and he ibould have conveyed this to all his Pofterity as "'publick Per– fon. Yea, but now let me tell you alfo, how ihort it fell of that Spiritual Body which Jefus Chrift, the Jecond Adam bringeth with him, whereof this Body of Adam's was but a Type, and fo you fhall fee what willlofe it notwith– fianding it was thus perfect. r. For the original of this Body; It was but an. Animal Body, it was but Earth, and all the Senfes in the Body, and whatever was in the Body and the Soul, as it was ;oyned to this Body, and working by the Body, and in the Body , was but Eutb. It had actions as a Soul, which it works without the hdp of the Body outward, toward God; but the ad:ions which it wrought in the Body, they were all but earthy ; fuited to ear.thy things : The firfl Ma?J i& of the Earth, em•thy; and is no better, The Apo(\[e in this r Cor, 1 5.46, 47• (!le, you fee, fpeal<Sof .t!.damat his belt; if you take his corporeal State, as the refljo1Ja61e Soul did work, and did dwell in his Body, he fpcaks meerly you fee of it, and as he calleth the Law the 6eggarty Rudimmts of the World, in compartfon of the Gofpel, fo faith he this State of Adarn' J Body , though it had this Soul in it, it was but earthy, and it was fuited to take comfort from Earthly things, if you take the Animal and Bodily State of it. In Phit. ~· 2.1, We tranflate it Our vile Bodies; but the truth is, in the Original it is our humble Bodies, our mea11 Bodits, that depend upon, and are beholding unto eating and drinking, and the allions that follow thereupon, which humble them, and Lower them.L11ke 1. 48, He hadregard to the lowli1ufs.ofhi. Ha~tdmaid; it is the fameword we tranflate vile Bodies, the lowlinefs of our Bo– dies, or our mean Bodies,whofe Life and Subfifrence depends upon fuch mean Actions as we do, nnd poor Creatures without us: And Adam d1d fo too. His Body was an earthly Body, that had fuch earthly actions as thele arc. 2. His Bpdy, though it wa.s not expofed to hurt or injuries , ycr it was in a dependence upon Creatures, it depended upon meat, and drink,and lletp, and upon all fuch things to uphold it fdf. 3.Though it was notSubject todying,yet it was Subjed: to many alterations, If Adam had begotten a Child, it would have been been little when it had been born, it muft have grown in augmenution. He was·Subject to cxpenfe of Spirits, to wearinefs, and therefore refrefhed himfelfby lleep and by meats: So as though. he had not adecay \n the whole by death; yet he had a decay in the parts winch was fupplied and renewed again ; even as we now have not the fame Bodies we had, when w· were firft born; for our Spirits wall, and our Blood wafts, and new comes in the room; It is the fame Body indeed, becau(e