Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State byCreation. the Body have kept it felflmmortal, nor could the Soul have kept that Body ~ Immortal· The tempenture of his Body would never of it fdf, and its own Ch.p. 10, mixture, 'been fo equally_ poifed, but it would have been ruinated; only ..__..-V'-' he was under God> Pretechon , he was under Gods Promife, he was under the Covenant of the Tr<e of L:fe, and fo he {hould have been Immortal. And to me, this is clearly hinted in thofe words, Tho11 a~t dttf!, htil he; that is, in thlt thou art nor hln to du(\ agamtt doth not anfe lrom the Con(\tn~Cwn of thy Original, for thou an but a Ou(\-heap, and thou :'ilt eafily mould, and fall to nothing, it is eafy for durt to return to dufl:; butlt ts my ProteCl: on that bath kept thee from falling to du!l; and therefore the Lord faith, Th•u are du(l, aJJdto duf/ thou fb,;!t rtttiYtl; I will now withdraw this Promife of ProteCl:ton from thee, and then to du(\ thou /halt return. Which evidently implyeth , That he was not Immortal from the Union of Soul and Body, or from the Confiirution of his own Body, but that the Covenant of Works, to which the Prcmtfe was m1de, that was everla(\ingly to keep him, fo he was Immortal, Here is the State of Adams Body, and fo I have difpatched the firfl: thing that I was rodo, namely to fl1ew you what was the State of .Adam'r Body in his firfl Creation, when he was mode a!ivi11g Sou!. I am, Secondly, to fl1cw you unto what a glorious State and condir on the Union of the Godhead muf!: needs raife up the Body of Chri(l when he had per· form~d the work of Redemption (for that is the Apofl:les Scope here) that as t he Soul of Adamdid advance a poor piece of Clay to fo high and great a dig– nity,) as the Body of a Man is advanced by t!:e Soul j1yned 10 it, and did fo enn oble it that it bath all things under it, bath all rhis World made for it, and fuited to it, and it lclf was the Compendium ano Epitome of the World, (os you have heard) and what agreat deal of difference there is between the Body of a Man, having a rea(on•ble Soul joyned to it, and dwelling in it,and the Body of a Bea(\, you all know; Anfwerably, and ina proportion infinite– ly greater (for thefirfl Ad,Jmwas but aType and an imperfe& Shadow of the [rco11d.Adt~m) if that the Godhead lhall become to a Human Nature that which the Soul was unto Ad,1m's Body, will be the height, and dignity, unto which the Godhead will raife that Human Nature. If, faith the l~pP!l le , tbt fi~fl AdamwM "living Sot~/; that is, If that reafonable Soul Wi1ich Adam had created for him , and put into his Body, upon which God flamped his Image, did fo enliven~ Body ot Earth, raife it to fuch a glorious Condition; oil which wa~ but a Type and an imperfeCl: Shadow offomething more Perfeel: t0 come; Thtn, faith he, the [rcond Adammuj/6t a qulckmng Spirit; and by Spi it, he m~aneth the Godhead of the Son of God, which did quicken or communi· cate a glory fuitable ( it mu(\ needs do fo) unto the Human Nature it aJTumed; To what aglorious Life then mufl that Human Nature be ordained unto, which the Godhead becometh , as it were, the Soul , and is a qt~icklling Spi· rffl · Now ro /hew you what that State of Body is that Jelu$ Chri(\ is to have, and hath in Heaven, and is due unto him by virtue of the Union of the Human Nature with the Godhead, I flJall only give you what Arguments the Text af· fordcth. And there are three things in the Text, from which it m•y bcarcru. ed, which indeed do all three come unto one, yet there is by way ofArgum~nt fomething difl:inCl: in them all. Firll, The Apofl:le argues it from the inhabitation of the Godhead in the Bo– dy and Human Nature of Chrifl:, that it is united to a Spirit, ro the Godhead, that /hall qmcken it and raife it up to a proportion fuiuble to it fel r. And his Argument, a1[ have (aid, lies rbus: If that a poor reafonable Soul, created b) God, having the Image of God upon it, raifcd up Adamr Body ro fuch a State; what lhall the Spirit, the Godhead raife up rhe Body of Chrifl: unto? For you mu(\ keep a propc·rrion between theone ann the other: The Union between the Human Natureof Chri(\, and his Godhead, is nearer ond flri– llet than the Unioo of the Body and Soul, and dotn therefore require in a pro· polnon, that that Human Nature, the very Body of Chrifl, fl10uld be advan. ccd