9~ Of the Creat11res, aud the Condition ~-------------- ~ ced to a State fuitable. .AdC~m, faith he, wM atzvi11g Soul; b111 Cb; 1 Jf u ,1 BooK 11. quickning Spirit. . . . . . ~ I iliall g•ve you aw1ld S•m•htude, but 1ndeed I do no~ know what Simili!ude elfe to ufe,and I do it meerly for 1llullrauons fake.Suppole the Sun had a CryHal Cafe round about it, and there were a poor mean Candle in a Lamhorn, what a world of difference would there be. between the glory of 1he Sun 01 ining through this Cry!\al Cafe, and the L•ght that the Candle doth defure througn that r oor Lanthorn l jull <hus, evenm this proportion, ancl infinitely groater mu!I the difference be between w)1at Adam's Soul raifcd the Lamhorn of his Body unto, when it dwelt in it, and ll1incd in it, aod •hrough ii; and that advancement that the Godhead, the fulnefs of the Godhead, dwelling bodily or perfonally in the Human Nature of Chnll, ra1fed up ha Body unto, God hath made here a world, and God hath llampcd a great deal of his glory upon it; but if we could fuppofe that_wluch '1:/at o and other Philofo– phers fuppofed, that God was the Soul of_ tht5 world , what a world of glory mull this world needs have beyond what tt now bath ! Even as much as the dead Carkafs of a Man bath, when the Soul comes into it, from what it had when it was a dead Carkafs. Why, but my Brethren, God bath made a lit– tle world, and that is the Human Nature of Chrill, and he himfelf hoth be– come the very Soul of it; and there is not only the mawjt{lation of tbt tbwgs of God, as there is in the world, but there is God manifcfled in that Human Nature, I lhallexemplific it umoyou further, thus: There is aglorious Redemption to come of the Sons of God: And mRom, 8. 19, 20. the Apcllle tells us, that The whole Creatioll groatuth aJtdtravtlleth in pain, to be delivered from the bondage of Corruption , into the glorious liberty of the Children of God: For the ear11e{l exptefatioll of the Crealtlrt waittth for the ma111[ePation of the Soils of God. Fo1· the Creaturt wM made [t~b;ecr to va1111~, 1101 wiPing!)', /;ut by reafo>J of him whe bath [ub;ected tht fame m hope. Now mark fee how he reafoneth; when the Saints !hall be in their ruff and glory, for ;heir fakes, and to grace their coming into the world ~t latter Day ~f Judgment, this world fhall be new hung, and all the glory that ts now , tt wtll vanifh and be nothing in comparifon of that glory, the glorious liberty of the Sous of God !ball make the World partakers of, and that God iliall do tor their fakes.Shali the world be thus made glorious by the coming of the People of God into it when they are in their glory at latter Day; How much more glorious muft rh~ Human Nature of Chri!\ be made, when the Godhead !ball put forth a full glory in it, whenas that Human Nature iliall be made partakers of the glorious liberty of the Godhead, and of the Son of God l Chri!\ himfelffaith,That tho[t that live i11 Kiugs Cor<rts r~re cloathedin cojl– Jy raJ'111f1Jt, My Brethren, our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chri!l, he was to be God's Fellow, Zech, Il· 7• If he be God's·Fellow, and to come fo near him nearer than all the Angels, and toconverfe continually with God in the great: ell nearnefsthat can be (for he is united to the Godhead) he mull have coflly rayment, for his Body is but rayment, and it P,a/1 be made a glorioU< Body; for he is to be God's Fellow, therefore he iliall wear, and doth wear, a glorious Body in Heaven. That's the fir!\ Argument. Secondly, The Apo!lle telleth us, That he id the Lord, 1 Cor. I'). vafo47· And therefore this Human Nature is to be advanced above all the Angels, and to be worlhipped by all the Angels ; Let all the A>1gels of God wo>jbip him, Hrbr. 1, 6. Therefore !lis Body is to be raifed up to a condition above Ar,gels, You may judge what is due to the Body of Chri!\ by this; Go take his Body when it lay in the Grave, his Soul was then out of it; yet notwithiianding then, when it was in the Grave, the Son of God was perfonally united to that Body, or otherwi fe Chri!\.had not been faid robe buried (as he isfaid ro · be in the Creed ) when that Body was in the Grave, the Angels came ir.ro the Grave to wor!hip him; it was his due that they lhould do fo. Mar)' lik wife when he was in the Grave, (at leall asfhe thought)ilie called him Lord;When h1Ve they lr1id m)' Lord, faith lhe l 01e meaneth his Body. Now therefore, this Human Nature of his, Body and Soul un;ted thus trgether, iJ made high-