of thei~State byCreatiiJJi. 97 hi;;hcrtb.mtheHeavms, faith theSeventhtothe· He6rrws, verfe 26, ltiS "'-A./\ faid of us, Tbal'i.vefb:l!t bel•ke the Angels; he IS above the Angels; hts Body Chap. 1 o~ is nnt turned into a Sp:rit, bnt is made Sptntual, And thts mutt needs be be-~ caufe he is The Lord , his Human Nuure, Body and Soul, is Lord above An; gels; therefore mull have a condition raifed up to a greater glory than theirs is, And then , Thirdlv; By virtue of this Union of the Human Nature with the Godhead; he is the Lord from Heaven; mark the words: Its al\range Speech, that he Jhould be called, the Lord from Heaven: Was ever the Human Narore of Chril\ there ? No; not till fuch time as he did a(cmd, Upon this place, many have fa id, and been deceived with it, that Jefus Chril\ had a Human Nature in Heaven before the World was, and that he came down from Heaven into the Virgin by an elapfe. No ; that is not the meaning of the place, my Bre– thren, to !hew that his Human Nature had its original from Heaven, in ref" peel: of the matter of it, for then he had not took the Seed of the Virgin, he ' had not took the Seed of .Abraham, and fo had not been that proportioned Redeemer to fave us, which the Scripture telleth us he was. What·is the mean;ng then of this, that He u tht Lord from Heaven, fpeaking of him as he is Man ? And in 1ohn ~-· 1 ~· No M tJII bath afcended ttp to Heaven, bnt he thot ucome dow11 f rom Heaven _, evmtheSon of Man, ( he fpeaks of himfelf as Man)whoi& inHeavm? Henevercame down from Heaven, in refpedl of taking his Body there, and fo came into the womb of the Virgi1l. How is he then faid, as he is the Son of Man, to be the Lord from Heaven, and Id comt down from Heaven l My brethren , the Riddle is op·enetl thus, That ye take what was his due, when that Son ofGod fhould take aHutl!ai1 Natl!re, his right , it was to be in Heaven the very fir(\ moment: And therefore 1f he take Human Nuure, with the frailties of it, this is to condefcend from what is due to that Human Nature thus affumed; foas indeed, my Brethren, all rho glory that he hath now in Heaven is connaturalto him, It was fufpended in· deed for our redemption; he was ordained to take the likmefl ofJi•ful Fle/b, as the Apo!\le faith , that he might redeem us, and till fuch time "th:it was finifhed he did fufpend himfelf and his right ; for he fhould never have fet his foot upon this Earth , according to what is his due , if he would affume Hu'' man Nature; and therefore becaufe he did condefcend from this due of His, he is faid to be the Lord from Heaven, and to come dow.• from Hwvm. N·>W hence it cometh to pafs, that it being his due as he is the Son of God for to' be in Heaven, the Human Natute that he affumed mull one day be made hea– venly, though it be fufpended a while for Mans Redemption, and when he hath done that work it mu(\ be made heavenly by virtue of this very Union of the Son of God; his Body mull up to Heaven and be made like to.the Heavens; Flefb andBloodit cam:ot i11herit the i{ingdom of God, it will not bear ir: A– dam therefore becaufe he was not in himfelf ordained to go to Heaven ·, he had but an earthly Body, that is, his reafonablc Soul dwelt in a Body;fuitable to this Earth, but this Man, Chrifl Jeft#, faith he , u"" Heavenly Mttn: And however, for our fakes he took the frailties of Fleili and Blood,yet his due is to be in Heaven; hence therefore (her~ lies the Apoliles ar~ument ) he mull h!Ve an Heavenly Body: Why? becaufe that every Nature bath aBody luited totheplaceitlivethin; Thereuonekindof Fltjb of Brafls, and mwther of FijbtJ, a11d another of /;irdJ: Why 1 Becaufe they live in feveral Elements : F.i!bes j they live in the water, therefore they have Bodies fuited to thu wate– ry Element they live in : Beal\s and Birds, they living here in the Earth, and in the Att j they have Bodies fuited likewife to thofe Elements they Jive in : Hence, faith he, if Je(tUChrift be to be the heavenly Man, if he be tbe Lord from Heave" when he goeth up to Heaven, his Body muli b-e tnade like the' Heavens, therefore he mu(\ have a Spiritual Body. And fo now yon have· the three Reafons couched in the Text, why that Jelus Cilril\ beiog, a quick1ling Spirit, that is a God thatquickneth the Human Nature , that Human Nature mull needs lie made Spiritual, and raifed up (even· his very Body) to :r heavenly State ~ndcondition, 0 Now '.