Of the Creatum, and the Condition ~ Now I will give you bur one Inllance; becaufe if I f110uld lay open all rhar BooK 11. concerner~ the Body of Jefus Chrill; and the glory of ir, it would a' ka long ~time; I wtll therefore liogle out but one Inftance whtch he lumfelf dtd give to fuew how glorious his Body 1hould be one day, and I will but argue from that to the glory he bath now in Heaven. The Inftance 11hall give you, is, that of the Transfiguration of his Body upon the Mount, that you read of in Mattb. 11. I. and fo on; and in Mar-k 9 , 2 • &c. aed in Luke 9· 48, which yet was but ameer tranlient, ilufl>ing, of the glory of the Godhead appearing in him. You fltall rend rhere, that he was transfigured before thofe three great Apoftles, Peter, 1ames; and John and thJt buface did fhi~t AI !"e.Sun, .and h~s raymtnt was white as t he lzgbt; and there dtd c~nverfe wtth htmmthe~rBodtes, Mo[es and Elzas, appearing in glory with htm. And what was thts, bu< to bring down Heaven a little to Earth, to make amask, a 1hew of it? It was to 1hew what glory the Body of Jefus Chr!ft 1h~uld have in his K!ngdom. That that is hts fcope in thi• Transfiguration, ts mofi clear and evtdent; For tf you read the Preface to this ftory in all the three Evangelifts, you 1hall find it in them all to be this, Thr, So11 of Man jba/1 come in the glor1 of his Father, and then he foal/ rew~rd ever1 o11t according to his works: Verily I fay unto you, tbere be fomt f1and– iHg here whichfoal/ not fee death ti/J they fee the SIHI of Ma11 coming i11 bis Kingdom: When he bad told them what a~reat glory he fhall come in ~t latter Day, faith he, there h [ome ofyou hereJbatt {tt aglimpfe ofit : And hence, in relation to this Promife, afttr fix days, faith Matthew a1-1d Mark, aeout an eight days afur, faith Luke (namely after the mention of that Promife) hetakethPeter, andJames~ and John, mtd brittgeth them tip into an hzgh Mountain apart, and there he fulfilled his Promife, giving them a glimple oF the glory of that Kingdom of his, which he hod fpoken of: And hence nowr both Mofes andEliM, they do accompany him, and they do accompany him in that glory which they 1hall have at latter Day; for Luke telleth us , They appeared with him in glory. And that this is the meaning too, is plain by what Peter faith of it, in 2 Pet. 1. 16. We have not followed cutmingly devzj(d Fa. 6/es, whenwemadeknowntoyouthe power mzd coming of otJr Lord J efu; Chri/1, but wereeye.wittteffis of his Majejly, for he received from God the Father hono14r and glorj, whm there came (t.ch a voice to him, from tbt rx· rellmt glory, This is my we/belovedSon, in whom I am well pleajfd. It's clear he fpeaks of this Transfiguration of Chrift; and he mal(es it an Infranee of that glory which he 1hould have to come: And that he cloth fo, obferve the words, faith he, We have 11ot followed cunningfJ_ devi(ed Fabln, w hen iWe made known to you the power and romiHg of our Lord.7efeu Chnfl, for we faw him comjng in his Kingdom, according as his Promife was. And that Pr· ter, when he faith, We made known toyou the power andcoming of our Lord Jefeu Chrifl, meoncth his fecond coming, it is evident by this, becaufe his (cope was (as appears byChapt. ~.) to confirm men in the faith of his frcood coming: And he faith, there 1houldcome in the Jafl days Scoffe~s, thatfbo~ld wallt aftt~ their own l11{1s, faying, Where is the promzfe of his coming 1 But, faith ~e, We have not told you Fa6/es in this, for we had a11 i11flarJce .f it, a11d wfJaw, and were eye-wit11rjfos of his Mojefly: They faw no mQre but the Transfiguration of his Body: And therefore the word in 1 Pet. 1. 16, which is ufed for the coming of Chrifi, is the fame that is ufed for that coming of his in Cbapt. ~· verj( 4· and is no where applyed to his firft coming. I I fpeak this to take away the Interpretation ol fome Popifh Writers that ap– ply it to his firft coming; but the Apoftle's fcope is clearly this, to give an in· !lance of that glory he 1halJ.have, by that glory which he had then; tire word which is ufed for his firfi coming is always another word. Pe.ttr, ,-ou fee, makes a great matter of it, and fo likewife doth _7ohn, John r, '4- 'we {1w his glory as of the only begotten So11 of God; that is,fuch a glory as non< could have but he that was the on!y begotten Son of God; we Jaw it, faith he : _7obn you know, was one of them that was in the Mount, and P-rter was nnothor , and both thefe give teftimony of it in their Writing~: There was a third , James, not he that wrote the Epifil~, but he that was put to death by Hm d, and