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of their State by Creation. 99 a"d he dying fofooo after, could give no Teftimony ofir, but the two Apo- ~ files that furvived, both of them did. Now to confirm further, that this Chap. to. Transfiguration of Chrift in the Mount.' was on.purpofe to !hew how glorious ~ he 0 10 uld be in the latter day, and glonou• m hts Body; hence therefore dtd Etia! and Mo{es, both of them, come and appear in their Bodies: God was pleafed to roife up the Body of Mofes, toget,her with his Soul; and he appear. ed with EliM, and thattn Body too; for Eluu, you know, went to Heaven in his Body, and he was changed as thofe at latter Day !hall be; and they were to tefiific to him his Refurrection, by their having their Bodies there, an~ that he alfoihould come unto glory after he had fuffered. Mofes, he was in his Body too, not only becaufe he was called Mofes, which was argument onough, but they are faid to be two men, Luke 9; 29. If Etias had his Body, certam• Jy Mofes had; and the fcop ' was to !hew the glory of the body of Chrift, and therefore both were in their bodies. The Lord had made two Promifes to Mofes, the ene, that he jho11ld[ee his face; the other, that hewotttdJpeak with • him mouth to moruh: And here he hath made a fecond f•lfilhng of I!; tor the Son of God, whom he had prophdied of, fpeaks with him mouth to mouth, 8'r•d he beholds his face in his glory, Now to fpeak a little of this glory that was thus appearing in the body of Chrift.. · . It was an tnternal glory; it was not a glory that did ihine about Chrifi, as , if the Sun ihould ihine upon a Glafs, or upon a thing makmg it to ihine, it wos not exrrinftcal, it came from within, it was the Godhead quiclming him; and rhere1ore he is faid to be trmJSftgured, and his face to}hine 1t1 the Stm: h was not that the Sun did ihine upon his face, and made it to ihine. And hence it was that his very Garmmts did}hine; fo faith Mark, Chap. 9• ver(. ~- And ..his Raiment became}billing, excceeding white as Snow: fo as 110 F11tler on E11rth catJ white them, Therefore the glory of his Garments was from the glo~y appeared in his Body, and his Garments did ihine by a redundancy, by an overplus; for if it had been by an external light, it would have fain firft upon his garments, and then upon his body;· but here it falleth upon his body firft, and that is made the reafon why hii garments did thus ihine. T he glory that Mofes had, who was Chrifl's Type, it was but an external glory put up· Oil the face of Mofn, by reafonof his talking with God, but the glory that Chrift's body had was from the breakings forth of the Godhead within it. And that is the difference (by the way) between worldly glory and heavenly gloryi heavenly glory fpringeth from within, and fo diffufeth it felf to the body, from the Spirit's dwelling in the Saints, and from the Godhead dwelling in the Human Nature of Chrift ; but worldly glory is a meer external thing put up· on men,it is but an outward fplendour that invironeth men. And his whole bo– 'dy wa, rhus transfigured; and therefore Mark faith plainly, he was trmJS(i– gured,Mark 9.2. (not his face only) and his ra~ment became jhilliHg; imply– ing that his whole body was transformed into a glory, which did ihine throog!t his very garments. My Brethren, ifvile garments (for fo I may call the gar– ments of Chrift, they were but mean garments) if they did ihine fo, what !hall thefe bddies of ours do when they are transformed into thetikettefs ofhis gloriot~s bod~1 Confiderfurther the greatnefs of this glory thnt did !hine in his body ; for we do not read of any thing elfe. Peter calleth it Majefly, 2 Pet, 1. r6. We were eye·witneffos of' his Majefly; the fame word that is ufed for that great glory in Heaven, in Hebr, 1, ~· He is[et down at the right hand of the Ma· je(ly o1l high. Tfie Evangelifis do compare it to the glory of the Sun; it is fa id, Hts face dtd fhme as the SU?t, Matth. '7· r. If you lay it did but !hine like the Sun ; I anfwer, the reafon of that exprellion is tJlis • Not that it was a light of the fame kiad with the Sun, but becaufe there was nothing elfe to convey the glory, and the beauty, and excell<ncy of it to Human apprehenfi– on, but the Sun. My Brethren, now that Chrift is in Heaven, it is more glo– rious than the Sun. P rml, you know, he raw him from Heaven. faith he in AfJs 26. 12, r ~ - 1 {r1w from Herwen r1light a/rove the brightnrj! of the S11n (mark hts exprellion, he rifeth higher, above the brightnefs ·Of the Sun) j!Jj. niug rott11d abo11t me; yet it was not the body of Chrift in the Air, but the bo· 0 2 df