tOO Of the Creaturer, and the Condition ~y of Chrill in Heaven, and thisbrightnefs he faw, was bilt ~ Light that came BooK 11. from it, which yet was far above the bnghtnefs of the Sun 1t felf, thougn it ~was confined to that Company , and did not thine to all the World, Confider the greatnefs of it likewife in this_, that it made his garments to thine; fo you thall find it in all three Evangehfts; Matthew fauh, Chap. 17. i. Hu rayment w/IJ white 114the Light; M~rk, Chap. 9· >·That hu raymrnt 6tcame Jhilting e>.•cteditJg white 44 {1row, fo M 110 FufJer on earth ca11 wbite them; Luke, Chap. 9.19. That hU rtlJ'mf111 was wh:te andglijlermg. They compare the Light of the face and Body of Chrift to that of the Body of the Sun and the Light of his rayruent to the Light of the Sun , or of the Moon iR th'e Air, which makes it white, or to the Sun thinihg upon Snow or the like. La!lly, How infinitely did it affed: the Apoftles, though they themfelves were not transformed into the fame glory with him? What faith the Apofile Peter, poor Man? Mafter, faith he, it u good for tu to 6e here; and upon what occafion doth he fay this? when he faw Mo(es and Elias going away. So Luke, Chap. 9 fer[. B• Andit came to paj!, 114 they dtptrrttd from him; Peter ftJid tmto Je[Uf, Maf/tr, it ;, good for tu to 6e htrt: and let tu make three t aber11acles, one for thee, and one for Mofes, andone for Elias : not l<ffowing what he jaid. He had but a little glimps of it , and yet notwith. ftanding, his Heart was infinitely affelied with it: And yet he had a mixture of great fear and aftonithment too, which muft needs allay it: One that is afraid, you know, (and the Text faith, They were all afraid) would rather have the thing removed that he feareth; yet notwithftanding though he was full of fear, full of aftonilhment rather, his delire breaks out, Oh, faith he, that we might 6t wtr here; and ltt tu make threeTahernaclts, faith he: The Text faith,heJpake he knewuot what: And why fpake he he knew not what? Becaufe he would ftay there, and becaufe he would have earthly Tabernacles made of boughs, and booths, fuch as the Jews had, for to be a covering t~ glorified Bodies, that have Tabernacles made without hands, as the Apofile fpeaks, 2 Cor,>· r. For we know, that if 041rearth~ hou[e of this Ta6trna• clt were di§olved, Wt have a building of God, an houfe 11ot made withba1Jd, ettr11al in the Heavens. Our Saviour Cbrift had other work to do; for they had been talking of Chrifts death, which he fhould accomplith at Hierujaltm: And herein lay the folly of his Sp;ech; yet fo , as it thewed how mightily his heart was taken : Oh, faith ht, let m /;eevtr here, let tu ntvtr go down to the World again: And yet poor Men, they were half alleep, they awaked on the fuddain, and they heard Mofos and Elil14 talking with Chrift, and they heard them talking of his fufferings, an unpleatiog Subjed:, yet, fay they, let 114go down 110 mort; and yet they themfelves were not made glorious, nay they were aftonithed , and that ~llaied their joy, How much then thall we be affeded when we thall fee Jeftls Chrift , as he is, and be made like to him, and have our Bodies transformed, able to bear all the glory, and to view him with open face, as the Apollle faith, with an allufion to it, 2 Cor. 3· 18. But we all, with open fat't 6eholdi11g 114 inaglaflthe glory of the Lord, are changed i11to the famelmage,fromglory toglory, tVtlll14 6y the Spirit of the Lord. Here you fee now , my Brethren, what a great glory it was; yet let me tell you this too, that this glory wh~ch Chrift had at his :rransfiguration, falleth thort of that glory he hath now m Heaven; and that ts as clear many ways; it was but a meer refemblance of it, a meer fymbolical reprefentatioo ofit, in comparifon of what that is. For, . r. He did not let the glory of his Body lhine out to the full, for ifhe had, thefe poor difciples had not been able to have born it; Paul, you know, his eyes were put out with feeing it, Alls z6. q, therefore he kept it in from what now thineth forth, and breaketh forth .in Heaven. And, z.Tt