Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of tbe Creaturer, and the Condition ~ tber I w as m the body, or ottt of thr 6ody , I cannot te/J; nor was it any mat– Bad; ·If, tcr. But m the fccond place, bccaufe that tlus foul that thus feeth God imme– ~ Jiutely without the help of the body, bath a body that·mu!l be carried up thitner to it; hence, befides the hopp•nefs that the feu! bath by immediate com– munion \\·ith God, the body hath a happinefs and glory, as the foul dwelleth in it, and the holy.Gbo(\ in both , tlm isproper and peculiar to it fclf. Ju!l fo. it wa: with Adam, he had an immortal foul that wa~ created with the image of God m1t, the Image or holtnefs, by vtrtue of whtch he had communion with God, and his foul thus having communion with God, arifwereth to that vifion of God which the foul bath in Heaven, although joyned with the bodv after the Refurredion. But the" fecondly, as this foul dwelling in this body bcfide the communion it had with God, it had an Animal !late, a Natural; a~ outward !late of life, tailing in the comforts of things here below, in and through the fenfes, both inward and outward, which here the Apo!lle calleth the Natural body, and interpreteth it by chat inGent/is, a living foul, that is a fou! Jiving or dwelling in an earthly body, having all the Creatures in th~ World fu ited to this body to comfort it, and the foul by it. Anfwer~bly there is in the World to come fomething that anfwereth to thi& fpiritual body, and the fpiritu•l !late and condition of it. Now then, thefcope of the Apo!lle I fay,it is not to cornpore the !late of Ad,•m's.foul,as he had the image ofGod up' on it, havin_g immediate communion with God, to make him a Type of Chn(l thcrem, er of hts Ele~ In Heaven; but tolbew, even from that Ani– mal, Natural, Earthy ellate that bis foul had in his body, what slorious fpi• ritual e(\ate the very bodies of the Saints !ball have hereafter. My Brethren, the defign I had is this, to compare the fiate of Adam'sboo dy in innocency, with the glorious ellate that the body of Chrifi bath , and that the bodies of the Saints lhall have after the Refurre~ion: And I have en– deavoured tolhew how the !late and condition of A,dam's body, in which he was firfl created, it was a Type and a Shadow of the fiate and condition both of Chrilf's body and ours. To demon!lrate this, I hne, Fir!\, Shewed wbat condition Adam's body was advanced unto by his being made a tivi11gjJu/, what an high e!late that piece of Eanh,that Jump of Clay which Gcd made Adam's body of, was advanced unto by being united to that reafonable foul which God put into him at firfi, I have, Secondly, Sh•.,wn what a glorious condition the Human Nature of Chri!l; by being united to the Godhead (which is here in the Text called aquick:ni11g .Spirit ) this Godhead raifeth up this Human Noture uato, And now I am, Thirdly, To fl1ew that the State and condition of the Bodies of the Saints hereafter, at the Refurre~ion, lhall be made conformable unto Jefus Chri!l's f?ody ; and there I mull alfo make up a Comparifon between the State of A– dam's Body at his fir!\ Creation, and our Bodies when they are thus raifed up at latter day; and lhew how the one was but a Type and animperfe~ Shadow of the other, That our Bodies at latter Day fuall be conformed to the Image of Jefus Chri!ls Body, the Scripture is clear for it. I will give you but a place or two in f\ead of many others: Jn 1 Johlll· 1, ~.1; Behotdwhatmamurof Lovrthr Father hat/; brf/owedupotl u;, that wr (bottld 6t called thr .Sons of God;Be– loved, 1ow are we the .Sons of God, andit doth not yet apprar w6at we fhaO be; b11t w r b ;ow, that whrn hr jball appear, wr jha/J bt like him , forwr f/;:zO fee him as he i.. Now, how is it that we !hall fee Chri!l l Not only with our Souls , but we lhall Ju him with thtfr eyes , fo faith Jo6, Chap, 9· :>6, q. And fceing of himwith thefetJfS, we jball 6emade kft 1111to hmf; As we lhJJI fee him with the fenfe of our Bodies, our Bodies fl1all be made al· (o like uinohim. Anotherplaceyouhave, is inPhi/.1.~'· Wtlook forthr Swiour, the Lord Jefus Chrifl: As what to do1 Who jball change our vilt Bodirs, ( or our Body that in Comparifon of that Body is contemptible ( fo I hove opened it a[ore,) it is not a vilenefs in it felf, but it is fpoken compara– til>'ely ) that it may 6e fafhiolud according to his glorious Body, accordiwg ·to thr workmg whertbJ he is able evm to ftt6dttt all things tmto him· jt~'. Our