Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the Creatures, and the Condition ·------ ~fiance, that we have here below. The Apo!\le plainly faith t he contrary . he Bot.It 1 r. faith, not that our Bodies fhall be made Spirits , but Spiritual, and tbar' the ~very fame Body that we have now, and bear about with us, even that venr Body flull be glorified. How is that proved? Out of this very (hrlpter, in vrr{. 55• and )4· 1bi& fame corrttpti6!~ (faith he, mark the Phrafe, in the Greek it is mol\ cmphatical ) muff put oil incorrttptio11; it fhall not be another l:lody : Now he mufi needs mean the fame Body tor fub!\ance; for to fay a corruptible thing, r2J!a corruptible, fhall be incorruptible, is a contradiction: .~nd he addeth alfo , ,wd tbi& fame mortal mufl pttt on immortality; and he is not con– tent with that, but he faith further ; Whm thu fame mortal /bait p~tt 011 mz– mortr~!Jty, tmd thi& J.1me corrttptible have pttt 011 incorr::ption : There are four the famcs : The fame mortal , the fame corruptible Is that that fhall be glorified hereafter, And, my Brethren , clfe we were not conformed unto Chri!\; For what body bath Chrill: in Heaven? The very lame body he rofe in; we mull rife as he rofe; for He i4 the firjl frttits of them I bat Jlup, Now it is clear and evi– dent, that Chri!\ rofc in t he fame body he died; for he faith, Hi& body jhot~ld not fa corrttptioll; it was kept in the grave, it rofe again; Feet, faith he: It is certain that he did afcend with the fame body he rofe in; AuSI. 1 r. fay the Angels there to the Apo!\les that beheld him afcend, Thu fame Jefzu( it is a very emphatical place) the very fame wbom you fee takm up i1!to H~aven, fball Jo come in like manner; he exprefl'eth it every way, the famenefs of the one and the other, I will not fiand to mention, or open that place, which is commonly known , Job. •9· 2 r. witb theft eytJ I fha/1 fee h1m; I my {elf, (faith he) and not r~notber, That's the firfi thing, The fame body ri– feth, Secondly, The fame body f!~all have all its Parts and Members that now it bath ; and that is plain and evident from our conformity to Chri!\, for !\ill ) ou fee here , our bodies are to be conformed unto his, we fl1all bear his Image at the R.efurredion. Now it is clear, that Jefus Chrifi rofe wirh every part of his body that he had when he died ; there was not a MembeT. that faw Cor– ruption. And in Hebr. 11. SS'· compared with vrrfe l7· it is faid of them that wcr. fl\ven afunder, one piece of their bodies broken from another, they lhall rife a whole body: Why? becaufe, faith he, they fb,•IJ obtai11 a brttrr Rejitrreuio11: Now it was not a better Refurredion, if that all the Parts did not rife again, and if that all thefe Parts were not mended, or if they had a– ny impertedion in them. And if you mark it, he fpeaks it of the Refurredi– on of the body, for he fpeaks of their being tortured, limb pull'd from limb, fawen afundcr ; well, faith he, they jha/J not onl)'have a rejurreuio11, but a betttr re{urrefiiott one day. Thirdly, It i>as evident too, That all thefe Parts fhall have an ufe in Hea– ven, feme o·r other, in a fplfitual way, and have Objects fuited to th~m. I !ball m•ke this plain unto you : · •· By in!\ancing in fame Particulars. It is evident that fome Parts of the body- an ufe in Heaven. It is evident in feeing; With theje ej•es, (faith .!ob) fhall l.{ee lmn. It is evident in fpcaking; in that Transfiguararion which I have fpcken of before , it is faid that Mojfs, and Elia-J, and Chrill: did talk together : And at latter da)', it is certain that Chri!\ will fpeak fo, as all the World !hall hear him; he {],.11 fo judge 2!1 men, as that every man flJall be able for to judge, therefonl he fhall do it audibly; for in 1 Cor. 4· )· faith the Apo!\le, Judge110 mm1 6efore the time until the Lord come, (and he co– meth as a man to judge) wbo will brmg to lighttbe hiddw thi11gs cf dark– tuft, a11dmake mm•ifejltbe counfels of the heart; implying, Judge no mans heart afore hand, for one day you fhall judge: And how fhall you come to . judge? Becaufe the Lord will bring them all to light, and !le will do it as a Man; for he bath appointed the Man Chrifi Jefus to judge the World. And when I fay he fl1all pronounce the Sentence with a voice that all the World flJall heor, it is not to be conceived that he lhal! fpeak fo as to Thunder, but he flJall have a fpiritu~l voice , and they fl1all have fpiritual ears; and how, we – know Iior, as I flull fhew you by and by. Sttvm's eye, his bodily eye, could feo