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of their State by Creation. 107 fee up into Heaven, A nd he .f••W the Htavms oprned, and tbe Son of God~ flandillg on the right htJnd of his Fathrr; to fee a Man of Chrifi's fiature fo Chap. 11. far off, he mtlfi have the eye fpiritualized, and fo Steven's was. 11.nd fo for ~ · all the World to hear the voice of Chrifi at latter Day, it is becaufe they ihall have cars fpiritualized. Now, I fay, if all thefe parts of the body remain, why lhould thofc have a priviledge and a prerogative more than all the refi of the parts of the body, which certainly lhall ferve for fom~ ufe or o– ther? 2. I lhall give you tlie reafon which fome ))ivines give for it, viz. That elfe it is not a Refurrection u 0 to Life. The Refurredion is called " waking, for Death, you know, is aflrep. Now if there were not an imployment for all ~he Parts of the body in a fpiritual way (what we kno'": not) there were a Refurrediofl of fome of them to lleep, rather than to wakmg, rather than to life; When I awake (faith he) I /halt Jet thy fa~e, P.fat. 1 7· 1 5• 3· I lhall propound you this Reafoa likewife for .it, That the principal aim of God in decreeing men to Salvation, it did fall upon their bodieS as well as ' their fouls. He choie not the foul only to Heaven, and the body to come thi– ther accidentally, but he pitched upon this foul as dwelling in this body, and therefore makes the foul ftay for its full glory till the body is joyned unto it: And thereforo he bath as well ordained that which !hall be for the happinefs and glory even of the body, objects fuitable to it, being made fpiritual; as he hath done for the foul it felt: Tbus having explained, 1. That for the fubftance, it is the fame body ; and 2. That it is the fame body with all the parts of it : And, l· That all thefe Parts have their ufe: I mufl:, 4· Explain what is meant by a fpiritual body, znd · fo make outthe Comparifon between the ftate of .Adam's body in hisfir!l Cre– ation, and our bodies when .they lhall be raifed up ~t latter Day. There are three Interpretations, which being put altogether, make up the full fcope and intept of what is here meant by a fpitit~al bpdy. 1.• Some fay it is therefore called Spiritual, becaufe that all earthly, animal, ufes of it !hall ceafe , fuch as. the body bath now. The eye lhall not be fuit– ed to colours or beauty ; norrhe ear to founds, fuch founds as now; nor the mouth and Stomack to meats and drinks. . There is a very plain place for this , in 1 Cor. 6, t 3· Meats for the belly and tht belly. for ffltflts; but Godjha/1 de– flroy 6oth it a11d them; that is, that fuitablenefs that is between the body and meats, the eye and colours or beauty, the fancy and the things here in this World fancied, all this fuitablenefs wherein God hath made the one for the other, as faculties for objed:s, belly for meats, and meats for the belly, God will diffolve, he will deftroy , he will evacuate, he will make void all this fuitablenefs, that the mouth nor the fiomack lhall not delire meats or drinks, ~c. Why? Becaufe God will dellroy this fuitablenefs, he will dcllroy both the belly and meats in the World to come. As the Angels, they arc not taken with bodily pleafures, with beauty, nor any fuch thing, no mote lhall our bodily Seofes, otherwife than as to that ufe they lhall be then put unto. If you could fuppofe a Man to be taken out of Heaven in the body , he would find I no pleafure in any thing here, he would not be taken with meats , or beauty or pleafures! or any fuch thing, he would be as an Angel. Here in this World God bath fulted one to the other; There this fuitablenefs lhall be dilfolved. Therefore you know our SaviourChri!l faith, Matth. 2:!.. lO· Th.1t they are M the Angels of God in"Her.vm, thej 11tither marry nor gtvt in marriage; and the pleafures that depend thereupon they lliall not have, nor any fuch car– nal thing, for their bodies are Spiritual: Though they have all the fame Part• and Senfes they had before, yet they are turned unto other objcd:; , and put unto other ufes. And hence therefore it is fald, that Flrfb and Blood cmmot inherit the Ki11gdomof Heavr11; th:ltis, take rhefe poor earthly bodies of ours, we are fa unfuited td that glory that it would link us, fo that if a Man l:buld be put into Heaven with this body as it is now, that glory would kill him, he were not able to bear it, he were not able to inherit, it is then a truth that they are called Spiritual bodies in this rcfpeCl: 1 that look, as Spirits P :2. cannot