Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

J08 Of the. Creatures, and the Condition ,___~cannot find a fui ablenefs between worldly things and them : What do the An. BooK !I. g els care for nil the beauty in the World, or for all the pleafures of meats and ~ arinl<s, ~c. Nothing at all: No more !hall thefc bodies ?f ours, when they fhall be rntfcd l!p at the latter day; God wtll deftroy.both 1t and them; that is, the fuitablcnefs between the one and the other. 2. Others interpret a fpiritual body to be a body able to pafs, pierce, or move as Spirits up and down; That our Bodies !hall be able to move Jrom Earth to Heaven prefently.Popifh Interpreters fay,That Chrift's body did move even through the Grave-ftone,while the Stone lay upon the mouth.oftheSepul– chre. But whether t hat be <rue or no I will not !land to difpure; our Prote– I\ant Divines are again!l it. Yet this is certain that that is not the whole mean– ing of the Apofile here> w hen he faith our Bod,es !hall be Spiritual, and that for t his R.eafon clearly, becau!e he doth oppofe fpiritual to the whole animal Life, the natural life that A dam1 Soul had in his Body i·n all the operations of it whatfoever; t!Jerefore to refirain a fpiritual Body only to nimblenefs and agility, it is too narrow an lnterpretatton; it is but to take in one property in fiead of all the refi. But then, 3· That which I efpecially pitch upon (though I tnke in all thefe in their degree) is this, It is called a fpiritual body, becaufe that the whole body, it fhall be in a fpiritual way fuited to fpiritual Objects made for it: And fa, now I lhall come to make out the Comparifon between the !late of Adam's body in innocenc·y,and our bodies as they Jha!l be after the R.efurretlion; and thew you how the one ~as a Type of the other. The firll: Excellency of Adam's body, which is called a natural body, I told you was this ; It had a whole world made for it, meats for his belly, colours for his eyes, founds for his ears, ~c. and as he had an animal body, fa he had a wor~d fuited to it, So now'likewife, there is a fpiritual body we !hall have, which ilJall be lo changed, and have new qualities put upon all thefe Senfes of ours, that there lltall be fpiriruol Objects fuited thereunto: That as the fuita• blencf>betwet" earthly objects and it fhall be taken away, meats for the belly, and the belly for mears, !hall both be defiroyed; fa there will be fpiritual ob– jects which the body will be fuited to. Thus you !hall find in Nature, and you iJJall find it to hold in Grace too, that God bath always fuited objects and fa– culties one to another: If he bath made an eye, he bath made colours for it; If he hath made an ear, he bath made founds for it: And fuch as the faculty is, fuch are the objects; if the faculty be fpiritual, the object !hall be fpiritual a]. (o: If he make! belly, he makes meat; and if he makes meat, he makes belly; and if the meat be earthly things, the belly llall be earthly too: If you could fuppofe a fpiritual belly (but we cannot tell how to fpeak in fuch a language) you lhould have fame thing fpiritual fuitable unto it. The A– pofile, in I Cor. 2, '3· he faith of the I;Joly Gholl (he (peaks it indeed or teaching men how to preach the Word) tbat as he hath made fpiritual things to be taught, fo he teacheth men to exprefs thofe fpiritual things in (piritual language, he (fa the word lignifies) he fitteth fpiritual things to [pi– ritual. So in Heaven, if God have made a fpiritual body, which rakes up all the pmsof it, he hath fuited fpiritual objects to it. There are two in– fiances in Scripture of the glory of the body; the one is of Chrifi's, when he was transfigu red; the other is of S!fvm, when his face fhined , as it had been the face of on Angel, ond l1e loolted up to Heaven, and he faw two things, he faw Chrift, and he faw the glory of God; there was a lpiritual glo· ry w hich he fa w with his bodily eyes made fpiritual. Now , I know youwilla~k tm this Q\1cfiion, If that a Mans body; andaiJ the parts of it , flta ll be carried up to Heaven, and fl1all have objects fuircd ther· unto , what manner of objects flJall thefe be? And what mannerof Sen– fes fl1 dl thefe be ? Anrl to whnt ufes lhall all thefe be turned? What Sen– fes we have here we know, what v/e ll1all have rhere can you tdl us ? The