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of their State by Creation. The truth is, my Brethren, I cannot tell you, I profefs it; I can no more t'WI tell you , than I can tell you if God fuould fay from Heaven that he would add Chap, 11 , a fixth Scnfc to your bodies , and Create an object fuitable to it, what this ~ Senfc , nor what the O bjed of it fhould be; neither could all Angels and Men, if they laid their heads together, tell you what Senfe and Objell thereof, that Jhould be, ·Prml,you know,faith,that he heard words (when he was wrapt up into the third Heavens) that were unutterable, I Cor. I 2. When he came down from Heaven, they were things of another kind , of fuch a nature , that he wa• not able to fpeak them, or make any imprellion what they were upon any Mans underftanding in the World, 'fherefore, in 1 Cor. 2. (though it is meane principally of the things of the Gofpel , yet as evidently too of the things of Heaven) Tbe ear hath11ot heard, llor the eye fun, 11or bath it e11tred mlo the Heart of M. m, the thi11gs that God hathprepared for them that love him. I may as well tell you , how it is poilible that our bodies fhould be Spiritual ; the truth is, it is in nature a contradiction ; for to fay a Spiritual body , it is as ~f you fuould fay a wooden fione : Were not this an abfurdity 1 You would all think fo. And therefore now to tell you what ilia)Ibe the Spiritualnefs of this body, and yet a body frill, and what fuall be the objects fuited to this Spiritu· al body , for my part I cannot; but out of the clear word of God, and this very Text, it is plain that as there was an animal body that .Adam had, fuited to animal things, fo here fuall be a Spiritual body , fuited to Spiritual things , fo much we may fafely fay in the general. Lr~thn· when he rook into con· fideratton this Phrafe, .A Spirittw!Body, faith he, Hie fermo rjl pla11e znauditus, here is a Speech never heard of; What a, Spiriutal body! Yet fo it is. It is aglory fba!J berevealed, that's the Phrafe, Rom. 8. 16. I bring it for this puq1ofe , to fucw, that we know not what glory it fuall be, for it !ball be re· vealed. And that hefpeaksof the glory of the body, is clear by verf. 11. If thr Spirit of htm that raifed 11p Jefi14 from the dead dwelt i11 yott, he that rarjed "P Chn(l f rom tht dead jha!J a!(o fjtllcken ~ot<r mortral Bodies. And likewile, at ver(•~· he faith, We wrJit for theredemption of 011r /;o<i/ies : It is a glory therefore to be revealed, and for my part I cannot tell you what it is; only we argue one thing out of another, and fo raife up our thoughts to think what it may be. My Brethren, fuppofe the Angels had frood by (as it is likely fome of them did , for the morning Stars fang, a~ I fuewed out of Jo/;) and beheld when Ood was making .Adams body, they faw him take a piece ofEarth,and rpould it to a head, to C¥es,to nofe,to mouth, & all thofe partS; what this body,while it was thus a making fuould be made for, ( fuppofe the body was firfr made, as it feems it was, for God did then breathe the breath of Life into it) what thofe eyes, and that nofe and mouth fuould ferve for, all the Angels in Heaven could not tell. Ay, but when oric~ God breathed a foul into it, then they faw that the eyes could difcern colours, and the mouth could tafte meat, and the ears could hear founds. So will God do at latter Day; he will take up our bodies, and make them fpiritual; put new Senfes upon them, as I may fay, or rather fpiritualize thefc Senfes we have, and then what thefe fuall ferve for in the other werid, we no more 1mow, than indeed and in truth, in this Suppofition, the Angels could have known : But when the Holy Ghoft fhall come as a foul into thefe bodies (as he will do, for we are all tht Templrs of the Ho!J Ghofl) and fhall act all thefe, then thole things that are in Heaven, they will know and fee, and we fuall find and feel them fuited as truly eo thefe fpiritual bodies of ours, thar we fuall have there , as our animal bodies are to the things of this world. Let a poor, plain man come into an Artificer's Shop , and there fee a great many Tools, it may be two or three hundred fevci'al Tools , as fome curious Artificers have, what ·this Tool ferveth for he knoweth not, and what that Tool ferveth for, he knoweth not ; the Artificer, he hath a ufe for them all. So when we come to Heaven, what all the parts of thefe bodies of ours fhall then ferve for, we know not now, but he that made them,and made them principally not for this world (mark whot l fay) your bodies were not' made for this world chiefly, that's clear in all the Scripture, this .Text holds it forth, That which was tzaturat (faith he) u jirfl; firft indeed in execution ; a11d