Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

110 Of the Creatures, and the Condition ~ and ajierward tbtlt wbtCh uJpirittwl; God's eye was upon the fpiritual. Now BooK ll. he that did order our very bodies for Heaven, as well as our fouls, aod doth ~not bring the body to Heaven by accidenr, only becaufe the foul is there, and will not part Company; but he pitched upon the one as well as the other; He knows what to do with all thefe Tools, though we do not. Our own expe· rience will tell us, that there may be a great change in the life of thiogs; we eat, and drink, and take in nourilhment every meal; Is it not a firange thing that all this meat we eat, fhould within four or five hours after, hear,and fee, and feel, that it lhould beget Spirits that fhall do all this by the Inllruments of. it? Is not here a firange fpiritualizing of thefe poor Creature1? Thus will God fpiritualize eyes, ears, and all, and advance them to more noble objects ten thoufand times there than here. So that, my Brethren, as God will make a fpiritual body at the Refurredion, fo he bath fuited fpiritual things in the o– ther world for this fpiritual body, as he mad~ and fuited this world to Adam's animal body in.the firfi Creation: And there is nothing in the other world that is corporeal or bodily (and there mull needs be many things corporeal there, for the place is a body) but it fhall be fuited to the body of man when it is thus made fpiritual, lf you ask me rrtore particularly, What one object there is that fhall be fuit· ed to our bodies, for us to have happinefs iri our bodies by it? I Anfwer, The Human Nature of oUr Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, it is a Notion that the Schoolmen had of old, That the body of Chrifi is the bap· pinefs of Heaven, and is fuited to our bodies in Heaven, to be the happinefs of them; as feeiog of the body of Chrill fhall be the happinefs of that Senfe; end how he is otherwife all our other Senfes, we know not, I fhall give you a place er two for it: 1 Cor. 6. 1 ~. 14. Meats for the be!Jy, aud the be/Jy for meats, butGod(ha/J deflroy botbit tmdthem. Tbebody u not for fornication, but for the Lord, andthe Lordfor the body; mtdGod hatbboth rt~ifodup tht Lord, andwilt al(o raifout uf by hl4 own power. The Apoflle here fpeaks againfi unlawful pleafurcs and fenfual lulls : And his Argument lies upon a twofold ground: Firfi, It is taken from a common Argument,Why fhould you give up your felves to thefe Lulls, faith he, feeing your bodies were made tor other things? Suppofe inordinate eating and <lrinkiog were lawful, it is but for the belly, faith he, it is but for this world, God wiiJ de– Jiroy both befly and meats. Then there is a fpecial Argument, The body u not for fornication, but for the Lord, andthe Lordfor the body. Now then, look as the belly is for meats, and meats for the belly here in this world, fo in a fpiritual way (which we know not of) is the Lord for the body, and the body for the Lord in the other world, There are other Interpretations given of this, I will but name them, end give you Reafons againfi them. Firli: , fay {ome, the meaning is this; That the body is made to ferve the Lord, and therefore becaufo you are to ferve the Lord with yeur bodies, give not your felvesup to fuchlufis.- That that is not the only meaning, is clear by this, becaufe he doth notfay only that our body is for the Lord , but he . addeth, mtd tht Lord is for tht Body. Now JefusChrifi is not ordained to ferve the body, that;s certain. And then again, fecondly, he fpeaks of our bodies what they I!Jal! be at the Refurredion. How do you prove that? By two reafons; For firfi, he faith, Tht bod7 is {or the Lord, alld the Lord for the body; when the belly and meats fhall be de!troyed. Meats for the befJy (faith he )and the bt!Jy formtt~ts, out God jhaiJ de{lroy 6oth it, and thrm: and then afterward, he faith , The body is for the Lordtmd the Lord for the body. Secondly, it is evident, that he meaneth what correfpondency and fut· tablenefs 1!1311 be between the Body o! Chrifi, and our bodies, in the World to come, it appears by this, which he faith, A11dGod b.otbbothraifedttp the Lord, tmdwiiJ alfo raife tU ttp by his ow11 power; Implyiqg, that as God did make the belly for meats, ~nd meats fort~~ belly, in a corpor~al way, mart ammal way here, fo he bath futted, m a Spmtual way, our bodJes for Chrtft, and