Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

l 12 Of the Creatures, and the Condition ~have lil<ewife provifton for the~:~ in the world to come, Now to make up BooK Jl. the Comparifon, in refpect of this firfi Excellency that Adam'• body was ao– ~ vanced unto, yet more tull, I !hall only add one thing more, in a word , and that is this, That as our God did make .this vifibl_e world, made it compltat , before ever he brought Adam toto tt, tor whom lt was m•de, and to whom it was fu ited, fo hatll God prepared aglory in Heaven, and he hatll prepared it from the beginning of the World Jor his Elect, for whom it is appointed. Jn Gm. i. J, it is faid, that on thejirjl d.?J God creattd tbr Hw vm and tbe E artb; by Earth is meant the confufed Cbaos, the matter of Sun, ond Moon and Stars, and Men, and Beafis, and Fire, and Water, and Earth, and all : Tbe Eartb, faith he, W M witbotst form, and voii; fo that the matter of ail t hofc Creatures we fee wirh our eyes , they ore called Eanb. And byHeaven here, in this firfi ver{e, is meant that Heaven above, where t he Saints fi1all be for ever. And that it is fo to be underfiood, is clear in the T ext; for if you read the work of the fourth day , at the 14th verjf, you fhall find that God created the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars, which are the vifible Heavens, after he had created Heaven ancj Earthm the firfi day : And therefore, by Hea– ven in the firfi day, is meant the glorious Heaven "hich God will brmg the fouls and bodies of all his Elect unto, when they are r•ifcd up at latter day. N ow , as he made a world for Adam, afore he brought him into it; fo he made Heaven, that glorious Heaven, the tirfi day, and all t he things in it; ( and what is in it we do not know) he made all thefe from the foundation of the World for his Elect; you have a plain place for ir, Mattb. 25. H· Comt ye 6/tjfrd, inherit tbe Kingdom prrpared for ) 'DU f rom tbe begtntJi1lg of the world. And if you obferve the words, he tells us that this Kingdom w Hea– ven was prepared for us : Now read vrrfr 4'. when he fpeaks ot wicked men, whom he meaneth to throw to Hell, that !toad on his left hand , faith he, 'De– pnrt from mt ; •e mrfrd into t vcr.fajling fire, prepartd for tht 'DtVit and bu Angels. Mark the difference: Hell, my Brethren, was not made prima– rily for Men, but for the Devil, for he finned, and his Angels, Now if Chrifi would have kept the propor<ion, he would have faid, Inherit tbr Kwgdom prtparrd for {be holy Angels; he doth not fay fo; but he faith , l nbertt the K mgdomprepared for ; ·ou, fuited to you; the things in Heaven being made as primarily, if not more primarily, for Chrifi and the Elect of Mankind, than for the Holy Angels, though Hell was made primarily for the Devil and his Angels; we do but go into what was prepared forthem: But when we are carried into Heaven, bodies and fouls, (for he fpeaks of the Refurrection) we are carried to that place which was prepared immediately and primarily for us; l ubtrit the Kitzgdom prepared for ,ou; as much for you, and as pri– marily for you in God's intentions, as for the holy Angels that were made in it the firfi day. That which I quote and alledge it for is this (for it is pertinent to my fcope) that as God did firfi make this vifible world, and t hen brought Adam into it fix days after, and when he came into ir, he found all things in it fuitable to him 1 to that body and foul that God bad made: So God, to whom all his works nrc known from the begin– ning, he made this glorious· Heaven the firfi day; he t hen prepared it ; (they are called the things preparrdf rom the 6egim:i11g of tbe world, M,mb. 2)· 34.) This Heaven bath fiood empty of the bodies of men, and doth to this d ay; there i> Chrifi's body indeed now, and fome few bodies elfe , Etiaf and Mo(ts and Enocb, who perhaps are there now in their bodies; but the fhoal and the flufh of Mankind , whom all the things there are prepa– red for , and prepared from the 6tgim1ing of the w orld , they fh,[l not come into it till .after the Refurrection; not bodies and fouls they tln ll not till then; and they !hall find then , that all things in that world are pre– pared for them as truly, as all things in this world were made for Atf,,m. And fo now I have difpatched that lirfi thing, the Excellency of Ad<~m's body; it lay in this, that he had a world prepared for him, into which be was brought at !all; fo 11ath God prepared :>nether world, Heaven , even from the foundation of the world, which the godly, tl.le Ekct fl1 all, when they