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of their Siaie by Creation. they arife again, be brought into, and find all tiJings prepared for them : ~' What there are I do not know, for as he faith in ' cor. 2, g. E;•e hath Chap. JI. ttot (em, 11or e,1r hrard, wh.1t he hmh prepared for them that love hrm. ~ And add to it that place ( IVJth which I Will end this) 1 Pet. I, 4· he fauh, 11/e have an i11beritance i1lcorrttpti6ie, tmdefiied, rtjerved i11 Heavenfoi- UJ, ready to be •·evealed (mark t!Je Phrafe, verfe )·) i11 tht lafltimes, wken we jhatt be raifed ttp at lmter dtJ)'; but prepared lt 1s already, and God brings us into it at la!t, even as he d1d Adam at the la!t,wben he had made the world, and all Creatures elfe in it, The fecond thing wherein the Excellenqi of Adam's' animal !late of bo– dy confiUed, I told you, was beauty. He had a native beauty; as I may fo call it, an inbred beauty; he needed no clothes, nor no fuch thing to fet it out ; and in that refpect you find, that though they were naked; and had nothing to adorn them, yet they were in a glory; for when they had finned, then they fell to fhame by reafon of their nakednefs, Adam had a beautiful body, and fo had Eve: It is faid, he 611i./t the Womart; that expreffion is ufed. But yet all that beauty that Adam's body had, it is bu\ a !hadow to that beauty and that glory which Chrifi will put upon the bodies of his Saints at latter day, upon thefe fpiritual bodies here in the Text. We no where read that the beauty of Adam is called glory: but here we read it is called glory; mark the .expreffion in verfe 43.of this I )th Chapter of the firfi to the Corinthians, lt " fowm i1t dz{ho?Jour (th~ body namdy) it u raifed in glory; The word glory here hath a fpecial relation to that beauty , that excefs of beauty, which God will put upon the bodies of the Saints in Heaven. You .muLl know this, that in Scripture the excefs of any excellency is called glory, We fay that Fire hatll a light in it, but we do not call Fire glorious ; but becauf~ that the Sun hath an eli:cefs of light in it, we call the Sun glorious. We rejoyce in outward things, but if this joy cloth grow to an excefs, it is called a glorious joy, as in I Ptt, I, 8. We rt;oya wzth ;oy u11jpeaka6le mzd /1411 of gl•ry. T nus whatfoever is fuch an excellency as fuperexcelleth, is in Scripture called glo– ry: Now anfwerably the beauty of the body in Heaven, becauf~ it thall fuperexi:el, it is called glory. Whe~ Chrifi faith of Solomo11, That in all his Royalty he was not hke to a L1lly; the word we TranJlate Royalty ; is in all his glory, that is, take all the outward pomp and fplendour of Solomon, that his body was adorned with when he fate upon his Throne, it was not like the beauty and the glory that is put upon a Lilly; I quote it for this, that glory it is taken .for .excellency of beauty. So likewife when he faith, I Pet. I, 24. For aO flefh is graft, a11d aO tbt glory of mmt as the f/owtr ofgraft: the graft witheretb, and tht flowtr thereof faUeth awaJ: He calleth beauty there, glory; fo cloth he here, r Cor. I5·43· It is raifeJ, faith he, itt glory. If you would know how much the glory of the bodies of the Saints in Heaven, !hall exceed the glory of what they have nowl read vrr{. 40, 4'. ofthis I)thChapter; Thtre are Crltf/iat Bodies, faith he, and Bodies Trrreflriat, but the glory, or the beauty, or the excellency of the Celejfial i4 o11r, and the glory, or the beauty of thr Trrreflrial is ano– thtr; and even amongfi the Celefiials themfelves, there is a differing glo– ry, There is mu glory of tht Sun, another of the Moon, rwother of the Stars, {o aljo. faith he, is the re(itrrdhon of the dMd. His meaning is this, That look how a clod of Earth cloth differ in glory from the Sun or the Moon, how the glory of a Terrefirial body d ffereth from a Ccldlial, fo cloth the glQry of the bodies of the Saints in Heaven dilfcr from that glory that \vas put upon the b()dy of Adam, he being in all his glory but an earthly man, as the Text hath it. Take the bautifu!Jefi menor womsn that ever was in .the world, they have but the glory of a clod of Earth, but of a Terre!tnol body, 1n com(Jarifon of that Ceicfiial glory that 1h,Jl be put upon the bodies of the Saints at latter day ; And to fhew the de– grees of glory that !hall be in Heaven amongfi the Saints, comparing one Q Cele-