Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

• t 14 Of the Creaturer, and the Condition _ __::..__________ ---------- --- ~Celeflial body with another, he faith, th~re is one g!o1y of the SutJ, a– BooK 11. 1lother of the Mo011, (§c. Now when I opened tlte Transfiguration of ~Chrift, I did lhew you then, That Chbfi's face d1d jhme a& the Stm: Now in M:Ztth. 13. l4• he faith the fame thing of all the Satnts, Thw {ba/J the nghteotu jbwe forth M the Stm i11 tht Ki11gdom of the Fathtr; who hrtth ears to hear let him hear, Then fatth he, namely after the R.efurrection, for of that, and of the Day of Judgment, he had difcourfed in the former words; and "z!;ey jha/J jhine M the Jim, faith he; although among themfclves there !hall be degrees of glory , as in that place in the Cori11tht<1ns even now quoted, one may fhinc as the Sun, another as the Moon-, another as the Stars , one in comparifon of another: Jefus Chrift will be as the Sun, Paul and thofe eminent Saints, will be as bigger Stars'· yet if you will compare the glory of the leafi of the Saints in Hea~•e~ with this Sun , they (ha/J aU jhine, faith he, M thu Su11 ; and becaufe Chrift fpeaks a very high word, therefore he addeth (as ufually he doth fo) who hath ears to hear, let him hear; for faith he, it is a thing peo· pie will not believe, but it is true. Yea, my Brethren, it is rnofi certain , that the bodies of the Saints flull fo lhine, as to put down or eclipfe the glory of the Sun; that look, as a Candle waxeth pale in the prefence of the Sun, or as the Fire is put out by the Sun lhining upon it in the Summer , fo !hall the bodies of the Saints do, In lfiJi. "4· 23. Then the e:Moon fb,•/t be co11jmmded, and the Sun jhaTJ 6e ajhamed ( jufl as you fee a Candle looks pale, or as the Fire draws in its own beams of Light before the Sun) whm th~ Lordof Hojls jha/J rei,gn i11 Mottnt lion, and in Jerufalem , aud 6efo1"t his A11clmts g!orloujfY; Now, although this place may not be meant of the compleat fulfilling of the glory of the Saints at latter day, yet it is an alluuon to it : This Sun and Moon !hall be all alharned and confounded , and os a Candle now appears before this Sun, fo !ball this Sun appear before that glory that !hall be put upon the body of Chrift; and upon the bodies of the Saints. I {hall only add this to it, that this glory and b~auty ( for indeed glory is but aa exccfs of beauty) which !hall be thus put upon the bodies of the Saints, it !hall not be of the fame kind with that of the Light of the Sun; I may very well and truly fay, that the Light of the Sun is but Terreflrial, but that is Celefiial , for it is the Light of another Heaven than what the Sun is plac'd in; therefore the Scripture doth not fay, that we flJall have the Light of the Sun, but we jha/1 be M the Stm, ha– ving no higher thing to compare it to. And the reafon is plain; for the Light of the Sun, it is indeed the Light of Fire , for upon the fourth day God Created Light , that is , the Element of Fire ( for you lball find Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, Created then ) and he took that Light, that Fire, and crulht it, as I may fay, together, int:D one body, into one Globe , put it into the body of the Sun , and therefore it is but indeed the Element of Fire in the excefs of it, in the firength of it, therefore the Light of the Sun heateth, fireth bodies; but this glory of the bodies of the Saints !hall not do fo , it is not of the fame kind. The Light of t.he Sun , it is but an Elementary Light, it is but Fire conglobated and made condenfe and tbickned together, it is but a natural Light , and ter– refirial Light, whereas this is fupernatural and Heavenly, and therefore it is of a higher kind. And therefore, now in Phit, 3• 2t. the Text telleth us , that we fl1all be conformed not to th() glory of the Sun, but to the glory of the glorious body of Chrift; that look as the Sun is the fountaln of all that glory which the Stars have , fo flull our Lord and Saviour Chrifi's glory be of all the glory we have. It is , I fay , a glory of a higher kind than that of the Sun; in Rev, 21. 11. the new Hitmj.iltm iS faid to have the glory of God 11po1J it, not the glory of the Sun: And a; v erjt