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of their State by Creation. vtrf' 2';. It h.• need of the Smt, 1uither of the Moon, to /hint in it, .-.....A.,/\ f or tbe glory of God doth Lightm it, tmd the Lam6iJ the Ltj,f:!t thereof. Chap. 11. Tlm, I quote it Ior, i~ this., That the glory that is put upon the bodies ~ of the Saints , t:10ugh lt 1s hkened to that of the Sun , becaufe we know nothing more glorious than it , yet it is a glory of another kind, of an hiJ;hcr degree'· it is indeed the glory of God that is upon·them: That as it 15 faid of Chrtfi, 1n M11th. r6. 27. That ht Jhalt come m the glory of hi6 Finher; therefore his glory will be an higher glory , a glory of ano· rhcr kind than that of the Sun : So we lhnll have the glory of God upon us and therelore a glory of an higher kiAd than what is in the Sun, which w; no more know now, than ( ~s l have fa id afore ) we know what the iixth Senfe would be, if God lhould fay he would Create one, or an ob-. jdt fuitable to it. I have the larger infified upon this fecond Properry, becaufe I find that in Chri!l's Tramfiguration , the only excellency that he held forth before his Difciples , when they faw his Ma)efiy, was the glory that did lhine forth in his body; hid face, the Text faith, did fhnu as the SHII. A third Excellency in Adam's body, which I have mentioned, is the hea!thful confiitution that was in that animal body of his, and his being free from all injuries of weather or what ever elfe ; and therefore though he was naked, yet he felt no hurt; but yet this I told you withal, which might lone his Condition, that he fiood in need of Creatures , he depended upon lleep, and upon meats. But now the Bodies that God ·will put upon us at latter day, they lhall depend upon none of all thefe; and not only not depend upon !leep and meat, and drink, aod the like, but tbey lhall be free from any poJiibility of being injured by any thing, Adam, he might have been injured ( though as I have faid , God had promifed to koep him) if he had fain off from an high place , his body would have been bruifed, as well as ours, for he was Flelh and Blood : But thefe Spiritual Bodies we iliall have hereafter, they lllail be wholly impailible and incorruptible. Adam's Body, though it was healthful, and fl1ould not finally have decayed, if he had fiood in Innocency, yet it was fubject to alterations; the meat that he eat one day, it did evaporate in Spirits,he was fubject to wearinefs,to expenfe ofSpirits,though he lhould not die; but the B~dies that God lhall give us at latter day,they !IJall be Bodies incorrup– tibk,Bodies raifed "I' in firengrh.l will _give you but thofe two place_s for it, the one 15 I Cor. I S·43·Jt u fown tn weakmjS, f§·tt u rm(ed "'power ,or m jlnngth, And the other is verjt 53· Thi6 corruptible mu{/ put Oil i1Jcorrupti61e, and this mortal muf/ p11t 01J immortality; and when this corruptibleJha!! have put Oil ittcorruptiOit, mtd this mortal /bat! have put 011 immortality, f!ic. Here feems to be two different things between Corruption and lmmorta· lity. I {hall exprefs to you the difference thus; That thing is faid to be Immortal which fhall not dye; but that thing is "'id to be Corruptible, which though it lhall not dye, ytt may be fubject to alteraticn: As for example, It is fa id that the body of Chrifi in the Grave Jaw 110 (orrupti– olt ; the meaning is, there was not the leafi alteration in it at all, nothing tending to Putrefaction, not the leafi dilfolutioh of the humours in it. Now Adam's body, though it was immortal, yet it was not incorrupti– ble, it was fubject to alteration, there was an expenfe in it, it was fub– ject to a corruption; my meaning is this, It was not that to ·day it was ye!lerday, and the meat he eat went out in the draugh, and the like: H'nce therefore, that he might live for ever, he had the Tree of Life to eat of, for to repair his fpirits when they were worn. He was but fklh and blood, though he was immorql . and he was not able to have in– herited the Kingdom of Heaven, for Jlrfh mtd blood cmmot i11brrit th~ Kiugdom of Htaven, 1 Cor. I). 50. And the Apofile, by jlejh and 6/ood, dnth not mean Origi•t•zl Corrttptiott; but, take Man's body as it is meer flcjh rmd 6/ood, fuch as Adam had, it would not have born it, to have Q 2 the