u8 Of the Creatures, and the Condition ~ not pitched upon this Scripture , for there is nothing more clear. He faith BooK 11, plainly they jha/1 not dye, ~ I might add other Properties which are ufually mentioned in comparing the State of Adam's Body and ours, but then I lhould be too tedious , I W1ll only conclude with this. Our Lord and Saviour Chri!t in his Hu– man Nature, the Godhead perfonally united thereto, quickned it; he is therefore faid to be 11 quickning Spirit: What is it Jhall guicken our mor– tal Bodies at latter day l It !hall not be the Godhead perfonally united to us; but it !hall be the Spirit of Chri!t, making our Bodies his Temple in a more peculiar manner: 1 Cor, 6. '9· your Bod~es, fauh he, are the Tem– ples of the Holy Gho!t, who is now in you : But then when he hath rai– fcd you up again, your Bodies are to be his Temple in a more immediate manner, Verf. '4· In Rom. 8. 11, For as many as are led 6y the Spint of God, rhe~ art rht Sons of God. If the spiritof him that raifed upJefus Chri!t from the dead, do dwell in you , he that raifed up Chri!t from the dead, !hall alfo quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwel– leth in you, He fuith ol· Jefus Clui!t, that he is a q~tickniHg Spirit, the Godhead being porfonllly united to him, quiclmed his Human Nature ; but (o it !hall not be with us: Th1t's his prerogative alone ; but he bath put his Spirit, the third Perfon of the Trinity, into us, who doth dwell in u•; and that bleffcd Spirit he !hall quicken our mortal Bodies , and !1. !hall not only raife them up again at latter day; but look what Adam's Soul was to his Body, that IJJall the Holy Gho!t be to our Bodies in a tranfcendent manner; though not by a Perfonal Union , yet by fuch an " Union as is between the Human Nature of Chri!t and the Holy Gho!t; For, my Brethren, though the Godhead of the fecond Perfon doth dwtll in a perianal manner in the Human Nature of Chri!t, yet the Holy Gholt cloth not dwell perfonally in him; he is united unto the Human Nature but as he is unto us, and that Spirit thus dwelling in us, he fl,all quick– eo and advance and raife up our Bodies to that State and height as bc– cometh the Holy Gho!t, (if he will take a Temple up unto himfell' ) to raife our Bodies up unto. He faith, th, Holy Ghojl }hall quicken your mortal Bodies; he doth not only fpeak of the tir!t act of railing them, - ' but in refpect of fpiritualizing and glorifying their Bodies, the lloly Gho!l !hall dwell in them, and IJJall make, that God !hall be all in all unto thtm. And fo now I have finilhed this Text which on!y holds forth a compari– fon between the animal, the Natural State of Adam's Body, and the State our Bodies !hall have at latter day. . I will but name an life or two, being loath to difmifsyou without one. All this that hath been faid, bath been but to this purpofe , to compare Admn's Body, that had a World made for it , for the animal State of it, with the State our Bodies !hall have hereafter, which !hall be made Spi– ritual, and have objects fuited to them in the World to come. You have feen what a State God ·will raife up our Bodies to, let us therefore ab!tain from lle!hly lulls, let us get our Souls to fpiritualize our Bodies all we can, while we ~re here, for it is that life we !hall certainly live hercalter. My Brethren, our Bodies can never be made Spiritual here,' we are here in an animal State, we are in Adam's World , and we have 'Adam's Image upon us, and we need meat, and drink, and 'l!eep, ~c. and mu!t live upon thofe things which are necelfary to this life; but yet we may look upon our felvcs as Pilgrims and Strangers, and we m1y go and Spiritualize all thcfe, becaufe all thefe !hall one day be Spiritual,zed; let us live the life of Heaven here as much as we can , even in the ofe of all thefe outwa~d things, becaufe our Bodies are ordained to fuch a Spi· ritual condition oneday. s,condly