Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of their State by Creation. Secondly , Let thofo that do groan under we~k Bodies be comforted with W theAffurance of their bemg rcO:ored to a full vigour, health, and firength, Chap. II, The truth is , our Bodies here, they do hindc~ us from a great deal of~ that very Holinefs we might have; for Holinefs cannot be had without taking pains; and there is no pains doth lpend the Spirits, and lick them up more, than intention upon God and Spiritual things. And befides all hinderances we have here, the very hinderances of thefe poor Animal Carcafes of ours, which we have from A dam , hinder us as much or more tha11 any thing elfe, And Flelh and corruption that dwels in them, that inordinately carries them out to earthly things: Therefore let us groan as the Apo!lle faith, for the redemptiott of ortr Bodies, when as there will be no wearinefs, when as all the fuitablenefs that is now be· ' tween earthly things and us, will be done away; we !hall have new ObjeCts fitted for thefe Bodies , when made Spiritual , that will no way hinder us from the Vifion of God, but rather further us in it. Weaknefs · and imperfeCtions of our Bodies now hinder us very much from holinefs, and to build holinefs upon our weak and frail Bodies, it is as the build– ing of an Houfe upon a Q\lagmire: Let us therefore groan after that time, and in the mean leafon, let us fandi11e God in our Hearts to the utter– moll indeavour, waiting for that Redemption, when we /hall have Bo– dies t]lat !hall need neither meat, nor drink, nor lleep, nor refreihing of Spirits, all which are now Temptations and Interruptions to us. F I N I S.