Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Tbe Contents. B 0 0 K IV. r]~He tmgbty and pownft:l Grace . wiJJch God d!jpe11jes to hk E• left, i11 tj/£Bt~.t!iy c.Jf1111g them, 111 prejcrvtug tlxm from temptaft~ ems anclfi,'J ,Htjlre,gth1111!g fJtJd tua~ blit!g t hwtlo perievere 11/iTOtbrmd, aud zn brmg11rg them at 141 {teurel, 1oa11 etern,t!Cilor)'· : Br allwb1ch t be greatuefs of Eleftio1l Grace u moreft~!ly cleared and proved. 199 Chap. •· The Explication of the words. What ztl!forGodtobea God of Grace? A threefold Grace w God. Hi4 purpo(tng Grace. Tb.JI which be dz{pmjes to hi4 E– lrff. .1t;d the R1chfS of Grace are 111 h" Nawre. What the Gracr of hu pttrpojes u. ibid. Ch, p. 2. That Goa' ;, the God of all Grace d1{pmjatortly. He gives jttp· plus ofGrace proportiouabl, to the 11etds, dtjfrelfos, and trmptatiorts mtto wbicb bu EttfJ are ob1IOXIOU! t11 thecomfeof tbet.-lzves here OIJ earth. He iJ the God of a!J Grace e(Jrntzallr; In that h.P. Nature cu>J– t-ains infinite Richts of Grace. 217 Ch1P-l· GodiJtbr Godofa!lGrace, wah cl dtfcrtmi1latzon tc[m,] 11ot to others; ejprciallr j11ch othtrs af ho>Vttlll imperfd1 temporary wo.-f, wro11ght i11 tbrm; or he u the God of all Grace oulr to hu Eleft, whom ht ejfd!11ally calls a11d invitJcibly fln;es;1/ot to others,whom lu lea~·n tofa/Jaway. 2l5 , Chap 4· Effecrtsnl Calliug thefrt~it of E!efti011-grace. It i4 t~ljo the FotiTJ· dat 1011 of all the fo!Jowillg Arts of Grace. The Calling of thr Jcle[f dtflert!JI frorn the common work of Cutlittg t bat p{lffes tJpoTi others, who are not fin,t/Jy Javrd. The dtffer– euce betwem them 110t only in de– grees, bttl i11 kl1ld, in what that dJjfermce of kmd C01if/(l.<. Cdlmg accordmg to the pnrpoft of Eleft1oll i; a work of th.t! excr!!ena for kmd obove ,dJ other, tb 11 God u l'11J!.,zged to carry i~ on to perjfil.iou~ Thu m,uuftjled from tlu Jpecwl, rwd mtcb(m:;ea61e love of God to· W(}rd p_; , fi;/;ICb produces in U! tbat good a.d perftft work. 241 Chap. 5· Tbe (ecoudTcpick or Head of Argttmntts 1t11to our F1zith from nod bi4 C(/lli"e w : The God ofall Grace hath Ca'lled us : Or, that i" ~ttrfi1f\ Calling, God h.abjbtwu bimfelf A Gcd ol All Grace, lllld therefore wtll carry m thrortghatt Tnr.ptatzons wJto Perfeffzon. 27 1 Chap. 6. God's c.Jtlmg"' 111!/o hu e– tenwt Glory•, U a11 ttlvtjlzng tu WJth a rtght to Heave11, And t herefore. thoughrrt we do 1101 a– tlurztly enjo)' zt yet we "'·?J be aj– jurrd, t !1<1/ he wtll prejtrve U< fafe rmd fcwre, uuti! he bM brought U! I o I;,. po(Jel]io11 of I h,,t Giory. Ottr bei11g ca/Jed to an eteruat Glo– >)', imports, That ajptntuat ltft which U eter1!tll, U6egtm w cur Sottls; m1d that by bti11g Called wr are put i111o 1111 eurnaJ rtghtof Glor;•. The Reafon of it, becauj( he i4 the God of all Grace who calls mtmto thu Giot·r. What his Glo– ry trnpl~ts: r h,tt it i4 acertai" En· g rJgemnJI 011 God's part, that be wt/J can·y m through all ump"tati– ous aud dd/icu//lfS UIIIO it. 281 enap. 7· The jecttrity that .7eJ.u C!Jri(/ gives m, M welt a< God tbe Father, to a[fitre ottr Faith, that we jha!J be jlrntgtholfd, a11d hlil· bltd to perjevert. God i4 a God of all Grace to U! by Jejw Chrijl; a/: hi. .litis of Grace towards U!, are ill a11dtbrough hnn. He rleff– ed tu at jirjl, and thm loved "' only, M confidered in him. Ht loved and cho(e him fo r him/elf, and m fo•· bi4 (akt. God havwg thM Jllld Chrt(/ dolthe Mrdittm, or ratha, M the Fotmdatio11 of hu GrPce, it ·u a Jure Jround cf its cotJtimtallet to tM, All hu purpoftJ of GraCt wtre made in htm. A/J hu Promzfes ofGrace are t (l,,bltJb· ed rmd performed ill ,md through him. 297 Chap. 8. Wh.1t jfmrity the confide– ra/JOII of Chri(l's Per{o11, bu Re1.1- ·tio11 to IM, a11d Offict jorzu, affordI to otlr Faith, that we fhall br firr11gth11ed to pnjevtrt uuto the Er1d. As he;, Cbrijl utr Head, we m·t eleffed i11 bim to all tho{e bwe– fits of Grace which were above tht diJt.r o{ D·eatio11. As tho(e ben£· fits h 1d no dependence 011 tbe Fall, Clm(l conjidtrtd a< ourHMd,wa; a jitfjiCJent g>·otmd for God's be(low· i~~ tbem<1po11 tu i11 ElefJio;J;view· ed M we flood i11 that Relatio11 to him, a; he i4 ottr l-iead, God l,ves ur 111 him., andwitb thefizmelove be does him, a11d therefore be w1/J love