Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

/he Contents. love tu tmch.mgett6!y , and 1ttvtr ceaje fo to do. As Chnjl u Jefus a SttVJOtJr , ottr firfl Cstlt11g into GrtZce tl!ld ottr contimt,Z11Cf aud pe>:fev;rtznce 111 it, U the purcbaje af'hu Blood. Suppltts of Grace .-snd Strengthfor bun to gtve us A· btltty to jlre11gthe11 us agrti11(/Temp– tattims tJttd deltvn·mtce out of them u the prtce of his Sutferings. 304 Sect. The (econd Head propo(fd wM the Co11jideration of Cbnfl's Per· {Cm, R elrtlt01J to m, OJtd Ojjict for tU, [by 'Jefus Chrijl: J A 11d jre wh,u tiH)' will afford for ConfoiJ· ttoll and Seczmty herelit, ibid. Chap. 9· Tbe eng.•t!J,emmts of Chnfl, twd hi& iTtterefl, to prejerve tt!, which an(e from hu having aE!u– ally called us. bs o11r Callmg he owned "'• rwd look charge of tu, .ua Trujl committed lo hzm by the ,Frsthrr. The thing for which we are apprthmded of Chrifl i11 o11r Ctllmg, ;, , he might give forth unto us, our whole dejig1t'd portiott of Grace alldGiory, whiCh wa-s allotted to us i11 EleElion, mtd purcha[ed 6y hsm upon the Crojf. Phi\. 3· 12,q , •4· expl,tiued.Chrzfl by C.ttling "'· fewres tu i1l Jflje Cu– Jiody, and6y a /frong Guard: From thrtime of a Man's CaW•g, Chrifl brgim aE!uJtly to illlet·cede (orhim, aud thm takes him i1Jto hu Pray· ers 44WelltUiiJtohuC~res. 316 Chap.' 10. The mgr~gemmt OIJ Chrzf/'s r part for our prefrrvation, that a· nfethfrom hu i1Jterr(/ in that glory we areby him called iltto. That it i4 hisglory, o be is our He,ld, mtd comrnmtiCtl!ed to Uf onir, M we are his Members, rmdthrrefore he is thr (irjl andgrr~nd Proprietary of of it. This glory is above thnu;– wral dues of C•·eation, tmd there– fort wr mujl be rais'dup i11to it by tmother Juperiottr right, The Glory of the immediate vi/ion of God, wM only the natttral due mtd >·ight of Cbri(l God-m.m. We have our rtgbt to tt, and the partiopa. tio11 of it, 011/y by virtue of ottr re– lat/01/to Chri/f; .u it is his glory•, he is mgaged to bring Uf to it, and mai111ai11 m itJ it. This glory is his, becrm(r be bought it Wtlb a p•·ice; and he would lo(e his pwch.•Je, if we did not come at la.f/to the enjoy– >nmt of it, He bath takm poffe(– fto11 of" this gloryfor U<, and there– f ore willtakr ejjrCltllll c.tre, that we be 11ot defr,wded of it. HJS glory is ntlarged and greal1ted by the bring i1tg '" to glory • whom he bath t bus r-(ttledUTJ/o tf; and there~ fort jlnce his own l 11ttre{l is {o much · concerned, he Wtll jttfjicuml) look to tt, to prefcrve ,md br111g '" j;tfe to Heavm. · 324 Chap. 11. The engagement of God andCbr~fl6y Promtje for the crtr· ryi11g on his truly called Olles through all Temptatiotts tmto eter11rsl Glor)'. The{e :Pronufes of per· fecring, !iublifhing, flrcnthening, fetrling, M to the tn:ne of tbetr A ccomplipJmmt, have 110t o11/y re– JpeEl to tl.•nr gradual performance m us here i11this l1je, but alfo to our bring co11jummated itt the Ltfe Etr,wl to comr. no Chap. 12. Whrther tbr(e fottr words, perfect, ftablifi1, flr.engthen, fettle you, i1tttnd one a11d I be fame in a variotts manner of exprlJiio1J, or wbrther they havrJwera/Jy ape– culiar import anfwermg parttcu– Jar!y to Temptatio/Is of a di{f'rri11g fort to .whzch we are o6noxiaur. Thrmea11i11g of the word Perfect txplait1ed: Sometzmes it is tmder– flood of the compleat accomp/tjh. mtnl of r1 work , whm appJyed to the work of"Gracr, m her-.t de1JOtrs I br (upplymg or m,tkht~ up of imperfet!ioTJs mtd wants :A,Jd that it imports either the addmgfur. ther degrees of prrfeElion ttnto the impnfrE! work of Grace (irjlhgun in m; or it reaches the Ca(e of lap– fed Chrijlia11s , mtd {tg11i(ies their bentg recovered a11dref/ored a~ai11, That there arejuch C:sjes of B ,sck– jlidiltg, which is not r1 rota/ Apojla. cy. To makeJuch fain Sottl.r ,is to re– pair what WM tom aud 6rokm in them by their fin. Thoje who fall i11to groffir fins are made perf<El agai11 by a~ewCo11verjiou. 338 Chap. I 3· That this promt{e ofperfrt!. ing exte11rls toarwther cafeof deca)·· ed Chrrflums, who decli11e from theirfirjllove,f!J good works: That even i11 them God will reflorr aud l'rvivr the priuciptes of {pirituat life, which lan~:ut}hts and i.r dy• i11g ,Tbisprovedby comparutg Heb. IJ, 20,21. with Pet.5.10. 348 Ch.14What ji<Jferings we nmf nece{f,t· l't/y mtdergo, before thrttG,od{et tits a11d flrengtheTJs u-s in tUlJ einuuut m.mner. The Rea[o11s why we mllfl ptsfs ..