Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

.. 1 he lndex of the Scriptures·. p,1(s through Juchfufferi~tgs, before weare peifefJed.TiJe example ofottr saviour. The wife appomtmmt of God,who ha; fo determmed it to be for the trial ofourgrtlce,a?Jdtoglo– rt{ie hi< own grace the more itJ ffre11gth11ing, recoveri11g,and deli– veriug eu.Wb,Jt mcortragemmts we rnay draw even from thi<, necrlfity ofottr St<jferi11g. >57 Ch.I). The aau,,f ptrfo;marJce ofthofe Promif's of perfectmg, flabldhmg, f\reng,thcingJctlwg us. The mam1er rwdme.JIIS whereby God preferves UJ,audCtlYYies tUfm toperjtVI1"( tm10 the wd. Hi! particul<~rc,Jre over w,how expre[Jed i1JScnpwre,by the vigilancy of hi! eye i11 all our ways; by f!ccowpml)·iug mwtth huprrfmcr; by"" g uard111g m i11 j'ifet;•; by hu b:zviug as t~f-:1.hl)'S 111 rtmem6nma. What tt is concrr!J111g UJ, that his C:Jrtt& mofl exeretfed a.bor:t.HUpri1t· cipal cal't is of ottr (o•tls: flow it is tb.Jt he pre(erves them ift Life,l68 C!J,J6,Th:Jt the decrees of God in Ele· [!ion are offuchjitre effiwc;·,th.1t we 11wybe a{etrtai1/dof their irifallible prr[orma11ce. Thrzt uotbin! Ctl1J hin– der orfruJir.•te their fuccefiwwork– i!!g, btcauje God works all 1 hi11gs according to the C<u•Jel of hu o:RJn Will.What affitrances we h.tve, th,tt huy,oolf purpojrr co11cerning tu jha/J bt invmcibiy accomplt}bed, both from the t1t1t11re ofElefJiotJ decrus, ,md the inttrtf/ which the Attri– butes of God hav e i1z the perform. miCe of them. >78 BOOK V. ELe[/iou, i11 tlu ordmary cour(t of , it, runs irJ o Li11e fJj Succr.ffio1J from 6elieviugPart11ts totheirPo– Jierit;·.The Covn1t111t ofGrace is m• tailedon the Chtldren of'Believers. God 1'110)1 11(uall;• makes j11ch IH< choicr, lfh zt .1udgmmt wt are thereupon to IMve of thew. >g> Ch . 1. The U;i!drm of godly ParttJfs r,llledthe Inheritauce ofthe Lord, becaufe he is the owner of thm!, as his t!efJ (;5 chofm,among whom hts T oj[ef!ious and his peculiar 'People tu. Tbe deriv,ztioll oftht Covettant of Gr"a from their Fathers mtto tbem, provedby the CoJimilnt madt to Abraham, M it WM a Ftlmily (o. _ vma!Jt. Tbt difference betwrr11 his Privi!edge herein, attd ottrs under 1 he Golpel. ibid. Chap. z.That this Covma11t is derived u,>to thiCfmrches of the Gmtiles, '"a conformity to the Jewr privt. ltdge ,u they were a Clurcb. >97. Ch. >. 11compari11g .1Cor.7.14. with tbt furaJttdRom.Il,l6. 398 Cb+A lmger lixpi1Catio?J of 1 Cor, 7· 14· 400 Ch. ).Rea{ons drawn ottt of that fore– gowg Expojtiio11 of 1 Cor. 7•'4.Th,,t 1 be Holinels tbtre att>·ibuted to Be– luvers Children ts true, audreal Evangelical holiuefs, Other In: terpretatiotJS refitted. 4'4' Ch.6. That two thing.<art illlmdedw tb.Jt Text of 1 Cor.7.14.WhJI God's tho11ghts ,,,.,ofBtluver: Childmt, and the Rult 6y which he would have 11s tojudge ofthem. Wh11t is tht Judgmmt we are to have ofthe Cht!drett of godly P aretJts upo11 this Vrclaration ofGodco!lcertJiug t·hem, that they are holy. To what extml this Propojition is to be am– pl)fitd:That it is 1101 memtt tmiver– Jally of all, but illdtjiltitely of fomt 011/y, tho11gh the grtater mtmber. What agretmmt andharmo'!) there is betwee11 our Jrldgwent of the ho· linejS of Believers Childrett, and what i" reality of the evmt provts true concerniug them. 420 Ch.7,That God orders his ElefJio11 jo, a~ to rtm in a Juccrj]ive Litu from godly Parmt1 to their Chi!drm, dotstJOI infriuge the frudom of E. !efJio11-Grace,:That this his way of afJiug is cou[o11a11t I• all the Pri!l· ciples ofrightRtajo11,m1dagruablt with his othtr Proceedittgr. Tht admirable harmo11y which appears in all his dijpe>Jjitti•ns towards mm. How comfy aproportion there is ill this trtJth, that GodJhot~ld draw his Ele{fio11 rmd Series ofvi– jible Saints o11t ofthe Loi11s oftho(e who ttre /itch them(tlves, rather tha11othersofMmrkilld;madeappa– rmt by a cowpari(imofit with othtr di(pe11(atio11s ofFru Grace. 4l" Cb, 8. The tl(es of the pruedi11gV o– fJri11e. What ittgetural wt all may be inflruEJed(rom tt, to u;Jderj/mtd how largely Godexte11ds his Afls of grace a11df<~vom·, The Vfes which the Children of godly P areTJis art to make of this 'Do[friJif. Wh,lt Ob– It;~ation fs t1po11 them to be holy in· deed. What encouragm;mt tiHJ b.-roe to believe. The V(es which belong to the Parmts of jttch Chi/· dren. What their 'Duty is to God, audwhat their[arria.(t ought to be towardJitch theit· Childrm, 442