Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleUion. I f"'J-.../\ Chap. 1, ~· 0 F E LE C T I 0 ~N. BOOK I. Wherein is proved the Nece(Jity of an EleE1ion Grace, if any ofthe R.ational Creatures be 1ertainly foved: And that G~rd haih made an EleC1ion of fome out if pure Grace, prov'd by the Event, out of the Stories of a!J Timer, throughout the 0/cl and NewTeflament. CHAP. I. The NeceJ!ity of an Ele!lion, or Super-creation Grace,if either Angeii or Men, ( whetherfoll'n or unfa!l'n ) be certainly and fecure!JI Saved. T theNeceffityof anEiefliolt,Imean not, asifGodhad r: been neceffitated thereunto; fGr Nothing with Him, is more free; and, that it is termed an EleClion of Gract, fufficiently te!lifies it: But,the Neceffity lay in rc:fpelt of the Eternal Salvation of either.Angels, or Men. Nor Se~ondly, do I mean, as if it mull have been an 2 • ACJ: of EleCJ:ion underftanding it, a Calling forth but "f fome Perfons only: For,that way of Salvation, which is the Grace itfelf, God might have faved all, of either fort by, anJ not have made an EleCJ:ion of it, that is, of fome, although he was pleafed fo to do, 'Tis <rue indeed, in making an EleCJ:ion but of fome the freenefs of God's Grace was the more manifefted; rhot is, in the point of the freedom of it: And that, de f aCio, there was fuch an EleCJ:ion but offome, both Angels and Men, I lha 11 after fhew: But the Dirit of my prefent AlferB tion,