Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eletlion. of tl1e nuncs of the Generality of Man·kmd that have p'filhed by it: And it~ is tnis, tltot if God doth fe t up the Will and heart of Man by turnifl1ing it with Chnp. 1. new helps and a!I;!lances, vamp or recruit this old degenerate frame with~ frefh and newfupplics, that then their W11ls may make a Second hopeful ven- .ture to obtain,altnough no fuch Eletl:ion-Grace( as our D octrine kts forth ) thould be fuperadded nor flnke m, to work the Will and Deed Jt fel f over· comingly on their hearts, or undertake for them mv,ncJbly_ fa to . wt>rk. And the Ufe as to this refpcct which they make, is, That Chnfl thouid have been 1 • Imended ( as a Second .Adam) for he was to purchafe the pardon .a! Sins. 2 . Topurchaie helps for all. ~· And to give Grace and AIJi!tance fo far as they may, if they will ufe thofe helps well, with promife that 1f th.y do, .and by thcfc come to believe and be converted, Then 4- Gods Electing Grace comes upon them, and then it is he choofeth them to Eternal life upon the intuitionof this good ufagc of their Wills; EleCtion only follows hereupon,and hath no influence at all afore their Wills ha·ve caft it thus, if God would but fet up the will and heart of Man anew , vamp this old worn and degenerate frame, allifl it and furnith it with New helps and Advantages. And thus Men will needs wilfully perilh a fecond time by venturing to Sea again in that rotten leaking old Velfel, their own free Wills, in which and by which they Shipwrackt fa mifera.bly once afore, when they had wind and tide, nod a new Velfel flrong nod rite, and well built with all other advantages to have pre(erved her: But this their Will being Pilot, fo Steered as all was caft away; and yet they will adventure roSeaagain therein. Adam•s Will had beodes the concurrence of Gods aill!lance ( fuch as was fuflicient ) a(l inward principle of habitual and inherent Holinefs,rhe Image ofGod as a vital principle of Motio~ within him, whereby not only to be able to ACt holily,but which alfo as a weight or pondus, d1d fway and mclme htsWtll to ACt /,)olily, even as on dwelling in us, doth as a weight hung on, incline us now to evil. But alas! Thereis now that va£\ difference and difadvantage in our Cafe,be~ yond, infinitely beyond, what was in his as to thefe refpeCts--That inflead of a perfeCt holinefs poffeffing and.inclining the will and mind,there is no fu~h viral habitual principle in our Hearts left ; fllay an utter difability upto what is Spiritual, holy and good ; Yea ; contrary Enmity and oppootiori there is tmtoho/i.,efl in truth, as the Apoflle calls it.Men err, ri_ot knowing the Power of Original fin, nor the depth of corruption that is in their own Hearts, The Will of Man now is the Prime and proper Seat of on , and the Throne thereofi• feared therein. And as no Prince's Will in full and ACtual polfeffion of Regal Power can be brought by ordinany or any perfwaoons (o be willing, much lefs to be indifferent to be DethroRed, fo nor may we think that on in our Wills, will upon eafy Terms lay down its Crown, The flejh is enmity to God, and id not jubje&f to the law of God, nor indeed can be,fays the Apoftle. The will and mind and whole heart of Man mufl firfl have that cor– ruption which is in polfeffion dethroned from its Dominion, and then the fame vital H~bitual Principle of inherent Holinefs created in it anew. .Anew h•art mtd a 11ew (pirit mufl be given it, and ti he.1rt of flone takm tl'iAMj{ whereof with th• a(Je&fiotu,the wiO is the fu6je&f,as the Rey11s are of the other (loue ilz ot<r bodies). The will and affeCtions are the Seat of this Spiritual Stone, and as uncapablo to aCt one holy ACt, as the Stone in the Kidney is to aCt an aCtion of life or vital motion. They mufl be made an Heart of fleth that bath a new life and fenfe, ~c. given it, and thereby th~t which mufl be the Caufe and SubjeCt of any one the Lea(\ fuch living operation, otherwife you may as well gather Grapes of thorus, mtd jigs of thifUes, asgoodfrttit of a corrupt trre. Mar. 7·.16, 17· The tru mu(/ therrfore he madegood •re the[r11it can bfgood, as Chrt{l (the Ro•t ) b,uh toldut. Matt. 12. 3~. Either make the tree good, mzd his fruit good, or e!(e makt the trn corrupt, and his {r11it ca>·rupt: For thf tree is kno wn by his fruit.And what are all thofe helps they talk of,cither that >l ,_,.,!,>;e.; that light of God from the works of Creation which God gave to Heathens, of himfelf, Rorn, '·Or the light of Confcience, of the Law, Rom. 2. and aN~tural devotion fuited to it in the will and affeCtion whereby Men