Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

8 Of Eleflion. w One of the Fqundation Caufes of this Error, doting on this Free-will Grace, EooK I, is, Tbatwhilrttheyimagine fuch helps and affirtances as they define may ~give aT! poffe, a Power to Turn, We. leaving it to the Will to cart the Act: They withall do fuppofe the Will to remain a Principle in it felf, as it were in– clinable in it felf unto Spiritual good , and able to move to good,it its Sbackb were once off, and that the knowledge of God and the Golpel , doth but once vifit it, and come in, and that the Spirit prefents the Mouves thereof to 11, in away of perfwafion, We. 0! But I demand who, or what fhall create a newPnncipleof Holinefs, atuw Spirit in the Will, and take the Heart of Stotze out of it? Until which be done, the Will is the mort averfe Principle, and fullert of Enmity, both to God and his Law, in the fpiritualnefs and true holinefs of them, and caRnet rife or aCI: ( though never lo much other– wife affeCted ) beyond the Sphere of its own inward ACtivity , as no Creature elfe we fee can do: As a Stone will not afcend upward, but whilfi it is moved by force, and f~me omward hand that throws it out, for it bath not a natural Principle thereto, as Fire bath, But this is not all that goes umo Calling, to give a new Spiritof habitual Holinefs, and then allifi it in aCting, bm la far as Adam's Holinefs was a!lifted by the Law of Creation (and that it is the moit which the higheft of Free-willers do defire of God to be out of his Grace alli– fied withal). Nor are thefe all that the Omnipotent Power of God is laid forth upon in our Calling, and afterwards in keeping us; but there is an exceeding greatnefsofPowerconcuntoeveryActorWork that is good and holyall a– long,even the fame that wrought in Chrift his rifing from the dead, according to that,Ephef.r .r9,"-0. Andwhat;, the excrtdinggreatt1e[s ofbu Powtr to m– wardwho 6elitve, according to the working of hu mighty Powtr: Which ht wrought in Chri~whtn he raifed him from the dead, a11dJet him at hi< own right hand in the heavenly ptacrs,f!Jc, 'fis not fuch an Allifiarice only as Adam had, but as Chrift had in raifing from the Dead. A Principle of Holinefs (though it be a Difpofition and Inclination to Holinefs)may and doth lye dead , and b~fides, is clogged and hindred in its Motion, with a weight offin that is contrary to it in us. R.ead Rom. 7· "-~• 24, If EleCting Grace firikes not in with an Omnipotent Sweetnefs (as .Auf/in's word is) or an invincible fecret Power( for by that place nowquoted,the Saints are not always fenCtble of the greatnefs ofit )that draws this Will and its Principle of Holinefs into Act. And upon the Spirits drawing forth , and carrying.on the ACI:ings of Holinefs in us, it is , that .Attflin, and Janfenius , out of him, do fet the Crown , as that which is the compleat eminency of Efficacious Grace: For fincc the I nil, all other helps are fhort of caufing us to ACl:, though Holinefs be dwelling in us without effeCting Powrr, The Promife therefore is not only to give a New Htart, as inEztk. 36. 26. Auew Heart alfo willlgive you, mid a New Spirit will I put withi11 yo11, mtd I will takt away tht StonJ'-hMrt out of ~our Flejh, mtdI willgive yott a heart of Flejh. But it further follows, Verj; "-7· .llndiwillputmy Spiritwithi11yot1, and caufeyotttowalkitmy Statutes, mJd ye /hall kttp my Judgmmts, and do them: That is, I will work in you, the ACI: it felf alfo, even the Will and the Deed. Now the giving of this New Huwt, &c. (in which cloth confift the mark of the true inward Power) is the Proper Fruit of Election-Grace, and of that alone, with difference from what this Free-will Grace, as it is fiatcd by thefe Men, doth fuppofe neceffary; and th~ Covenant of Grace ( which is the Tranrcript of EleCtion.Decrees indefinitely exprelfed) runs in thofe Terms, a New Heart will Igivt yot~,cmd a New Spirit &c.Ezek. 36. 26.And thereupon alfo it is,that EleCtion·Grace doth alwaysiofallibly and invincibly, at one time or another,work this by EffeCtual Calling in thofe it bath predefiinatcd,as many Scriptures fhew; As Rom.8. 28,lo,Andwe know that allthings work tognhtr fer good, to thttn thflllovt God,to them who are the called accordi11!( to hu pur– pofo.Moreovrr, whom he did prede[/i11ate,them he al(ocalled: .A11d whom he cr;lled, them he al(o juf/i{ied: And whom hejtlflzfied, them he al(oglori{ird: And in Rou. 9· in rhe Cafe of ."f.1cob, he fpeaks thus, That the p11rpo(t of God according to tbe Elettio11 mi;:ht Stand, ttot of works: (wrought by Frce-wtll) but of him that calleth, Whichfhews that God, having fiom Everlafltng, /irft