Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleElion. 9 firfi Elected,doth manilefi the hrmnefs of that his purpofe to fave by Effectu- ~ al Calling, as he did in Jaco6, by Virtue of Elellwn. The fame you have alfo Chap.' · confirmed towards the conclufion of his Difcourfe about Election, in the fame~ Chapter--Having juft afore faid, V<r{: 2 ~ · That he mrght m<1ke kt1own tbe riches ofhrs Glory on the f:'tj{els ofMeriy,whrch he h,,d afore prepared unto Glory.Heimmedtately fubJoyns,as adequate thereto,l'erf,24·Evm[w]whom he bath called 1101 of the Jwes on/y,6t1t aljo of the Gtnlifes.As if he had faid,even as whom h~ bath thus ordained by Electing Mercy,to make known the riches of his Glory upon,are thofe that are Called, and lik~wife thofe that !hall be. So as let no man tl1ink that when we fay, The Elelhon hath obtatned 11 , that we fhould mean, That the Elect by Election only, without an effectual Work of Calling, cloth obtain. No; none that are grown up to years of Knowledge but God Calleth if he bath Elelled them: And by Calling, endows them with a New Heart, and a Nrw Sprrit, (as bath been fpoken). Alfo underlland between, that when the Apol\le fpeaks of Etef!ioll Grau, Rom. 1 1. 6. we confine it not to thofe purpofes of Grate in God's mind frnm Everlal\ing, but take in that Operative Grace in Calling, as comprehended under it, the whole Grace in Calling u~ is that Election Grace in the Text; for Electo n fet it awork, and did defign it. And the fame Election Grace is that which runs along, and is immediately at the head of Calling, C!lc. it is the fame Grace, The one is the Grace of purpofing, as it is abl\ractly confider– ed in the Decree and Intention : The other in Calling is the Grace of Execu· tion. My Conclufion from all this therefore is, That we the fall'n Sons of Men, would fee and be convinced of the neceility of this Election Grace, fo far beyond what the Draught of their Free.will Grace fets forth, as which if God had not peremptorily refolved in his purpofes to put forth to work in us, to fave thofe of Mankind whom he chofe; or tf lefs than this, not any of Man– kind had obtained: But now the Election , through the Operation of this Grace, bath and cloth obtain Salvation to a Man, And do you in Reafon con– fider,that there being but thofe two ways to obtain Salvation by,ever fiarted or pretended unto by the Sons of Men; And all being reducible to one of thefe two, as in the fore-cited Text, Rom. 1 I. 6. you fee Works C the Head and Principle of which is Man's Will, acting in and by it felf) and Election Grace, divide them into thefe two , and do but fet them in oppofition one to t'other, as the Scriptures likewife throughout : Both which the Apol\le hath fum'd up in that fhort Sentence, It is 11ot if him that rmJS, 11or of him that wills, but of God whojheweth mercy. Namely, the true and right Act of willing and running by an Eleltion Grace, (And Election Grace is his Argument there in hand.) round about, and afore, and after. . For otherwife, without running and willing, no man is faved, as in Phit. ~· 12, q. Not ,u though I had al– rrody attamed, eithrr werr already perfeCI: Btet I follow after, if that I ma~apprehmd that for which alfo I am apprehmded of Chrifl Jtfeu. Bre– thren, I count ttot myJeif to have apprehrnded: lmt this one thing I do, fQr– getti11g tho(e thittgs whiCh arr hhind, 1111d rrachmg forth tmto thofe things which are 6efore. Our Salvation is wrought out by God's giving the Will and the Deed. If then the fir!\ hath fail'd them that have betaken themfelves unto it, and never no man was yet faved by it (as bath been already declared) nor could be for the reafons aforelaid, and that the Scriptures 1\ill cry, and peremptorily, Not 6y Works, and then pofitively and conclufively, BJ 6eing Catledwtth an holy Calti11g, according to his purpofe and Gracegivm UJ 111 CHRIST Jrfeu 6tfore the World begun. Then let us not only be convinc~d, but further Adore and BJ-efs God for this Election Grace without which alf'!> Chril\ had died in vain, and not faved a toan, and been 'in Heaven alone, to lament that he had come fhort in this Work, by having omitted to put in one Claufe mto hts Covenant in dying; viz, That befides his purcbafe of helps, ~h~rebv men mtght be faved if they would, he had not further purchafed an tn~tnctble overcommg of their Wills for whom he died, but had left to the . Wtll of Man tt felf, to ufe or not to ufe thofe,according to the pleafure of their Wills, and had not meritorioully alfo procured ofGod efficaciou!ly to work the Wt!l and the Detd, tJCCDrtitng to hisgood pleafure. And fo Chril\ lbould be c l;ft