Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eletlion. This Objeclton is agam reviVed m the L Ol·th1s 11. Cllapccr, Hub God c,;ft'~-::; away bi& pe,oplr? ( mea(liog the 1fws :) Now unto this He there gives two~ Anlwers. That God had not ea{/ away bupeoplr whom He forekwew : Or whom He His firfl aimed •t in his Promifes of the Covenant ofGrace, the word ofPromife, J:he A"Jwer, carnal Jewunderfiood by Gods people the whole, or at leall the generality of their Nation: Unto whom yet, but as in a Type, thofe forecited Priviledgcs, and Promifes were made : And under that refpect it was they o~ade up the Church of the Old Tefiaroent• . linherefore carefully puts in,you f~,by w·ay ofdi!linction: He bath not ca,fi away hupeople[ whom He foreknew:] As / ifHe had faid; They were ·his people in outward Profeliion, and endowment of outward Priviledges.; But thofe really and indeed hi< people, whom he hath cho(en to Salvation, anC! they were foforeknowo by him only are [ Hu] (as he em'phatlcal ly indigitates; ) And he hath ca!l off not one of1hem; All and e· very one ofthem He intended, and hod in his Eye, when He made thofepromiJes ofthe Covenant ofGrace; Thofe He hath o,n, nor ever will ca!l off And as for the Rtf/, they were his people but by outward profellion, rath!'r Typically fuch, as in a ll1adow of the pther hidden ones among!l them: For whofe fake it was tho(e Promifes ant! Privilcdgcs were continued to the Community ofthat Nation: Thefc only are faid to be the Children ofthe Promi(e, and theChitdrtiJ o{God; And none other. Rom, 9· 6; 7• Not M though the word ofGod bath takm notu effd1. For they are 11ot aft lfrael whicb are of Jfratl. Neither hcau{t tbey are thefeed of /lbraham, arrthey aft chztdrm: but i1i l{aa.cjha! ca!Jtf/. And what he underfiands byChildrn! of 'l'Po"'!if'e, He exemplifies by !(aac; whom ije proves to have been a Chztd of Promijf in refpcct ofthe Election of his Perfon, without forefeen conditions in Him; And by venue of which Election, had been called. This,he doth ver(.9. 11, as I l.h3ll ll1ew when I come to fpeals unto his infiance in the following f/ory ofEiefliim: Which manifefily di!folves the firength oftheir Objection, that they were All Jfratlites; And that to them the Adopl(on pertained in ver(; 4; s.Fpr th:it to have been but in refpeel ofoutward profel)lon, title, and external calling ; And alfo~cailfe-they were Types, ang thadows of the true Seed to come. This di!linction of Tjpical lfrpelztes, and I{raelites indeed, and in truth, plainly appears to be in his intent to .avouch, in that he flatly denies that a!J of Ijrael were l{rael: That is, as Chrifi fays ofNathmzitl, an Ifr,u· Jitt indeed : He denies alfo that they were Childr.en of God, verj.7. Or right· ly the Children of .Abrahamaccording to Gods intent in fiis Promife to the Seed, although according to the ile_th they were, as you find it exprefs in ver[. 7• And.aJtbough of them He had fatd .; That tothtm lulongtd the .Adoption, or TitleofCbitdmz, Obferve that wor~ver[. ~· of Chap. r 1; [For the prefmt firM] lt is, that Hit St– there arefo few, but mvrrf.. z.s,-z.6. . He would not havtthemzgnorant •ftbis cond .An{. [Myf/eryj That blztzdnrf! zn part ts happt~ted to lfratl, unttl the/ttlnefs of tbe Grntzles become ill, .AndJo aft lfrrul jbatt 6t favrd. Now that which I intend in the wprds, is,that he Clearly ref~lves the utmofi ~ccount of that Paucity o~ Fewnefs of them, who at thatprefent were StJvtd, mto Elebiion, &c, Thus m thofe word~, verf. ;z., His prople whom brfore– lwew, and rhen .againthofc who a.t that prt{'tnt time, ~He laits; were rhenfa– vcd; He calls in verf. ) •.ARemnant; and aRemnant accordi11g to tbr Eleflion ofGrace. And in vrrj. 7· What thrn! lfi'atl bath ttotobtaittedJhatwhich be jukttbfpr, 6uttht Elrflio11 hathobttJintdit, and there{/ wtre 61inded. I thall therefore further to lay a foundation for rhis my Subj.ell, open thefe two Verfes, z., and )th. Wherein . f.irll,