Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

,Of Eleflion. to be his, and tney are alone hu l'eopte. And fo !or fubfiance and m effect, both~ thefewordSrnVer.(. z. whomheforebirw, ar.d thofe that after follow, [A~ remnant accordi11g' to Eleflio11 of Grace] prove b0th to be one and the · fame. The D01!hine I draw the words fummarily forth into, is, That there is a11 Eleflion of fame, with tJ No11-rlrflio11, or paffing by of pthers; whJCh Eleflio11 is out of thr pure Grace of God, und is the Cauj( of their Ejfeflual Calling m1d Sa/vatzo11, There is anorber General Doctrine to follow from out of the Interpretation of the FourthandFifthVrr[es; viz. 1h,;t thofe two Comptmies, or Forces ofMen, the Eleflion, andthe refl, or Non-tleflrd, h~ve 6em extant in at/ figes of the World, and have dzvided Mmzkindpafl, at~dwillbr found i11 the World, to the end thereof, for ttmr to comr. The former of thefc two is indeed the ultimate Subjea in my aim ; which that Lt ter ferves to confirm: But the fecond lhall be the Doctrine which l tball more largely inlifi upon; and that but fo far as it is a Mediumof proof to Evi– dence the firfi, therr is an Eleflion, ~c. And my handling of That (the firtl,) thall be only fo far out of an Interpretation of the firfi, lecond,and third Verfes; which when performed, I lhall leave the further Evidence thereof unto the Infiances and Story ofthe Second Doctrine: For which olfo I lhall find a g00d Specitnm and Ground in the Text it felf, in Verf, 4• when they come to be opened. As for the lirfl: Doctrine propofed, and the Interpretation of P'erj: 1, 2, J, 5', 6. ~c. I !hall go over the words thereof by Parts, as they are placed in that Doctrine, t. Th,tt therr is a11 Elefliott]That's in the Letter ofthe Text,wherein theE· !eel: are called the Ete/Jion: And E!eflion imports a Catli11g, or lingling fome from others; as 2 h, .:.,,, exemzt,jdtgit; herxrmpted, excepted fome; or as it is here in Verf, 4· referved to himfelf. If fome were not paf– fed by, there were not an Election, On the oppolite fide, the other are cal· led the Refl, Verf. 7· tlutis, Non-elefltd, And to fay, the Refl, is the mild. ell: and foftefl: word that could be given of it; and importeth meerly a Non– eltflioll, as it fl:ands in this <lifl:inction here from the Election , which is its Oppofire. Again, 2. Of the one he fays, God did fordmow them; [His Prople which he foreknew] And by his foreknowing, took them to be his; z Tim. 2. rg. The Lord knows who are his: He fpeaks it of Election.. But there is ano– ther part of tluat diflit~flion, (for fuch thofe words in Ver[. 2, are;) there is a Refl whom he never knew: Although he foreknew them, as he foreknows All things, yet without a love, or owning of them: Thus Chrifi, Matt h. 7• 2 J· ]tJever k11ew you: There is the Badge of the Rrfl, that he fays, He never knew them: That [never] reacheth up as high as Eternity; and that from thence, even unto that hour, He never knew them. And as he never did know them, fo he never will to Eternity. You 'fee here are two Companies, Ele/1, and the Re(/: One foreknown, and the other never known. s· There are d,fft rent Hl'ues, and events befall thefe two; proceeding The one, from Gods foreknowing the one ; and the other , That God never knew Them : The firfi doth infallibly obtain, The E!eflion have o6tai11ed it: Ob– tained what? And How? Effectualcallingfirfi, and Salvation at lafi thereby: What then does befall the Refi? They were 6/indtdl So the Text; [And the Rrfl •were blinded,] In like Equipage Chrifi fpeaks in the t oth of John; That he had Sbrep wbzch Wrrtyet to be ca!led: So or Verft6.And otferjtup I have 1 which are 11ot ofthi; fold:thcm al(o I mu(/ 6ri11g,m1d they/but! hear my voice, mzdthtrt /hall be •11e fold, mu/ ont Shepherd. And that his Father had given