Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E!eelion. ~given them Him. And then oppofitely, He fpeaks of another Company· BooK I. Verf. 26. ye are 11ot of my jheep: And the fame different Events do follow upo~ ~ Each, that are here faid to befall thefe two Companies here. Even as here, of thofe that were his Sheep, He fays , Verf. 16. They }halt hear mf voict and them I mujl bring: And Verf. 27. My (beep hear my voice; m11l I giv; UIJto them Etemat Ltfe, and they fbatt never perifh, Verf. 28, But ofthe other Tou believe not, becaufeyou are 11ot of myjheep,Verf 26. Obferve, It is not tha; Chri!l: fays, They were not of his Sheep, becaufo they believed not; but on the Contrary, They bdieved not, becaufo they were 1101 of hi< Sheep. And it was Eleefion of the fir!l: fort that put the difference: For the firjl, He calls his Sheep, becaufe the Father h.1d given them Him; and that before their Calling, mJdBdievint: For, lays He, I have Sheep which are not of thi$ Fold; them Atjo I mujt bring, and theJfba/1 bear my voice; and there }hat! 6e oru Fold, mu/out Shepherd: So it was his Fathers gift of them afore Cal: ling , for which they are in thefe places called bu Slmp; and given by his Fa– ther with fuch a Command, as I mufl6ri".t them in, fays Chri!l:. 4· Tbi< Sep• .ration by Eteefio11 u out of Pure Graa: That was another thing I put into the Doctrine. And fo it is here faid to be accordi11[, to the E– tefiJ01f of Grace; That is, Grace was the Founder and foie Author of that Decree, and that Election meerty of Grace; for it follows , Verf. 6. If it 6t of Grace, then it uuo more of Works; otherwifeGrace u 110 mort Grace. Which plainly Excludes Works of Man, as forefeen, and therewith llmts out alfo the Will of Man which is the Author of Work;, to be any way the Caufe of fuch an Election as forefeea:He makes thefe Two utterly exclufive one ofthe other; that is , as to the point of Elelling: As it follows , If it 6e of Works, it i5 110 more of Grace, otberwife Work utJo more Work. Admit but the le all: of Works, it is no more of Grace out ofwhich God electeth: They are two Con. tradifiinct oppofite things For the further Confirmation of this main Doctrine, now gathered out of the Eleventh Chapter, I might here largely fhew, that the fame is the very Scope of the Ninth Cb,tpter: And withal, give the Correfpondencies which thefe PaiTages in this Eleventh Chapter do hold, with the like in the Ninth Chapter. In which Ninth he had treated the Doctrine of Election and Pre– terition, as in the proper Seat for them: And this Eleventh Chapter that follows is a part of the Application and Praxis of that very fame Doctriac, treated in Chapter g. And it is as evident to me, that he treats in that Ninth Ch,,pter the Doctrine ofthe Election of Perfons,without the confideration of a– ny worth or dignity in them forefeen, as certainly, as that the comming of Chrifi in the Flefh, and his being Crucified, were foretold inPjat. 22.or in the 5jtbChapter of Ifiliah. He had indeed begun in a way of General Thefts, or Summary Pofition, to propound the Doctrine of Election in the Chapter afore; and how Effectual Calling, t:!lc. !lows from thence, and depends thereupon, as fo many Links up· on the fir!l: Link of that Golden Chain; that is, in Chap. 8. fromVerj: z8, 29, 30. We know that at! tbi11gs work togetherfor'good to them that tove God; to them who m·e the Cat!ed accordi11g to his purpo(e : For whom he did fore– /mow, he did al{o predeflinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son, that be might 6e the Firfi·OOY1J among{/ many Brethrm : Moreover, whom he did predefiinate, them be alfo ca!teJ; mJd whom beca!ttd, them he al{ojuflified; mtd whom he juflzfird, them he atfo glorified And upon occafion of that grand Objection, I fore-fpecified, That God had left the Community of that Nation of the Jew•, to ob!l:inacy again!l: Chri!l:, and unbelief, whofo yet were the Promifes, t:!lc. and that fg few of that Nation had entertained the Gofpel: He was neceilitated thereupon to profecute, and clear the fame Doctrine more at large, as that which had put the difference between thofe few that were fa– ved of that Nation; and that Generality that were left to blindnefs. And this he begins to do from the In!l:ances of the Fathers of that Nation, in thofe eld· eft, primitive Times thereof; fhewing, how that from 'the fir!l:, Eleflion 6y Grace, of the Perfons of I{aac and .7aco6 in Abraham's Family, (the Foun– der ofthat Nation;) had put that vafi defcrimination between them tWo, and the