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the Perfons of Jjhmrul and Ej•11, whom God had rejelled: And therefore no~ wonder if the famedtfference fell out upon the fame Foundation, in the fuc- Chap. 2, ceeding Children of ljaac and J rJCob. Thefe being leading Examples, and ~ Types ofwhat was to come: Notwithflanding thePromife made was toA6raham and hu fnd, for Inheriting Eternal Ltfe;Whtch the JewJ undediood to be Univerfal of their whole Nation, but was indeed but todefinite: Whtch·the Apofiles Argument Verj: 7,8. dot)l !hew they were. · The occalion ot his proceeding upon this Argument, in the 91h . Chapter, be– ing thus flated; You then have the matn Sub;etl: dtbat 9tb. Chapter, Sum– marily propofed inVerf 1 1. the later part ot the Verf. Viz. That the purpofe ofGod, according to Eletl:ion might !land; not of works, but ofhim thatcalleth. And this Dodrine as thus flatcd, He fetcheth out from thofe two Inflances of lfaac, and Jacob; As a genuine. Infc~ence, and Conclufion thence deduced ; which I !hall but give the tenfe oftn bnef: And thts Inference or ConcluGon, though drawn but from thofe two Inflances among the .7ew1jhNation , He yet propofeth as a general Maxim, appliable to all other men in the World that are Eled; Whetherthey be Jew, or Gent1le: The fame rcafon holds of them, as it did ofthefe two, I(aac, and Jacob. ( Thrlt, f!ic. J. This Particle fltews the final caufe, or intent ofGod; And ~;,~(';f'~~rr. of'i'a11/J alledgtng thefe.two Examples accordmgto Gods truemtenttn them: 11 • Ch.p.!>– As if He had fa id, to tlmEnd or Purpofe, God bath m the Scnptures put thts brirfiJ ,,.,,,_ open difference of lja!lc, and Jaco6J Perfons from that of ljhmarl, and E(at~'s; ud. That He might give forth a mofl manifefi, and general demonflration of the like, in the condition of All others. That GodJ purpoje according to E/e[/iofl] Which Firfl, always imports with it, a fingling timh One, or Divers from others who are not Chofen: And fo here doth connotate the rejedion ofothers: Namely, Ijhmarl, and E{au : Or elfe Secondly, That Claufe is put in to difiingui!h it to be that fore ofpurpofcs, which are Elt[/ion purpofes.: That whereas to rejed, or pafs by others, is from a purpofe too; But tlus tl hts purpofe accordmg to Eledion. Or Thirdly, That Claufe may be thus underflood; That Gods Purpofe made according to the way, mode,or manner of Eledion ; Wltich in the Eleventh Chapter, He uCJng the fame phrafe, dorh there tnteod it to exprefs, that it is ·aut of pure Grace: And fuch was this ofl(aacJ, and Jaco6J: it was after the way, and mo<le Eledion ufeth to hold ; Out ofthe Principle ofpure Grace, whence Eledion always pmceeds This further to have been, to the end, Th11t it might{lcmd: ] That is, Firm;] or Jurr: As being built upon the unchangeable Will, and good pleafure of Grace in God Himfelf : That did not !land waiting, or fufpend upon Mans Will, to fee how it would work, and cafi the matter, and ufe his Grace, ere He would Decree, or Purpofe their Sal– vation. Not of Works:] A1 thryarr ill US, andfrom w: And Ais reafon iofinua– ted in that word, [might ffand; J Shews why He took that courfe : For if it had been ofWorks, that might make the Decree, or purpofe wavering, and uncertain. Bill ofHim thr1t CaOeth: J That whereas God had alfo Decreed that Works ofFaith, and Obedience !hould exifl in them, He faith, ) et that his purpofe of Eledion to fave them, depended not on thofe VVorks, bur on his Grace, to work thofe Works efficacioully in them: Which when He did Eled, he with– a~ Decre~d to put forth by catlit1g Them, which was Gods Ad on Them, and gtves an tnvtnctble Demonflration, That no Work, a, theirs, either afore Cal– ling, or after, was the Meafure, or Condition, that in'Eied.on .God went by. But his Calling immediately proceeding from Eledion, begins fir{\ "'ith'Them; And works All in T nem: That fothe whole Glory might be Hu that callrtb, and ·not ofThem that are Cilllrd: He working that Calling, and the Works in, and of Them, thence llowing , from his own Almighty Power and Grace ; And therein executing but that which his Purpofe of Eledion had from Ever– lafiing Determined. ~ D This - - ~~---~ - ---- ·-