Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleEHon. ~ This Doctrine, and Maxim, Tile Apoftle profeifeth to be a juf\ Inference BooK I. from both the Examples ofl[aac, and 1aco6 ; .(whom He accordingly wrought ~an tffectual Calling in;) llut had chofen theJr Perfons ill lm Eye and Purpofe limply con!idered thus to Call, andWork.~pon them; .and b)l !o Calling them, to fave them; And from the parucular Ellal:nples ofthefe twb, H1s fcope is to fhew in them as Examples and Types that 6oddoth the like, with the re(\ of the Sons of Men ; Erpecially that t•ve ifl' the Chutct1 and Houllrold of God. ·. And this i• ilaother but the Sum ofthe·Doctrine of EleCtiotr as we teach it and (\ate it out of him, which thus in thefe ihf\ances at the fir(\ propo~nded; He tb.en purfuesin the refiofthe Chapter; .From Verf.'~+ roVerJ 24, What jbatt we fay thm, i. thereu1lrzghteouf•ufs with God? Godforbid: lior H.t faith to Mofes, I will have mercy onwhotmlwillhavnnercy; And'Iwitt havuompajfion 011 w_hom I writ hape compa({ion: So then, ·zleJ not ofhim tha't Wiiteth, 11or ofhim that Rtmneth, but of God thatjbewetb Ultrrcy;· For tht Scripturefaith tmto Pharaoh, wenfor thi. (nme purpof'e havt I raij'td thuup, that I mightjbewmy Power in Thee ; A11d thaP my Name might 6t dtclartd throughout A/Jtht Earth: Therrfore bath he mercy lln whpm ht wi!J 'bavt mercy: A11dwhomhtwi/J he hard11eth: 'Thou wzlt Jay thrn:mtomr, why doth heyet findfault? For who bath rejifled hu.Wi/J1 Nay, 6ut 0 man/ w_ho art Thott that repliefl agaitJj/ God? Sha/J tht thingformtdfayto him that formd it, why haft thou made me theu? Bath <Jot tht Potter pown' over tbt Clay, ofthej;Jme lump, to make otJe Veffel unto honour, and mtqtbtr ~nto dijhotJ· our? What ifGod wiUing tojbew hu wrath, lmJd to make hu PowerJwow11, endured with mrech long Jtsjfering tht Tleffels of wrath, fitted to deflrt~lliotJ: .A•zd that he might make known tht riches ofhis Glory on the veffe!s ofmtrcy, which he had afore preparedtmlo Glory : Evm eu whom ht bath caOd, not ofthe Jews o11/y, 6ut a!Jo oftht'Gentiles, In which words He further proceeds by Anfwering fame Qya:ries, and Ill. Objections; To clear the fame Aifertion, laid down in Tier f. 11th. Which I lhall not now enlarge upon, they all fo broadly fpeaking the fame very thing, which he had thus declared in Verf.·,,. and inferred from thofe particular Examples of thefe Two; as Examples, as well as Types of the refi ofthe Sons of Men; Who prove to be either Veifels of Mercy or ofWrath. · And then when he had thus delivered the Doctrine ofGods Decrees about Mankind unto Vcrf. 24.. He then proceeds to the execution thereof upon upon thofe Elect, which m Verf. ''· He had fa1d wa> by Calhng : [Of hzm that ca/Jeth] according to that Decree: Which Calling He in the lafi words ofVer{. 2~. exprelfeth to be a prep,;ritrg of tEem for that Glory, which was by his Decree Ordained them. And fo he goes on Ver[. '-4· Evm us whom be bath ctJlled, •rot ofthe Jews o11!y, 611t a!fo of the Gentiles. And the difference which effectual ca!litJgproceeding from Election, puts between the Elect, and others; He handles from that Ver{: unto the end ofthe IOth. Chapter. That which in the Third place I obferve is, The correjpondtizcy, or·rather Idmtity which the forementioned pa!Iages in the 1 I th, Ghapter, (wherein my Text is) do hold with the like, in that foregone, Chap. 9· which fhews that his Scope as to this Point of Election is one, and the fame in both; And which do therefore give light each to the other. In this I It h. Chapter, (the Scope whereof I have lafi given) ; '· He re· vives the Application of that Doctrine to the .!ews ; Upon the very fame oc• cafion He had entred upon it in Ver(. 9· And there it was faid that thefe Jews had the Priviledge ofbeing Ifratlitts; and that to them pertained the Adopti· on, or Title of the Children ofGod ; The Covmallts, and the Promifes; And that Theirs were the Fathers, meaning efpecially A6raham,l{iu1c, and Jaco6; Thus inV•rf. 4, 5, And yet that that Nation fhould in the Community ofit, be left to Infidelity, and but fo few whom the Promifes had taken effect Uf'OD. This He infinuatesin thofo words, as containing thefubf\anceofan O~jectton, . Not tU though the word ofGod h11d6em of1/otfffll; Or had been whofly.v.olcr, and fruf\rate : Which implies that !uch an Objedion did lie in mens mmc!s.Y. Or at leafi might do, and fo weaken the truth of that Doctrine of.C~nfi, ~ whicb