Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleE!ion> . J 9 which he had delivered in the former parrofthis Eptf/Je, as urter)y in- ~ confillenc wirhfogreat, and high TitlespfPriviledges, enumerorcd in the Ver- Chap. 2:: fes afore. 2. They imply, that there were yetfome, whom the Word of Go~~ had taken hold upon : And thefe ,enough to vindicate the truth ofG9ds Word, declared concerozng them, And Thirdly, Thofe words [n_ot .u thottgh J ''X l.,,, fot·nd plainly a prevention, or preoccupanonofrharObJeChon .. , Fourt11 ly, Th e [word Jthere fpoken of, is meant, the Promife.made to Abrab!Jrn, and his Seed, to be Heirs of Et~rnallife, .which is rhus exprefl conc~rning lfaac, and Jacob; (The Two Pcrfons here inflanced in, in the Text) that they wer,e Htirs ofthe fame F•·ornife Wtth Htm, as Heb, ''·9• Whtch the Jrws under" i\ood to be Univerfal tinro all his Seed, after the flelh : And that t~ere fore they were A/J thr Chtidrrn of God: (As their reply t~ Chrifl !hews in iJo/m8.) which the Apoflle his Anfwer, and f>,rgumg m Verf, 7, 8. Nttthrr 6teau[t tbry art thr Sud of Abraham, are thry AIJ cht!drm; But '" Ifaac,fha/J tb,? Seed 6ecalled: 'That i!, They which are thr cht!drm of tbeflrfh, theje ttre 11ot the children ofGod; bflt the children ofthe Promtjt are cottntedfor th,e Sett!; Shews to have been at the bonom, as th.e caufe and aceafion of this his Vi1tdtcit£, or Apologetical Di(courfe: (As I may well call it. ) . Now then, look as this falfe Suppofibon, That all the People of I{rrut wer.e the Children of God, by rea_fon of their beingA6rahJm's and IJYad•, or J,z. cob's Seed. And hereupon thofe their Titles and Priviledges aforefaid, wer,e the occafion, in that NinthChapttr, of his Treating of the Doctnne of E– leCtion there; fo here in this EleventhChapter, he re·a!Tume~ the very fame Occafion, when he goes on to apply it to the Jews, beginning at the very lirll: Vrrfe; I Jizy then; bath God ea(/ away his Ptoplr ? He fpeaks in reality the fame thing: To which he aofwers, Vu[. 2. With that Diltinction taken from .Election; God bath not cafl aW<J)I his Peopl( whom he fort kurw: The Occa– fion is the falille, and the Anfwer is the fame; and rhe ObjeCtion isSolved by the Doctrine of Election. . ..-, , , 2. The Difference put between the True Tfraelite and the Outward , is re– folved into Election, and that of pure Grace, as the foundat ion thereof: Th!! Election obtained it, Vrrf. 7· And tbe refl wertblmded. And that Election fuch, as was out of pure Gract; by virtue of which it was that they obtain/d it, by obtaining through that Eld\ion, on effd\u al CaiiiHg; for wapt qf . which, the Ref/, or Non-elect, were left to their hardnefs. Such a Graco as was purely Grace, unintermingkd with Worlrs, f ore(em, •s in the Vrr(es a,· fore ; when he f01d, a Rrmn,mt, according to the Eleflton of Grace, Ver].5 .. He then explains what that Grace was: And indeed that word carries irs o"o Interpretation with it; ) For t/ by Gract (faith he) then it ts tto mor~ of Works : Ot'herwtjr Gract is 11omore Grace, Verf. 6. _lnfomuch, as Au- , , jlincomparing rbefe PafTages of boJh Chapters together, and efpecially char ;;; ';::"{';~: of Verj. r r. of Ump. 9· For the Chzldrw 110t 6ewg yet born, tmtber havmg "'"''· ,Ep. do1u .any good or evil, that the ptlrpofe of God occording to Eleflio11 1111gb.t 106·•d s.., Jlmttf; Not of Works, /;ut of htm that Calltth i with thefe now me<_iti~>ne~ '""'· in Chap. 11. Verf. 'l· and 6. obferveth the accord and agreement of the fame Scope in both: · ,. And Thirdly, The Atcord appears in that the Apoflle termeth thpfe fe~ qf the;.ews, called the Eledioo, a Rtm11ant, in both places al(o, .in Chap. 9" fl'tr.27. Thoughthr~tumberoftheChildrm •flfracl L•e dJ. tbt of,tbr $ea, (J Rem•wnt jha/1 btfaved: Which, as relating UQ!9 ,the Words j Ver{, 2~. and 26. 'Dr Vitt~ interpreteth as fpoken of Eledion; and fo (ully ac, cords With Verf. 5· Chap, 11, Thtrt is a Rtmnallt accordi~tg to the Ele· l1to1l. .. . , The Corollary brought off from thefe 1\efereriii:d and ,R.efpeds of tbele two Chaptrrs one to the other, as touching Eledioo, is, That if Election to Life,and Salvation out of pute Grace,. be the Subject of the Eleventl! Chapter; it rrm'fl be alfd intended in.the Ninth Chapter. Now the Differcflce th,at is put berwecrirb:e.EI,~di?n.;_ and the Refl, in th~t Eleven~h Cf>~pter , is purely an,i clearly that whtch rs tn order unto the obtarnmg ofErerna,l L!le; and therefore mull be inieti'dt d ii-i th'C ltitlaitce~ of Ifaac an<! Tj/imael ;' Jacob and Efilu a!fo : D 2 Which