Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. ~ the BuJjl, w hof<Namts are not writttll in tht Book of Life o{ the Lam6 0 °K· •· Jlrti" from tbe Foundation of the World. ~ . 6; The.worf\ and moll: perfecuting times that are, cannot extinguifh the )':lect: .!1/.1••6 and ']ezn6tl could not; nor yet caufe them to defile their Con. fciences. 1tz,,6tl fearch'd every Corner, and yet Etiah lives: And Three hundred Prophets were bid with him in a Cave, and lived , though with Stead ond Water. ]. Ifyou be the Elect ones of God , that God hath referved for himfelf it is no matter what Times you Jive in: The Lord hath appointed in feverai Succdlions, greater and Jeffer diflicultits, Some Times wherein the Churches have peace , and feme wherein they £\and in Jeopardy of their Lives every moment: And fame mufi have the wor£\, (for as the Day JS h1s, fo the Darkfom Night is his, as the Pfatmifl fpeaks of good and evil Times:) Thus thofe did in .llhabs time; and what matter was it, feeing God had refer– ved them, to take them to Himfelf. If it be thy Lot to ltve in as bad as they did, yet whereas Heaven is referved for thee, and God bath referved thee for himfelf, thouneedefi not be Anxious: Thou fhalt fiand up in thy Lot, as the Angel comforted 'Da11itl, who would fain have lived to have feen thofe blef. fed days the Angels told him of. When Times in any Age are upon the Tro· pick of turning from bad to good, there are fame pretiom Ones 1hall dye juft in the Vertical Point, as old Simeondid, and never enjoy the Profperity of them. . 8. Be content with little in the World, and out of the World: Thou (eefi that God that made the World, contents himfelf with but a few , but a Rtm– nant : And fo He hath them fafe with him to Heaven, He fatisfies himfelf with the enjoying them to Eternity. Were thy Houfes and thy Goods burnt, ,care not,feeing God bath referved thee wholly for himfelf. CHAP.