Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of,Eieflion. G, H A P. I1I. That De faa:o, God hatb made an EleCtion offome OUP of pwe G~ace, w#~ a .•Non,eleflion of othm; proved ,by the Story of all . Ag_er of the World, through the 'f!/d and NewTeftame.nt. . •' I . Found upon tbe fame Text of Rom, XI. 4• ), 6,and 7th Verfts, lhis Se· cond Alfertion; That tbeje two Companies, or forts of Men thm diffo– rmced, The E L E CTI 0 N, and The,'R EST not dtcltd, have been in all Ages of the World, and have dividrd Mm1ki11d, and jhaJt to. the End.. . , , , , "!J j' All the World are, and·have been either the Ete8io11, or the Rejl; yea, and therefore thofe other are termed the Rejl (the tendereil word that could have been ufed) as be'ing the other whole Remainder, when the Elect are ta– ken forth. l!s if you h~ve a great Heap afore you, and you cull out fome 1 and what are the Rcimmnder ar.edalled the R~il; there 1s not a thtrcl COI!Jpa– ny; and they are fo diilinguilhed, as that none of the Elect do become of the Number of the Reil; nor of the Reil do become of the Number of the ·E, led: And therefore you mufl nevQr intermingle them, by thinking that s Man may be of the Elect to day, and at their Death Reprobate : For thele t.wo, as contra·diflind Sayings, remain (uch to eternity. I.f any of the E– kCl were finally hardened, then this other faying, The Refl were bli11ded; were not true. Or if any of thofe that are the Refl did obtai11 it, tben that firfl the Eteefion have obtained (as they fland thus differenced one from the other) were not true, The Etea and the Refi fland fevered in fuch a Con– tra-diflindion, by two fuch events appropriate to each; yo~ mufl take E– ltflion, and Obtained it as eternally yoked, and belonging to the Company a· lone; and on the contrary,the Rejl were bti>Jded, as the IIIu~ of that Compa~ ny alone, who are not faid to be the Refl, becaufe ·they are blinded; bqt be– ing fhe Rejl that is fevered from the Election, it comes to pafs that they are blinded: As on the contrary, the Election being a Company chofen out from the R.efl, thdy obtain it, and are not finally blinded. ~. That this Divilion is and hath been in all Ages, e!ic. I found it thus far upon the Text: You fee the Apoflle itiflanceth in two Ages, and par~llels them together in this very refpe.d, Eliah's Times in the Old, in which God bad an Election, (though the worfl of Times) Seven thoufand Men, and the refl fell all to Baat: So even in this prefent tlge, fays he, it proves to be amongmy Country-mm the Jews, ,And the wo,rd,fo [theJJ] is an Inference from tl;le former Inflance to prove it .,,as well as !t is a Parallel to .exemphiie 1t, So that although he inflancerh but in two 1 Jhefe Ages pafl . andpr.e(t:nt; yetitleadson, andgivesajuflocpalion to ext~d enquirY. ioto all Age's; How doth he prove .that there is ~h Election now , as well as a Parallel? Or bow doth this follow • tliat if he h~d an Election before, he bath now l Becaufe Election, nu11quam excit/it; faith Paref/s, Election ne– ver ceafeth to be in the World. A Church urtto God m.ufl Jheri ceale to be extant,; for whOfe lakes the World doth fladd 1 and will. continue no lon– ge~, than till tod bath alr.bis Elect out ()f it: And then will the end be4~ . .) \'' ·'' -~-.. \1 ~y)' ,,:\. \" :} .., '"',~It ,, \t ~~ · :!1 r ·qi.i 1 ~ .... ' ' ,.. ~V"rJ r J l ~~ r.r .. .:r· , 't ., ·) To· ,•,~.u