Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflimi. thefe Operations men call free; yet the Pmzdzu or Weight of Flefi1 and Cor . ~ ruption prevailed, and earned them another way, and they were 6/md- Chap. 3· ed. ~ But you wili fay, Was there none of the Eled amoog them? Yes, Noah was, and Come of his Fnm1ly. Well, but !\dl, what put the difference of Noah from the reft of the whole World? Look into. the fame .Chapter, Gm. 6. and the 8th Vtrje; But Noah fotmd Grace m tbe eyes ,of I hr Lord. Pray. what do you think to be the meaning of finding Grace in the eyes ot the Lord I It exprelfeth Eledion in the words of my Text. As alfo when God fays of Mofes, the chofcn of God, I b,,ve k11ow11 thu by N:me, .and thou ha{/ found Gract in my fight; and is all one with the Apoftles, By Grace yo11 art j'aved, Epb. 2. and fo he became Hrir of the Righteoufiufl of' F,:ith, He/J. t •· 7· for Faith follows Eledion infeparably. Sll then the Eledion obtained it, and the Refi, with all their Free-will helps, (yet being left to FHh) were blinded and hardened, ' This is a ftrange thing, that among an whole World of Peo– ple, there lhould not be found One, whofe Fre.e-will, affifted by common an~ general Grace, 1hould have obtained it; (For he ftyles them the world of Uti· godly) What n?t one? And that Nodb by Eledion Grace iliould obtain .it; Wno would notventure to be Saved by the .way of Eledion Grace? When 'tis a World to one that • Man is Caved no other way, Thus the Old World, as the Apofile calls it, both began and ended in, Br' Grace you are faved. Let us now view the World that now is, as the fame Apoftle calls it. No fooner cloth Noab, with his three Sons, come forth frilm the Ark, which was' the bpoca from whence the New World began, but the Eledion and th.e Re~ began anew to be declared, even among thofe three Sons that had been prefer– vod from the Flood. And this appeared by Prophecy of Noahdireded there-, to by God; B leffed be tht ~ordGodof Sem '· lays he, Gen. 9· 6. which im– ports that God was his Lord, and had cho'fen him. and blelfed him with all manner of But what of the other: Curfed be Cam, be /haD bt a Serva11t of Servants; which is ftill that whereby Rejedion is expre{fed. Ja– phe: and llis Po!\erity lhould one day be perlwaded to live in the Te11ts of'Sem; which was mea9t of the Calhng of the Gentiles, the Ettropem: Chrifiians , Vtrf. 27. fulfilled more than Two thoufand years after. For which, With dif– ference fromCam, when Sem's Genealogy comes to !:le recorded, Grn, 11. u. it is firft prefaced, Sem the Fathtr of thl Chtldrtn of Heber: that is, of the Church that was to be of the Hebrews, or Jews. And then 'ti• added, The Brother of Japhet, Was not Cam the Brother of Sem.alfo l Yes ; but Japhet was robe theFatherof the Gentiles, of whofe Race the Church of the Gm– t:les was atterwards moft to confifi; and fo they are yoked as Brethrtrl in this Bltffing, as StmeotZ and Ltvi in Evil. From tl1efe Sons of Noab, did come the Divifion of the Nations, that then rofe up. God divided their Languages,appoinred the Bounds of their Habitati– ons i. according as the three Sons of NorJb, and their Sons that came of them, d1d d1fperfe rhemfelves, The Number of which Nations, in their Divifion , you have recorded in the Catalogue of thofe Fathers of them that defcended from Noah'sdJree Children, Gm. ro, which to be the Scope of that Chapter, the la!\ Verfe fhews; By tbrfe were tlu Nati•1:s divtded ill tht Earth, after the Flood, And the Number of thofe Fathers,and fo of the Nations, is found to be jufi Seventy. At this Divifion of the Nations, which in his Counfel God appointed, Acts J 7· :z.6.. God was then to choofe again, in what Nation or Nations he would hav<;,.the great Current of his Eletbon to run. This o ;vifion of the Nations isf.'iid to b.e made in Heber's time, Gm, 10, 2~. who was the great Grand– c!Hid of lo<odb. or the third Succeffion defcended from his Son of.blelling,Srm: For until rhen, all the Children of Noab, and his Sons, lived together, and were ot one Language. But after fo long a time it was, that they were <on– f~unded m thelf Language, and began to fcatter at B ,:bel, (and not afore his time) and from that nme tobe fcattertd, and fo dcd fir!\ begin to be fct up E 2 thofe