Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Elellion. rV\./1 thofe feveral Nations, which yet at the fir!t muft needs l:>e fuppofed to have BooK I. been done in fome Succellion of time: V"'V'"'oo But why is it with luch afpecial notoriety faid, thi. 'Divi}on WtU made z, Heber's ttmf? even to figmfie that upon the .D1V1fion, God l>egan to feparne the Jewilh Nation to himfdf in He6•r, whom h~.firll fer oyt .to be the .faiber o~ the Hebrew N~tion, or rl)e Church of the J•wifb Nati??, to.begin- with h1m, At rhe_D1v1fion of other Nauons, .rh~ ji:lect of.No~b s Fam1ly bavjng before that D1v1fion lain prom1fcuoully mtermmgled, )Vlth tbofe that were thofe Nations, b,ut not till then divided. Therefore'.. (h(IP•. io. ,at th,~. yery entrance of Sm• s Genealogy, Mofes doth WliA the hke Oilfervancy beg1n it thus, Verf. 21. Stm the Father of ,,1/ (hf Cht!t/rm •of Hel)er. And wby of Ht6tr's Children ? When Jem had other C'luldren,whofe Geneaolo!ly be alfo there R.ecords, as Elam and djbur (the fathers of the djfjrlmts and Perflan Nations) who were the elder Brethren to .lfrphr~x td the Father of He6er and Hrbrr too was the third fromNoah by this 4rphaxad. ' It is high time now to Demand what fhould rhis long Narra rive tend ro? E– ven unto this, ro make way for, and to dlfcover rhat next great and long Stage of Election in its new R.aee after the Flood, upon this Divrfion of the Nations, how and what courfe it rook and held; vl.z, that when God was now a ter the Flood ro begin to choofe among the Natiops, when rhey were firll Divi– ded (which we have heard was in Hr6rr's time) that then he chafe the Ht– /;rew Nation from amoag all rhofe Nations, through whom this mighty Cur– rent of Election Owuld run for above Two rhoufand years continuance. Every Tittle of this is the refult of the foregoing Pa!f1ges compared together, as any intelligent Reader, by putting t~jngs together, will eafily difeern: F9,r jn that it is faid in He6er's days the !"lations were divided, is imporred withal', that in him, and from him, did the Hebrew !ljatil>n begin ro be divided from the re!t, as the other Nations were from one;,another. And accordingly we find his Pofterity, ("<hen even few) wasc~)led Hebrtws, as their National Denomination and Di!t,ndion from thofe other Nations they \ived amongft , Gm. 14. t 3· d6rJhmn the [ Hebrrw] t'is fa id, and Jo(rph the Hrbrrw, Gm, 39.And therefore alfo when they gr.ew up into a great Body, and were mulripl.i– ed,fo as ro deferve the name of a Nar~on, for their Numbers, and as then hv– inginone 0 1 thofe divided Nation~ VJZ, among the Egyptians, they then reatfume that Title, and are again fiiled Hebrews, Exotf. 1 )· 16. But yet more expreOy in B .tlaam.r Prophecy, the whole Nation is !tiled HE BE R, Nt•mb.24.Theyjbatt ".Jf/tfl d/bt~r(meaning,rhe diJOrlrmNations,fo called from tf>eir Fatller;)d•.dthryjb.Jtl d_t]lt8 HE:BER, that is, rhe Hebrews or Jewif9. Nation, named Mr6rr from this their Fore-father,in likewifc.And Then for the other parr, that at thr 'Divijion of thr Nations God cau(rd hi4 Elt- \ l11on to take its cottrfe through the hrart and 6owr!J of that Hrbrr'ill Natlo11, with difference from the other f)xty nine Nations, as the ~vent fufficiently evincerh; fo another Scripture,added to.thefe,doth fignifie and con– firm,And you have it as aMemorial fet down in rhat highly Divine SongofMo· fes, which was his !aft to that People 'Drt1tJ2. 7;8 .g.Remr, 6er the days ofold, co11{idrr theyears of ''"'"f Gnttrations; d.r thy Fnthrr and hf wt!l.fh•w thu, thy Eldtrs and tht)' wt/1 lftl tha,whm thrmofl htg h 'DI'videdto tht Nations th•ir Inhrrltmtct, whrn hr (eparalfdtht So11s of Adam, hr {rt the bou11dt of theProplr accordmg to thr Numbrr of tht Chtldrm of Ifratl. For the Lord.r portion Is hi& People,J,Jco6ts the lot of hu lJihtrltmJce, He Bids them ' look back untoAncienrdays, the Tradit1ons where of their Fathers had left down ro them: And among other, how his eye of Grace and favor was up– on them , to fingle their Fathers forth then , when he divided rhe Nations, (relating to rhat Famous Div ,fioo, Gm. 1 o.) The Number of the Chrildren of lfrael being, when firft in Egvpt, Seventy Souls; and juft fo m•ny, eve~ Seventy Meads; or Fathers of the Nations, i~ the Numberthey are divided into, Gtn. to. and from thence rohave continued rothat day the fame to themfelves , who were rheir Polleriry, with rh is Great difference , That unto the Nations he appointed (as alfo Paul, ACls 17.) Bo11d~ ofHa61tatlollf as their Portions and lllherirances on the Earth, as in Vtrj. S. But had that · Ey,e