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Of EleClion. ~ cordi11g to EleGlio11 mightj/tl1ld, 11ot of works, hut of him th:~i cannh. And at– BooK. I. . though in the infiance of lfuac, he h.ath n.ot mentioned a S~ri~ture that hath ~the EleGltono{H1m: (And yet that m Gm. I7. 2I, U'tfy ·Lovmantwi!JI ejlablijhwith Ifaac, is a plain declaration of the thing it felf,) And then the difference profelfedly here put between htm and ljhmatl, and others of Abra– bams Children, do~h fufficiently evince the Grace of Election to have been the caufe ofthe difference. And however the dnft and current of the Apoflles Di– fcourfe clearly inlinuates it. For in the other in!\ance about Jacob, He mani– fe!\ly declares it in thofe words Ver f. 1 r. Thilt tbe purpo[( according to Ele– Glioll mightjland, And his Allegati0n of 7acobs infiance, and of Ifaacs are both to one and the fame purpofe, which is to prove an Election; Whi~h he propo!ed as his Thefis, or A!Tertion in the words afore, IfTherefore the One doth fo exprefly mention an Election of him as the caufe of this difference of him from ljhmatli Then certainly the fame holds as intended in that of him as well as that of Jacob. Now that Election was the dec1ared caufe io th~ Cafe of J acob, he produceth two Tefiimonies out of the Old Te!\ament the onegiven his Mothet'whil!\ both were in the Womb; the Eldtr ( namely, by Birth ) fha!J (erve the¥ounger. The other utterd by the Prophet, Jaco!J have 1 loved, Efau have I hated. Servitude was ufed to exprels the Curfe ofreje– ction, as Gm. 9· 25. Cttr{ed be Canaan a Servant of Serva>Jtsjhan be be 1111to hu Bretbrm. And in EJizu it lignified alfo the lofs ofthe Inheritance which he had by Birth-right, which was the Type of Heaven; All which agrees with the cafe ofJfhmael, Gal. 4th. The So11 oftbe Bo•Jd-womaujhan tJot bt heir with tbe Sot1 ofthe Free-woman. And fo thereby the Inheritance of Heaven, was declared not to be de!igned by God to him ·; And fo the Promifes not to intend him. And this was faid of him, when yet he had not done good or evil, that is; without the coofideration of the difference of any Works, in either to have moved God to have put tile difference; And this comprehended with Efau, firfi, the Edomites who came of him, in whom the Curfe began, and defcend– ed to them, as in the fame Prophet Matacbi, t. 4· They fha!J can tbem thepeo· pie againfl wbom tbe Lord hatbi11dig11atio11: Whereas on the contrary, the Love and Blelling took hold firfi on Jacob, and fo defcended down to thofe that were the Children of Promife among!\ his Seed. Thus much for what of this Argument IS in the Ninth Chapter ofthe Epi!\lc to the Romans. Now how punaually doth the Apo!\le continue to profecutc this fame Ar– gument here in this I I thChapter, though more amply and in plainer Terms, yet to the fame I!Tue, and Effect, wh1l!\ he a/fumes the fame d!fhna10n ofChil– dren ofl'romife there difiinguiihed from the re!\ of Ifraet, as Children ofthe flelh, as here He doth of Hts people whom he forekuew as the Original Caufe of that difference, now in the Apo!\le his days, put between a few and the tefi ofijraet, that were palfed by which he doth in plain words, Verf. 5· E· vm [o then at this prejmt time a!Jo there i1 a rem11a11t accordi11g to the EteGli– ofGract. AndVer(. 7· What tbm? Ifrael hatb11ot o/;tained that whicbhe feeketb for; bttt the EleGlion batb obtained it, andtherefl were bli•Jded. So as whoever will but confider the reference, and refpea thefe and other paffa– ges in this 11th. Chapter, h~ve with thofe Chapter the 9th. mufr withal acknowledge, that 1f ElectiOn to Salvauon be meant m th1s I tth, Chapter (which no man can deny ) that it mull alfo be intended in Chapter 9· which fcope divers have gone about tofrufirate and make Null. Well, I come to thofe; Now when Ifrae! grew up to be a Nation, and to be a Ghurch unto God, as they are called in the 7th. oftheAGls.Why that G<>d did take the whole Nation in the Type, bccaufe he had an Election among them. It is put upon Elell:ion as you will fee in 2:leut,I 4· 2· Says he,the Lord tby God bath cbpjm thee to 6e tl pew/Jarpeople to btmje!fabove an the Nations that are upoMhe Eartb. That he chofe them above all the Nations; Was it be• caufe theyufed their Free-will better, for which he thus chofe them ? Oh No,he tells them along, that thry were af/i{ffltcked peoplt; and he tells them he did Foreknow what they wculi:l be, V em. 31. 2 r. I k11ow tbnmagtvatJo1JS whic!. tbey go abot<t, fori fee their wickednejs, yet have J cho(m them~ Their Vitlf was the Vme of Sodom, 'Veut. 32· 32• Tho.- f'111e worft . thiHI