Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of ElecHon. tbmt the Vine cfSoqom: If yo~ readit as it is in the Margeot, worfe tha!' the"-"-'"' Heathot a~out them, Ezek. 5· r. He Ju!lified Sodom and Gomorrah in compari- Chap. 3· fon of them, Eztk. r6. 47• 48. Yet Election prtched among them, though ~ they had changed his Statutes more then any People,_Thou waft corrttpted more thm they in alt thy ways,look m Ezek.).6.A11djhe bathcbmgedmy ]ttdgments i1llo wickednefs mort then tbe NtJtiollS_, 1111dmy ftt:tttles more the1tthe Comztrys that "" rou11d abotlt her: for they hatJe refu{ed my Judgmmts, and my StatUifJ, they hnvt 11otwatlud i11them. Yttthe Eleclion took place among iliem. . My Brethren • it is to me a great Obfervation, though he chofe them to be his People in a Type, that there were a Company among them on whom his heart was fer: There was Mofes, as he is called the chofe" ofGod, and AaroiJ: What to office only? No; there was more in it. Exod,B.Ik"ow thee by Name: And a~ the 19th Vtrf when God · was to proclaim his Mercies, He faid', I Wotltd make altmygoodtufs topa{s before thee; tllld I wilt proclaim the 11ame of the Lord before thee; mtd will6e Gr11ciom to whom I will be Gracrom , mtd will /hew Mercy 011 whom I will/hew Mercy. The Lord profdf<s this aforehand , that he intends this but to fome fpecial On,es among them, I will be merciful, but to whom I will be mercift~l. The Apofile quoting _ it in the Cafe of Election, adds; Whom bt will be Hardms. It was an Electi– on whom he knew by Name. What is Election? Why, It is I will be merci– ftill ro fuch and fuch : Merciful , faith the Lord , that hath m.rcy on ther;that is that hath chofen thee, and pitched his Mercy on thee. . · 'well then;when thePeople were come into the[and,and theWorfhip of God began to be ferled,!lill Election ran one way more then another. There were, you know, Ten Tribes, and there were two Tribes:Eledion fhewed which way it bended.l fhall give you a place out ofthe P[atms; P(at.78.6],68, Morrover, hr refufed 1hr Tabernacle •lJofeph: a11dchofi! 11ot tht Tnbe of Ephraim. Buf chojethtTri6rofJudah; the mou11t Sion which hr lowd. He fpeaks of the times ofthe Judges: The rejection of the Ten Tribes began to fl1ew itfelf fo6n; tie fays, he refufedthe Tabernade·of Ephraim; but he chofe Judah. After Sotomon's time they fell to Worfhipping of Calves; (Let me tell you, it is the declining of Election that undoes a Nation; when Election grows low, and ceafes in an Age) till atlafi the Ten Tribes were cafi off, and they are, at this day: But theTribeofJudahhad Election among them. Well,come to Gcfpel times:When Chri!l fir!! fent his difciples out, he gave them a Command,and he gave them an ln!lruction,as you may readin theioth <ifM,mhew,andthe toth,of Luke.lri Matth.1o.5,9·fays he, Thtjflwt!ve Jefus [r11t forth, a11d commalldtd thrm, faying, Go tzot mto tht way of the Gmttlts, and i11to ,my city ofthe SamaritmlS mterye 11ot: Butgo rather to tht loft fheep of thr Hottft of Ifrael.Yet afterwards, when the Regions were white unto Har– vc!l , then be bids them go and preach to every Creature, Mark. 16. l). YouhaveaDirectionwhichhegives them. Luke ro. 6.Go1eand fay, Ptacr be tmto thu Houfe; but be not troubled if it be nor entertained: If tht Son of Peact be thert, your Peace fhall re{lttpot~ it: That is, one that is ordained to Peace and Salvation. What fays Pm<l, Huh the Word takm tzone ejfrfl? Brother, fayshe, therebem"trythoufimdsof the Jews that do Be– Jievt: If there be a Son of Peace, it fl1all Re!l upon that Soul. Why now then, when our Saviour Chri£1 was gone off the Earth, gone up to Heaven , he fent · the Apollle; and where the Election rook place, they obtained Salvation.What is the Reafon thattheA po!lles were forbidden to preach in fome places a– mong!! the Gentiles, aAd bid to fiay in other ploces? lt was bccaufe that God hadmuch People there: Look in ARs r6. 6, Now whm thry hadgone through Phrygra, mtd the Rrgiou of Galoria, and wrre for6iddrtl of tht Holy Gho/f to preacbthr word m Afia, aftrr they were come toMyfia, they af{rt)'td to go intoBythrma; but tbt Spzrit jujfired thtm 1zot. What is the reafon,on the other fide, when they were at Corinth Chap. 18. Vrrj. 9· 10. Pa11lbeing at Corinth the Lord fpake to him by a Vifion, foeak, bt1101 afraid , for I am witb tb~e, and 110 Mmt fbatl {et o•i thrr to hurt thee: For I have much 'People i11 thu City, And wl•en they came to a City, one expelled them, others entertained them: F t. What