Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleefion. ~What is the account that P ,mt gives of it, Ads q. 48. As many M were or– BooK I. . dai11ed vtrto Eternal Life, betievrd. There were but a few among thofe ~Gentiles that Believed, others !lirred up Perfecutions, and they expelled them their Coa!ls. Jefus Chri!t from Heaven forbids Pmtt to !lay any longer at Jer~<[atem but to go to the Gmtitn, AC1s 1.2. I8. 21. Iw.u in a tratJct, mzd ]mD him J•yi11g unto me, make haff and get thre 'JUick/y or<t of Jerufalem, for they wi/J 110t recrive th~ Tejlzmony concerning mr; whitherjha/J hego then 1 Verf. 21 . And he faidu111o me depart,for I wi/Jfend thee far henceumo the Gentiles. It was as EleCtion ceafed, or was found, fo they were fentaccord– ingly to Preach. Where there was a good company ofthe EleCt, the Gofpel ran like wild lire. I The[ '· 5· fays Pa11t, I k.10wyottr EtrC1io11 to be of God, Why ? For ou·r G9jpet came 1101 toyott in Word, but itJ Power, a11d i11 the Ho. ty Ghofl, audi" much Aj[ura11Ge. You know what manner of men we were aF.tongyou. God did mightily raife up my Spirit, and did a great deal of Good.-I need not tell you why the ]ews were ca!t off, and the Gmtites called: You may read from the gth. to the rllh: Chapter ofthe Romans. Come to the Dark times of Popery, after the Apo!lles were·gone offthe Stage. He tells you, that all the World fhould wonder after the Bea!t; it is in two places, I l Rev. 8. AU that dweU on the earth, jha/J Worfhip him whofe 11ames are not written ilzthe La1Jlbs book of tije: Look itl the 17 Chapter, 8. 'And they that dwell on the Earth fhall wonder, ( whofe Names were not ' written in the Book of Life, from the foundation ot the World) when they 'behold the Bea!t that was, and is not, and yet is. You are come now to our very times. There will come a time when thofe hnrdned people the Jews, that they fay, jpitatthe NameofChrift. Conti– nually hardncd more, and more, and caked in hardnefs this I 6oo Years. The Rom. r Ith. tel!.s us, that there is a time coming, whrrei11 aOlfraeJjha/J 6e Ja– ved, 25, 26 Ver( of Rom.'trth. I would ttot Brethre11, that ye jh"uldbe rg– t/Orattt of t/;i< M; fiery ( Lefl ?'e jhoutd be wife ill your own Concntr) that btitJd11e fs i1) port i; happe11ed to Ifrael, tmtit the ftd11e[s of the Gentiles become i11. .Andfo aU Ifrael Jha/J be faved, &c. Why ? But what is the Cafe ofthefe Eltd. • As concerning the Gofpel, they are Enemies for your fakes; But as touching the EleClion, thry are Belovedfor the Fathers fake, Verf. 29. For the Gifts and Cnllings of God are without Repentance. The Gmtiles have had it fo many hundred Years; What is the reafon ofdifference? it is EleCtion; There– foreheconclud es, OthrdepthoftheRiches, 6oth of the Wzfdom atJd Know; ledge of God I how U11jr!lrch,z6!e are hujudgmt~Jts, mzd hi; ways pajl ft11ditrg out. CHAP