Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleClion. CHAP. IV. 1 be ln~ance of Noah, and bir being Sav'd in an Ark, and God's Covenant made with him prov'd more large– ly and fully to be a Great Exemplar, and Typical Repre– ftntation of EleEFion, and the Covenant of Grace. I N that draught of the Line ofElection that runs thorough the whole Scrip– tures, I could but briefly touch upon that one Particular infiance of Noah, and his Sons: But my meditations have been Since more efpecially inlar– ged about this Noah: That not only himfelf, in his own Perfon, as recorded in His Story, to have been a fpeciallnf\ance and Example of Electing Grace, and of the Covenant thence flowwg; but farther, that Gods Covenants made with him , and hisSeed, and Gods dealings with him (according to thofe Covenants) were Prophetique Figures of His Cov<nant with his Church, in the times of the New Tef\ament; who were, by vertue of the Election of Gnce, to be rai~ed up out of his Loin~: And the demonfiration of this out of the Scriptures, ts the Defign and SubJect of thts .Appmd1x; whtch I chofe thus to fever from the former, becaufe it would have taken up too much room in rhat brief Enumeration of fo many other Pcrfons that are inf\ances of Ele– ction in that Catalogue; and yet it fubferveth to the fame end, and purpofe: I therefore annex it thereunto, as an .Appmdix to rhat difcourfe. 1have a long time look't at that which both the Old Tef\ament, and the New Srile the Covma11t of Grace, or the New Covenant, to be but Etr– flion:PurpofeJ, and Deligns p~t into P~omifes: God ex~relling therein the gracious inrenttons .' and refoluuons of htmfelf towards lu.s Elect, wluch had been taken up by htm from Etermty : Only whereas Electwn m Gods Heart then, did defign the individU<ll Perfons, together with the things decreed, to them he bath in the Promifes; and revealed declarations of the Covenant of Grace concealed t he particular Perfons; And cloth only i11deji11itt!y propound the Subjects, of thofe Promifes touching the Perfon intended, that they are Si1111trs of MmJkitJd, and that of fill fort! and Conditioll!; to whom, and upon whom, God therein declareth that he will certainly, and infallibly make good that Covenant, and the Promifes thereof: And himfelf bath thqrein un– dertahn to perform it;, them, though not for them, as to give them new Hearts and tJeW Spirits; to trach thrm to know him, al'ld his Son ChrJ/1, the Mediator of that Covenant, and the like; And in fuch abfolure terms ofPro– mifes on Gods part cloth that Covenanr run, with difference from the Cove· nant of Works; fo as the Materials of the Covenant of Grace are All one with E!eftior1 decrees, in the thi11gs decreed, though the Perfons are not na– med whom God will infallibly bef\ow rhem upon ; but yet with greatef\ cer– tainty declared that God will perform it to and amongfl Mankind: and yet the Per(om who, being left indefinite, that ought to fer All awork to feek to come under it, in fuch ways as God bath commanded All men that within the hearing of it feek him in. Noah's Story, doth, partly in the reality to his own Perfon, partly in lhe Type of things in that Story : Thefe iwoEmi11ent ptlrls, concerning our Sal– vation. r. Gods Covenrmt of Grace; and Gods rverlajling Kindnefs therein; which is the fpring of that Covenant: a11d for that I tal<e Ifai. 54· 9• JO, for my Text. 1 r. The Type of the Mediator of that Covenan~, Chrif\; which was rhe Ark and how that Chrifl as fignified in our Baprifm, is the foie Author of Sal– vation 'o us: And for that I refer to the 1Peter. >· 2o, u. Which fomrtime wer( 37 ~ Chap.4. ~