Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EM1ion. ~were dJfobfdwtt, when 011ct the tong ju/Jtring of God waitedin the days of BooK I. Noah, white tht Ark wM a frtparing: Wherein few, thAt i< nght Souls ~ wtrefaved6j Water: THE LIKE FIG VRE WHEREUNTo EVEN BAPTISM DOTH ALSO NOW SAVE VS (Notth; putting awa~ the jitthinefs of thtflefb , _611t the anfwer of a good Confcin 1 te towardGod) 6y the rejurreflio11 of Jrjm Chrifl. Ill, Thework of the Covenant in us and upon us ; namely of Fllith (!ic. which God hath as peremptorily alfo ordained to be the means of the applicati· on of Chrill for Salvation to us; and without whii:h we fhall not be faved : And for this uke Noahs in!lance, He6r. 1 r. 7· By faith Noah 6ei1lg warned of God, of things 11ot {tell as _yet, moved withfear, prepared aH Ark to the [avi1lg of hi< Houfo; 6y the which hr condemned thr World, and became t.rir of the RighUo114 which ilby Faith. The Example of No~h there in the Type, fet ~ut , .grves us a ltvely Patter~ of the Work of Salvatton ·~ us, anfwerin'g to hrs Farth a?out the Ark (that 1s) through the work of ApphcatiOn to us 6y Faithon Chnft IV. The Difficulties, Dillreffes, Hazards, Temptations, thorough which we pafs, (after our being in Chrill, ) under the Covenant of Grace , 'ere we arrive at Heaven: And for this I take thole words in the foreclred, I[ai. _5'4- 11. !J thou ajjlifleil, a~1d tojfrdwith trmpr~, a11d t1ot comforttd ! fpeak· mg to hts Church, whrch in therr coherence wtth the verfes afore 9· and to. have manife!\ly a refped toNoah's Condition in the Ark: which in thofe g.and I o, verfes , God bath firfl made mention of. And it is the firll of thefe , upon lfai. g. 10. which I fing!e for~h for 'TlY pre~ fent Argument; which is an Examplication of EteEtion, and of the Covenant of Grace inNoahs Perfon and Story. SECTION I. Of Ele!lion , and the Covenant of Grace; and the Church of the new Tejlament; the Subject of both; as typified forth in Noahs Sto– ry. That Noahin hi-s ownperfon was intended as an Example of E– lection, the Covenants made with him before the Flood, and with him and hi-s Sons after were Types of the Covenant ofGrace: Proc ved in a Difcowfe on Is A I. LIV. ,, 8, g, IO, I I. For a .(mall Moment havt 1 for(akenthee; btttwithgreat Mercies wiU lga– thrr thee. In a little wrath I hid my face f~om thee for '' Moment; but with evertafting kitJdneft witt I ha'vr Mercy 011 thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer. For thi< ir M the waters of Noah tmto me: For .ui havefwom that the waters ofNoah pJoutd no morego over thr Earth ; j o have 1 fwom that] wiU not 6r wroth with thee, nor rebuke thtt, For the MoantaitJS jhaUdepart , attd the Hitls foatl 6r removed i but my kilzdnefsjbatt not dt· part from thee; neitherjbatt the Covenmzt of my Peace 6t removed, faith the Lord, thathathMercyonthtt, 0, Thou ajjl1ffed, toffrd with Tem· pes1, and not comforted! THat thefe words fpeak in the firfi place, the pure Covenant of Grace, and the everlnllingnefs and perpetuity of that Grace, and Covenant, as it flows in God's Heart in, and from Election, may be apparent in the very reading the words : And Secondly, That they refer to the St_ory of Noah's