Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. 39 Noah's Covenant and Waters at the Flood, as the Figure, arid Exemplificati- ~ on thereof, I hope, through God's Grace, to make evident, throughout this Chap.. 4<· whole Difcourfe: Bur at prcfenr, ~ 1 . For the Firft; You have not only the very word [Co'l1mant] in exprcfs terms, Verf. 10, My Covtnant,an? that of my Peaet; but alfo the p~re Graet and Ki11dr1tjJ of God, out of whtch he made the Covenant, and whtch he ex. ercifeth throughout in all the Dtfpenfauons of 1t : Tht> thofe many words. that furround the Text do declare. As ~bat, With everlafling kitJdnefs w•lt I have mercy on thee, Ver{, 8, My kindnefi (hall11ot depart from thee,f'aith the Lord, that bath merry 011 thu, Verf. 10. And that fhe Grace of Eledion (though it be not underthat term, or word mentioned; yet) in fenfe and re– ality is fpecified; that word, with [ everlajlir1g] kitJdrufl, inlinuates; as grafping within it both Everlaftiogs: A kindnefs everlafting for rime to come, being but the continuation of an everlafting Mercy and Kindnefs, that bath been for ever of old, Pjat. 2), 6, Remtmber, 0 Lord! thy tender mereits; a11d thy loving kindntJ/ts ; for they havt been evtr ofold: That as God's own everlaftingnefs comprehendeth both , Pfat. 90. 1. Evm from everlafling io everlaj/i11g, thot~artGod; fodoth, and is his loving kindnefs towards us : And thofe other words, S0•s the Lord that hatb mercy 011 thee; Mijtrator tum; which is a Periphralis of Eledion, and is Tantamount, as to fay, Tht Lord who hath cho{etJ thee, as Rom. 9· (where Election is handled) the Apo• file exprelly doth lhew. For the Second of thefe; That rhefe things arc found in, any may be fetcht out ofNoah's Story and Covenant,declared to him upon occalion of the Flood, appears from this in the Text : That God, to verifio the Truth of his Cove– nant to his Church, alledgeth, and referreth both himfelf arid us to the Wa– ters of No11h: Thi4 i4 lht W11ters of Neah [to mf,] faith he. Three Ge11eral Head1 of the firfl part of thU 'Difcourfe, drawn forth out of thfwords, Verf, 9• lri which words, and thofe that follow, God doth (for they are his wor-:15 by the Prophet, as his mouth) at once, point us both to Noah's Perfon, (whom therefore he twice mentions) and his Waters, in his Salvation from them; as an Example of that Covenant and Mercy, which now he promifeth Unto his Church, and all her Children, (as Ver('e i l· they are called ;) to per– form the fame to them, as he had done it then to him: As likewife, 2, That theStpry of him, arid his Waters, or Flood, and God's Covenant with him, his Sons,~c. and Oath thereabouts; though in the Letter, the femblance they bear was but of that Temporal Salvation aild Deliverance. from the Flood ; yet in the Myfiery thereot they were (as is here lignified) intended as Fi– gures ofGod's e~ernal Covenant and Mercies unto his Elect Church,which were to come out of Noah's atld his Sons loyns: Which Church, l· that is here fpe. cially pointed at concerning his Covenant; with which he fays, Thu i4 to mf fhe Water< of Noah; is the Church under the New Tet:lament, and the Seed of ']aphet efpecially , whom this Covenant and Prom,fcs do more particularly concern, as in Verj. 1, 2,l. of this Chapter will appear. And thcfe are the Thre·e Heads and Branches of this General pare of this Difcourfe. The Firft of thefe Thre·e Heads haih t\VO Branches in it : The firt:l, concerning Noah's particular l?erfon; that he was firfi in– tended in it as an Example, as well as a Type· of that Grace, and E– . ledwn, and Covenant here declared to the Church. The fecond, That theCovenants made with him afore the Flood· and with him and his Sons after; were Figures of the fame,~c. '. f. Noah