Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of ElefJion•. ~ BooK L I. Noah in hu ~~~ Perjon, was intmded tis m1 Example o{lhe Covr 1111111 V'"V""'.. ofGrace. . . . That Himfelfwas the Principal, and Firfi Covenani; Or declared Heir of the Covenant of Grace: And that made known to Him by God himfelf up– on that occafion of the Flood, is evident by this ; That He is laid by Fa;th to h,we e11tertamed it, and accepted on his parr, Coils declarations made then io him, as underfiood by Him, to be the declarations ofthe Covenant ofGrace. And therefore it mufi be that God alfo on his part, had with that intention ut– tered that Covenant utlto him Perfonally : Now that North did well under– fiand, and apprehend, th•t under the Type ofcheArke, and his Salvation thereby, that a further Salvation, than Temporal, was fignified thereby to Him; and another manner of Ark than that of Gopher-wood; E.ven Chrifi the promifed Seed, to fave him from a more dreadful Inundation of wrath io come· And fo from a greater defiruction than that which the Waters only brough; upon the lives ol the ungodly ofthat prefent Age; That, I fay, He underjlood 6y FtJJth thtfe thi11gs; The Holy Ghofi that knew both Noahs heart, and Gods alfo, in his Covenant to Him, and Transactions . thereupon with Him, hath informed us, He6. 11. 7· By f ;•ith Noah bmtg warned o{Godof thingr not (een, prrpartd a1t Ark to the favingofhi&hou(t, by-thewhichHeco11dtm· "'d the World, and 6tcame Heir of the Righteou{11ejs which i& byfaith Which lafi words, He became hnr of the R'ghteoujiujS, which ub {azth~ do give us the true intent of the former words, by /hewing us, that Noah had in thofe dealings ofGod with him, the very fame righteouft~efs, for the Object of his Faith,' which our Gofpel now propofeth to us, ond which our Faith doth lay hold upon: (For why elfe doth He propofe it as an Example ofthat Faith He exhorted us now to have l) Which the inme Apofile in IllS other Epifiles doth in the fame Phrafe, and Language, !tile the Righteoufnefs of God; And the !Ughteoufnefs of Chrifi, which is by Faith, Pht!, 5· g. Not having mi1u vw11rtghteouj11e{s, which uof the Law, 6111 that which id throttgh the J:aith o{Chnjf, thtrighttoujitejs whJCh i& ofGod by Fllith: Which R.ighteoufnefs for jufiification, He more Setly Treateth of in the Epifile to the Romans, under the fame very words, Rom. 3· ~I, 22. Bttt 11ow ( that is, underthe Gofpel) [The rtghteott{tujS of God] Wtthout the Law, is manifejled; being wit11ej; ftd 6y the .Law, ·and the Prophets: [ evm the right fottjiujs o{God, which rs 6yfaithof JejwChrrfl :] Now Noahwas aPropher, Ge11. 9· Andamong o· · ther Prophets, witndfed to this. R..ghteoufnefs: himfelf firfi believing in it, and then being a Publick Prea·cher ot R.ighteoufnefs, (as the other Apofile calls Him :) And not only ofthat R.ighteoufnefs ofan holy Life, (in which he Himfelf fo exceeded, which follows upon Believing;) But ofthat R.ighteouf– nefs which is 6yfaith, as it hath Chrifi for its Object, And certainly, if He were a R.rghteous Preacher,) as He was ; ·Then that Righteoufnef• himf<if had recourfe to hirnfelf, and his own Salvation, that he Preached unto others, for therr Salvation·: Now it was that Righteoufnefs Noah had an upon, (as Typified by his Ark, and from thence had learned it; ) and had recourfe unto, for his Eternal Salvation : (As the Apoflle to the Hebrews Tefiifies:) Although He were, as is tefiified of Him, in refpell of his own inherent Righteoufnefs, the mofi Righteous Man in his Generation: a perfeCl avdj11jl Mau, And in Sign and Token, that yet He had his Eye upon this R.ighte– nufnefs out ofhimfelf, to fave Him, it was, that through the fame Faith He betook himfelf to that Ark, a means wholly out ofhimfelf~ to faveihim from the waters: which otherwifc,all his own R.ighteoufnefs would never have done: For why elfe is i? there faid, that by preparing the Ark, He became Heir ofthe Righteottfnef! which i& 6y Faith. Which Righteoufnefs by Faith, to be Chrifrs Righteoufnefs, all found Protefiants do protef<: And as the Rightecufnefs Ho believed on,nndwas made Heir of,was this Gofpel-righteoufnefs,fignifiedtoHtm by the Ark; So the refi orth6fe things there mentioned, did in their feveral de· ti;5ns much Type out to Htm, things Spiritual; and oflike Spiriw~l Myllery.As the flood Typed forth the wrath of God rmfem by carnal eyes: And tbecon· dc mnation oft he World there fpoken of, was the condemnation to Hell, and ao1