Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eletlion_. not to the waters only, as 'PeJer in!o~ms us : Yea,. and Ht: co_ndcmned the~.._.....---.. World more by prepann~ that Ark, and by Preaching, a Jiofpel-Rightcouf, I> 'P· 4: nefs to Men, or the MrlJwh to come, whom He ts alfofard to have Preached iq~ the Figure, I Ptl. 3· '9, 20. than /;y all hu hotuufs; As that Hd,, r r..7· dorh wirnels. · . · Let us now approach to br!ng together, what I premifed concerning th~ Covenant and Grace, and Election; (Which. are.theSubjeC!: of the Te;ct in Jfr 1 iah, and mine alfo ; ) And the Pa!Tages which we find in Gmejis concern, ing Noah, together: And fee how appofitely they corrdpond, and agree to this my purpofe. . ._ . , . . . 1. it is greatly Obfervable ' · that m the Sacred Story, Nuah, was thdir{! ofthe Sons of Men, umo whom God ever fpoke of a Covenant. There w.a~ Promife indeed ofChriil, the Womans Seed, uttered before; Which al11he Patriarchs belore the Flood lived upon: But under the TirleofaCovenanr; never no mention; no, nor ofthe word Grace, rill now : Noah had t:,e firfl: honour of both thefe Gofpcl eJpreffions, G•·aa ,zndCovmam. And there, fore moll properly, and meetly, hath God here iolfaiah, fin,gled out the In: fionce ofNoah !or both:lor,Primum in ifuoli6etgenere tjl mmfura rrllq11orttm: The firll in every kind,is the meafure ofthe rcfi of that k.nd, that do atier fol– low: This ofCovenant,you find in Gflt.6. ,g 8111 withThn will I e/1.16/tf/Jmy CovnwJt:There's the Firll, And 2ly. the expreliing of Grace isto Him,and firft to Him;in Vaj.8. Bttt NoahjotmdGrace m the Eyes of the Lord. And it's God~ own Speech unto H1m,though fpok cn byGod as 10 the Tlmd Perf<m ocHimfelf: And i~ is not the addition of Mo(es the; But it comes in a continu– ed Sermon made to Him, by God Himft!f, and ut tered prtv:iiely to ••nne but H<m: And that Speech is pure New Te!lament Langoag~: To ji11d Grace a'l_4 obtain Mnty, as Heb. 4· 16. And after it had been thus firft uttered to No" llh,thisSpeech came after into more frequent ufe ;both m the Old,anrl New Te– fiamenr, As unto Mofes, Exod. ll· 12, Vnto D avid buchpfm, Ads 7· 45.. And the blelfed Virgin M,ITj, Luke 7· 70. Thou art Eng>·attaud : grrJtla do, nata: endowed with God• favour, and the Senfe is the fame: And this Ti, tie, Noah was the firfl: th~t bor~ ,i_, as a new Addirion ro rhe Coat ofArms of Gods Elett; Wh:ch from that ume they have worn as the higbe!l Title of Honour. And it was not afore now given to Noah: Yea, Gr2ce in rhe Ht6rew (a; Ai,f..vorth Obfcrves ) is .in a .ritanner th.e .lin<~grrmi of N oah, his Name: though the Lettersin t!•• N,ame Noah, do in tljtir d,red Order tignifie Reil:;_ Yet fuch a Reil asts out ofGrace gtt<en, and beflowed, wl11ch an inverted order ofthe Letters figmfi~s; Seeforthis Ainfworth on Gnll6. 8. -, And Thirdly; it was the Grace that is, and was in Gods H'eart towards Him, that is riteanr, as that addlti~ral fllews, (In tht ryes; or mind of]tho– vah:] And not that Grace which was inNoabsHeart: Thatwas butthe effect. To find Grace in o,nes eyc;s,. is io.deed _a phrafe ufed likewtfe of Ma11;, liemg favourable to another, (as m thofe places, Gen. l4· I 1.--- 1 Sam. i . •8. And many orher:) Which vet comes thrn to be ufed, when the kindnefsfought. or robe beilowed,dcperi'ds meerly on the good wifl ofthe Man· who is to ea!\ it upon the orh'er, i nd wfierein they ihat feel< it,when tha' man~. rier ofSpeech is ufed by them, do ack~owledge n'o, or worth in them:: [elves, why that fav0l1r fhould be fheweli them: And therefore much lflore it h~th th'ar iniporr, when it is fpoken ofGod, and o'fhis Grace towards Man , . ?I whom the Apuf\Ie fays; Who hr~th{ir(l givt1 .~o Htm!.&c. And moreover rmporrs, t13t God, .Eves! . an,d Forelight, faw. nothing m rhe Creature, why. H~.n10uldEndo" rl~m wtth it; Yea, furthermore, ~o ~nd G racein Gods eyes, . is when God prevents the Creature. in its very f,.eking of 1t; As lj'uah 65. 5• I am found t{thun that (ought mi 11ot Which was becaufe th.ey had lound Grace in Go?< eyes.aforethey fought it; And witho~t rh.cir having done any; thmg to m~vc fjtm to 1t, And the word [Found] alfo, ·winch . is adde<l lfnt? Gr,aci ;' 9r, as here) dorh fuperadq to this import;· The Gr£e~a11S call. •,.rh,mgu·~~:'ok_~ fo~ i ~?f, of:,- 0~ Jr~~lv ~aq_on o,ne,(bv chanceasit;· were) Without h!S loolungfor rt :· They c~ll;.~t r.,,,...., · A·t'biog'found: 4-.ncl, G fuch