Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Ele£lion. ~ fuch is Gods Grace, as that word, jou11d grace, Intimates : All which ex. llo oK I. prellions fuit perleCtly with Grace in God EleCting, or with Electing ~ Grace. The eminente!l Perfon tow horn Grace (as EleCting) is aur,buted was M ofe".r, who bears that Title, e.:;Mojes hu chojm, Pfal. 106. 2 3· And th~ Elel.i ion of Him is expre{\ by this very Phrafe, Exod. 33· 12. 1 know the. by Name, and thou · hll{l alfo jou11d Grac' 111 my fight: That is, God had chofen Him freely, to,be Per!onally, and individually [His:] And we find Gods Foreknowledge, is put to exprefs El~Ction, as I! is Gods Fou11datiou: Th• Lord knows who tlre hts; And Gods People whomHe foreknew, iri Rom. 11. 2. Are in Verj.) But aremnmrt accordilrg to the Eldfron ofGrace :And fo towards Mojrs, Gods Grac&ca{\on him, was the fole pruduet ol Gods Will: So Verf. 19. of Exod. 33· Interprets it, and applies it to Him, 1 will 6egrtzciotM to whom I writ begracioH4, God therein givingMojfs the true ground, and account, w~y He was .gracious unto Him, when not to others: And therefore thofe very words are cned under the ln{\ance, and Cafeo! Mo· jfS, by way of difcrimination from Pharaoh, as the oppofite Perfon whom MojfS had to do with, to prove EleCtion, R om.g. 1). And in the fame tenor and meaning of Speech, it is, thatGoddeclaresofNoah; Noahhathjou11d grace i" the eys of Jehovah: And tt may alfo be faid of Him, that God kNew Him by Name: For to te{\ify his having.Pre.Qrdained Him, and fepa· rated Htm from the Womb, (as Pattl fpeaks ot Htmfell) unto Salvation; As alfo that deliverance in the Flood, out ofhis meerFree·Grace; He infp1red his Father wtth a Prophecy about Htm, at hts very Bmh : Look as God infpired his great Prophet Enoch, to give his Son Mtthufdah, a Name that foretold the Flood, and t~e Year of the coming of it,. being by lllterpretation, He dy– eth; The emij]101z, or. Dart comew, meantng the Flood : Enorh being a Prophet, foretdleth thts hts Son fbou ld dte, and then the Flood fhould be emit· ted: (And therefore our days, as Mfthujitahs were, are appointed, and fer:) In like manner God infpired Noahs Father with a Name, which !oretold the lmighcar Refloring ofthe Earth lrom that Curfc ; (Even from Adam, all along due to large g"' ~n it )from the Flood: And for rhe giving both the Earth, and a New World of ~f~ci:P~:rr~~~n Inhabitants, Refi: in it again, by that No.1h, who Was then born unto Him, L•m"b' Pro.. T hus Gm.)· 29. And t,,,s be111g loretold of Him at his Birth, when He had !~~ctico\~~~~~ do11e 11either .goo~, nor evit, ( As in the cafe otJacob~ Election ~ut ofGrace, he ""d'"'· and E(mrs reJeCtton, the Apo!\le Argues; ) doth plamly argue 1t was Gods red,nexall Free Grace towards Him, which had fcparated Him from the Womb hereun– !f~~:!~~~:~ to, and no Ri~hteoufnes at all of His, ~nd out of the fame Grace {\ill continu· Foond« or ed towards Htm : N0w when He acquatn"< Htm wnh h1s Purpofe to bring the thencwWor!d Flood, He tells Him, he would deJ ,ver Him out of it: And that it was his :~:;;~~',h;, foie Grace born 10 Him from the fir{\, that was the Caufe and Defigner ofthat ofrhc.Curk, his .Salvation; Thou haft jotmd GrtJCe tn myfight: And therewith utters a ~1rb"~g H•m· Covenant, Obliging Himfelffo to do. And though. God mentions the Grace, ~ur~:, ~he or Righteoufncfs t hat was inNoah alfo, yet as that, which that Free Grace eofer ofour which had been in Gods Heart towards Him from his Birth, yea, from EverJa, (~;;;~~~~:~ !ling, had wrought in Him, to make Him meet (<>r that Mercy, and Delive– '""" labour ranee : Yea, and further, to te{\ifie, He knew him by Name, and had Ordain– :~:~~·:~dag:it, ed hi_m out of pure Grace unto this, he gave Him aname, That in the Let· M.u. 11 .nrb. rers wverted bore the {\amp, and Imprefs of the Grace ol God, (as was be4 · Obferved:) Even as at the Bapti{\s birth; He by a wife difpofement ordered him a Name, lignifying in rhe indireCt placing ofthe Letters, Grace: Shewing that He wasoutofthatGrace feparated from the Womb,umohis Work, t:!Jr. As Noah here had been, And Fourthly, This was done (as I added) with a dtfcr/.mi1wtio11, or diffe– rence put between Noah,and the re{\ ofthe World,out of fpecialGrace to Him: (And EleCtion,orChoice,(which is to fingle one out from others) always fuppo· feth a leaving out ofothers:) And the occalion whereupon it comes in, is with a But; [ 8111 Noahfotmd Grace ,]&e. Which is fpoken even whil{l on the other hand Godju{\ afore had told Him,in the Verfe afore; I wi/J deflroy Mmrwho'" 1have Createdfrom offthf Earth, Verf 17· And then at the 18th. Ver{ But w ith Thu wit/ I eflabJijh my Covenant. He is at his [Bill] ag•.in : Thereby de· nouog