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Of Eleelion. noting the fame difcriminatiiig GraceofEledion, us if He had faid [But w ith ~ 'Ihu T] Singling Thee forth Petfonally, and by Name., from tHe refl ofthe Chap. 4· World [I will eflablilh my Covenant] thans , make this as a fure and {\able~ Covenant with thee: (as afterwaras David fpeaketll of Gods Covenant of grace with him z Sam, z~. 5·) which I do not with other!. So then, do but joyn Verf. 8. But Noah found Grace, &c. together with ~he wOrds ofVerf. 1 8, But with thee w1!JI tj/ablijb my Covenant ; and then you haVe 1. Grace declared to be the Foundation or fpriiig ofthis Covenant, Verf. 18; and 2. That Covenant itfelfdeclared to be flable, and irrevocably firm from out of the iame grace [I will eflablilh &c.] and ~· All put together riling up to this, as if he had plainly Stiled it['IHE COVEN,ANT 0 F G RACEJ.Thusitwas to Noah'sown perfon : Yea and fuch a Covenant as we ufually defcribe the CoYenant ofGrace to be:Proceeding from Eledion Grace at firfl,and continued ftable and firm out of the fame:as before we have in Noah's exampleexjjlained it; And, that it was the Covenant of Grace untoNoah'i Perfon , .and propo– pofed in him as a Pattern and Example to us, who were after to believe, there is further [ Rtafo" J for it. If the fame Covenant , as it was afterwards efta– ted upon A6raham and 'Davit!, are fo to be underflood (as generally we ac~ knowledge) then furely the firfl Covenant, that under that Tide and notion, God did promulge to Mankind, and thereof Grace by name was the Founda– tion , eflablilhed with this Man ; a Man of as great holinefs and acceptatiorl with God , as any of them were: For which you may take the Judgment of God himfe!f , who ranks him in the head of the firfl Three (I allude to 'Da– vid's)Worthies of the Old Tefiament:Ezek.14.14·A man perfed in his Gene– neration, and tingled forth of an whole World deflroyed before his Face,unto which he had been the Preacher of Righteoufiiefs , the Righuou(nefs of Faith, whereby men are to be fav'd in All Ages, arid thereby condemning them for neglecting and refuting that Salvation;Ht6.! 1.7,eveli to Hell, I Pet+ And further, the Beginner, :ind Founder of a new World; and in that rei~ ped a Type of a Secon~ Adam; Yea, and the Father of him, namely Cbri(l according to the Flclh; yea and with him of all the Eled, whether Jews or Gentiles, that after fucceeded: Then furely, I fay, this Covenant was to himfelf the Covenant of Grace, as well as unto any of therti, and promulged to him , as the Father and Head, as on behalf of the Eled his Sons, to proceed out of him ; as thoirs alfo was in them to their Children. If it be faid; That this Covenant refpeded only the Temporal Salvation of Noah in the Ark. ' Befides, That it may be anfwered, That fo did tHe Covenant, declared toDavid(in the firfl delivery of it, in 2 Sam, 1· from Verf. u. and fo on) fpeak but of his Houfe, and eflablilhing of his Kingdom to his Seed; whilfi yet his own Salvation Cz. Sam. 2~. )· God made with me a Covmant, and thu;. all my Satvatia>l) and the Salvation of the Eletl thorough Chrifl was intended therein: So here, It may alfo be replied, Thatthe word Grace as it is fpoken of God, and to el<prefs his Grace, is too deep a word to be beflow– ed only upon a meer temporal Salvation; but only ufed where the Eternal Grace, and Love of God is the Fountain of it; The favour God bore even to .Jfd,,m in Innocency, is no where fo far ennobled as to be fliled Gtact; nor are the <?ifts i~ Te~poraries tearm~dGract, thoug~ they be called Spiritual Gifts, m thm kmd, and freely gtven to the Rebelhous alfo. But,befides fuch Returns as thefe to this Ob~ellion,that which will make the AnfwerCompleat,ts theConfideration ofthe z.Branch afore propofed;Namelyl That Noah'sCovtnant, owr and btjidts its hfing to his Ptrjbn the Covt• na11t of Grace, andhe an Example thtrtofto tu there/"; that alfo both thar Covenant afore I he Floodfor hu umpord! Salvation in the, Ark, Gen. 6; 7· Chal'ters, a11dthat othtr afttr'the Flood, Gen. 9· wert Figurativt, or Pro– phetztjut 7Jpes zn Gods Intention of Eternal Salvation, unto himfttf, andtht Eltft of h~< PoFerity to comt, efPeciallf u'ndtr the New 'Ieflament, When this isjoyned and added to the former , and proved that it the ~'Ovenant of Grace toNoah's Perfon, &c. makes not only the Anfwer to the G 2 ob•