Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

44 Of Eleelion. ~objedion fufficiently cornpleat, but alfo will prove a foundation to the main BooK I. things to be built up in this following Difcourfe: ~ ThisPofition, the Apofile Pfterdoth inttrmim4 affirm, in his 1 Epifl. ~· Chap[. V. 20. 21. Godwaittd;, the days of Noah,whilfi thf .Ark WtU a pre. parmg [ wherej11 ljtw, that u eight Pfrfons were ftived through : [ thetikeftgurf whfreunto] evm Baptifm doth alfo [now] [ fove tu : J lt is exprcfs, that the Salvation of himand his Sons was intended as a Figure, and a Figure that did bear a likenefs, or parallel in it, unto 011r tvertaj/ing Salv 4 • tion , and the things thereof: And Further, that it was not only to Noab himfelfa Figure of his own Everlafiing Salvation, as figuring forth to him thereby that God would fave his Soul Eternally; but prefiguring that Salvation which is [now] revealed unto [ tts J (as his words are) and therefore pro· phetick of ours: For what under the Old Tefiament is called a Figure or a T ype of things of th.e 6ofpel, that did God., and ~is Spirit intend by that as a Shadow to figmfie and foretell a fubfianttal Reahty of thofe things to come under the New, .in the truth , and verity of them: For fo in cafe the Apoflle warrants us to under!tand Hf6r. 9· 8, 9, It. Thf holy Ghofl jignifyiiJg thertby ( fays he) Verf.8,&c. Thty being a Figure for the time then prefent,asVerf.9.ofgoodthings tocome; fo Verf. II, namely, thofe good things under the Gofpel, and the fame mu!t hold her~ in this; for the Apo!tle as exprefly calls it a Figure here as therein thofe mentioned, Ifthat Salvation then in the Ark was a Figure ofthat Gofpel Salvation now· Then Noa?'sCove.nantout o~ fpecial Grac~ ( i.n compare ~o the World) fo; that Salvauon of htm , and hts Sons, was m hke manner mtended for a Fi– gurt of that Covmant for our Salvation under the Gofpel: Yea , and alfo of that dJ[criminatioll of Grace, which was the Foundation of Noah's Cove· nant ; And moreover, this mu!t h.ave been the Figure alfo of a far more tran fcending Grace ,' to be th• ft!>llndation of our Covenant, proportionably in an excelling Glory of it , unto wh~t the Greatnefs of our Salvation bears ( as be– ing the c!fed thereof as the caufe,) in compare with that Temporal Salvatien of Noah' s: And that Grace of ours, is no other than that ExcuditJg Rich· ts of Grace our Gofpel fo extols, Eph. r. and 2, Chap. Thefe all arc ofa like comrilenfuration and Elevation, in this their kind and Proportions; As an E· verlalting Covenant; an everla!ting Salvation; proceeding from an everla {\. ing Grace , and Love : And then that which was the foie outward means of Noab's Salvation ( th~ .Ark;) mu!t have (it being a Figure in this Round) a fuperexcelling outward means anfwerably thereunto; as the foie means prefigured'· and that is Chrifi , the Mediator of that Covenant; in whom alone we are gratioufly accepted , and who is the Author of that eternal Sal– vation: Thefe all hang together (as we fay) on one String; are all connext, coherent, and infepara:ble, Covenant and Salvation : Thou haft made a Co– veRant with me (faith 'David) andf/edfajl, andthu u atJ"'' SalvatiotJ, Sam: 2~. and Grace and Salvation joyned; By Graceyt are {avtd; faid twice over, Eph. 2. But you have them all joyned, Even Chrifl our Ark, and all ufe and univerfal fu!frage of all the Prophets that have been fince the World began; Luke 1. 69, 7o, 7', 72, 71· .And hathraijtd up atJ horn of Salvation for"', •in tht hou[< of hu Serva11t David: .As he JPakt 6y the Mo11th of his holy Pr.ophets, which have 6eenfince the World 6egan: That wejhoutd6tfa– vtdfrom ottr Etumin, andfrom tht hmld of atJ that hate us; to perform the Mercr prom:fed to our Fathers, andtoremem6er his holy Covenunt : The Qath w.hicb.he }ware to our Father Abraham: Yea, and I may fay, which in the Figure he fware to Noah too: And my Argument for this is fetcht, not from,the real infeparable connexing and.hanging together ofthe things them– felves;and,that thcr~fqre ifbpt One ofthem be fet forth in the Type, the other mu!t"be,by confequence,and from the ·coojundion of the things themfelves in the verity itfelf,be fuppofed alfo to -El'ifi.This Argument,though it might hold (Hay)togrdve the Exi!tencc oftbofe other tbings that arefo connexed toge– ther,yet might prove an Argument that would fail us, ifwe fuouldgo about to: argue from the! Type i.t felf; for then the things argued mufi be alfo found to have a lineament of Similitude in the Typingof it forth in t!J.c.Type it fel[ - · Now