Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleelion. 45 Now no One Typealfo is in all thingsacompleat rel'refentacion, of the whole~ Subfiance of all that are connext Wltb, and appertam to the thing fignifi<d in Chap. 4• the Type. And therefore. it was, that <?od bath drawn a"d Painted our the~ things of the Gofpel 1n fo many feveral Ptdures, that on~ mtghr forelhadow more fpecially the refemblance of one thmg ', another or fame other. Yet this 1will affirm concermng thts Type of Noah s, that thts one of Noah, as it is infianced<in by our Apofile P~ter, bath the likenefs of as toany; and fpecially of All thofe four we ~ave .mfi£\ed on{ ~ whwh are the matn Studs , and Subfiantials of our Salvatton) as perhaps Wtll be lound m any other fingle In. fiance of any Type whatever, Our Apoftle, in that place t'erms our Gofpel· Salvation not barely Figure' '111.-.,, but .;.,,;.,..,,, a ltke ' j,,,; in compofitioodoth i>hance the fig. Figt4rt, (.as we tranflate it; ) a correfpondeor Fiaification of thAt .which it is compeunded ·gure c as ethers; ) .,u'irfj, ' aFj~ure , impor~s a l ~~enefs; with; as >.JTeP fignific:s apriC~j tin1~o.u1(}'Y but ~r»w~r, a like hkenefs;that ts, an exceedmg ltkenefs; ~~~~r~f:c:r~~~ :~~~ r;~a~~u~~iv~~!~~}.;cva~l as farr as a Shadow may be fuppofed to repre)ent a Sub- when it is added •o "" tik<nef• , that is, fiance ; Atlea(\ , that there is a than ufual likei~ a figurow th«hiug Figu><d, or I con• nefs than is found Ordin~rily in other figures: If not ~:;r~"r:;~~!c ~~~;;~h~:t~~a~~~~~di~ta~;: a ne~rer, yet that a larger extenfive likenefs fball be and comnson ~ ~twt:en things, of that na.. found in this, ifnarrowlyobferved: The Parallel Lines ~ui~u;rcr;:~~srbi~~:'fi~u~~t;:e~~mc;:~~;o~~U:~ of each run along further, and·correfpond in very many to this. And if it be raid that eh<w••d things alike, Now therefore , it being thus fpoken in her< dMI;,,, is applied unto the thing nrefpetl.of fimilitude, or likenefs; we might warraota- ~~r~~tva~iiae~~r~~grh~\~~fhr:f~h'e ;:~n~n~~ . bly go by this Rule (which in expounding the fignificatigu><d, r Anfw<r, That howmr it 1s tion of Types is agood, and fure Rui~) that when and !h::1; !i~:t~e~:~~!e; a;~~r~:~c~;~~n~ct~ where we find a Type of the Old Tefiament applyed tributed to the Figu><, orthingfigu><d;i< by the Holy Ghofi, to fomegood thing that w:ts to come !fle~, !hltln r~fpell ofmutualfimilnude, it under the New, which is the main Subfiance of that ;~f;i~:~;,'~t~d·~t,~, fi~~:::h;;:r~~~ Type; yea, and altho~gh it pro ye to be th~ thing, prettv", lo ><fpell of .heir tikend., And ro figured in the New, be lOflanc.ed 10, and potnted a_t,b~t Ltcomesall to ace, w1th wh1ch of the two · r. - I t h - t A 1 t o:tJ'77is compounded: For tn Htir. 9 . You m.~ome one parttcu ar; .Ye ~ IS warran 5 our PP tea IhaveoiY?fnnm.applledco tlteShadowofHea~ on of other parts wheretn a hkenefs or refemblance doth venlythJng>. appear between the Figure in the Old, and the thing fi- · . (lured, as we find them fcattered up and down; though they be not punctual– ly, and precifely applied to each of the Particularp, between which, and the Figure the likenefs proves to appear: The Holy Ghofi pointing us, though buttoone parallel, Sancl:tfies all the refi that appear parallel alfo: Thi£ rule holds in expounding parables; and it mufi needs be fafe in expoun– ding Types: So then, if Ptter had o.nly infiaoced but in one particular, that the Salvation in the Ark, f!ic, was a type of 6ofpel Salvation, fealed up in Baptifm, we might warrantab)y have made u.p th·ofe other we have mentioned; as that this Ark was the Fi~ure of our Chriit, as he. is applied to us in Baptifm; yea, and ofwhatev,er elfe we find to be in Bap· tifm touching our Salvation, analogous, or bearing refemblance with thofe paffages about Noah's Salvation in the Ark. We fee that the Apofile himfdf makes an application of the very number of Perfons that were favcd in No– ah' s Ark , to have had a fignificancy ·in it of the paucity, or fe wnefs of the Perfonswho !hall find the like fpecial Grace under the Gofpel, to be effe6ually partakers of Salvation; although multitu!ies lhall profefs Chrifiianity, and be., outwardly partakers of Baptifm : As in Noah's days there were many. tl]at, profelfed themfelves to be the Sons of God, · that peri!hed in the waters: l;hus, our Apo£\le makes ufe of that fmall tircumfiance of the Paucity of the Per– fans; and becaufe our Lord had foretold in his hearing, that there be few that find the narrowGate, and way thatlfadJ to Lif•; Matth. 7. 14. and ftw thatjhatt befaved,Luke 1 ~·'"~.and that for thjs caufe that jtw are ch~ftn, in comparifon of the many that are called; efpeoially of the many that go to Hell: Therefore Peter obferveth the fewnefs, but of eight Perfons, that were faved in the Ark , puts that into his Figure , there, cf the Ark : Wherein few, ( faxs he ) that u,,. tig'ht Souls were favtd : He in– tends not , ( though retaining the Number of eight the definite Numbef ofPerfons that is ofeight only under the Gofpel to be faved ( the Number of his